
#' query the database
#' query the database using an user-defined connection or a temp connection based on saved credentials.
#' @param con 		 a connection object returned by \code{\link{dbcon}}
#' @param q 		 a query string. credentials are stored on disk.
#' @param enhance	 FALSE. if TRUE then enhanceOutput() is applied by reference on the output.
#' @param asUTC		 for MariaDBConnection. not yet implemented
#' @param geom 		 name of the geometry column. Default to 'SHAPE'
#' @param tableNam   name of the table containing the geometry. 
#' @param ...        passed to dbcon
#' @seealso \code{\link{saveCredentials}},\code{\link{dbcon}}
#' @importFrom anytime anytime
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect str_split regex
#' @importFrom sf st_as_sfc st_sf st_set_crs

#' @export
#' @return a data.frame or a  Spatial*DataFrame (spatial_MySQL) for a SELECT query, or NULL for non-SELECT queries.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # A connection is made and used by dbq
#'  con = dbcon('testuser', host =  '', pwd =  'cs')
#'  d1 = dbq(con, 'SELECT * from tests.t1')
#'  d2 = dbq(con, 'SELECT * from tests.t1', enhance = TRUE)
#' # A temp. connection is made and closed once the data is retrieved
#' dbq(q = 'select now()', user = 'testuser', host =  '', pwd =  'cs') 
#' dbq(q = 'select now()', user = 'testuser',host =  '', pwd =  'cs',  
#' 	enhance = TRUE)%>% print
#' # spatial return
#' s = dbq(con, q = 'select * from tests.t3', geom = 'SHAPE')
#' s = dbq(con, q = 'select SHAPE from tests.t3', geom = 'SHAPE')
#' s = dbq(con, q = 'select * from tests.t2', geom = 'SHAPE')
#' }

setGeneric("dbq", function(con,q, geom, ...)   standardGeneric("dbq") )

#' @rdname dbq
#' @export
setMethod("dbq",signature  = c(con = "MySQLConnection", q = "character"),
		definition = function(con, q, enhance = FALSE, asUTC = TRUE, ...) {

		if( isNotSelect(q) )
			warning('Use dbExecute() queries returning no data.')

		o =  dbGetQuery(con, q, ...) 

		if(enhance) enhanceOutput(o)



#' @rdname dbq
#' @export
setMethod("dbq",signature  = c(con = "MariaDBConnection", q = "character"),
		definition = function(con, q, asUTC = TRUE, ...) {

		if( isNotSelect(q) )
			warning('Use dbExecute() queries returning no data.')

		o =  dbGetQuery(con, q, ...) 



#' @rdname dbq
#' @export
setMethod("dbq",signature  = c(con = "missing", q = "character"),
		definition = function(q, enhance = FALSE, ...) {
		if( isNotSelect(q) )
			warning('Use dbExecute() queries returning no data.')

		con = dbcon(...); on.exit(closeCon(con))
		o = dbGetQuery(con, q) 
		if(enhance) enhanceOutput(o)



#' @rdname dbq
#' @export
setMethod("dbq",signature  = c(con = "MySQLConnection", q = "character", geom = 'character'),
		definition = function(con, q, geom = 'SHAPE', tableNam , ...) {
		if( isNotSelect(q) )
			stop('Only SELECT queries are supported. Use dbExecute() for non-SELECT queries.')

		# re-format sql	
		newq = SQL2spatialSQL(q, geometry = geom)

		# get data
		o =  dbGetQuery(con, newq) 
		setnames(o, geom, 'geometry')
		o[, geometry := list(st_as_sfc(geometry)) ]
		o = st_sf(o)

		# get table name
			tableNam = SQL2tableName(q)

		# try get spatial reference 
			crs = try( getCRSfromDB(con, tableNam), silent = TRUE)

		if( inherits(crs, 'crs'))
			o = st_set_crs(o, crs) 


mpio-be/sdb documentation built on Nov. 18, 2022, 12:24 a.m.