
Defines functions layer_download

Documented in layer_download

#' Download layer from ArcGIS online
#' @param layer_info output from \code{layer_info}
#' @param outfields character or \code{NULL} (default). Quoted text with comma
#'   sperated field names. The default value of \code{NULL} will make the
#'   function return all the fields.
#' @param verbose logical, defaults to \code{FALSE}. Passed to
#'   \code{crul::HttpClient$new()}.
#' @param query character or \code{NULL} (default). The default \code{NULL} will
#'   return all records. Use a standard SQL style query to return a subset of
#'   records. For example: \code{"OBJECTID > 1 AND OBJECTID <30"}.
#' @return sf
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom purrr map2
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
#' @importFrom sf st_read
#' @export
layer_download <- function(layer_info,
                           outfields = NULL,
                           verbose = FALSE,
                           query = NULL) {

  ## Generate the query url
  url <- paste0(layer_info$url, "/query")

  ## Check if the layer allows query
  ## this is the only way to download data
  capabilities <- layer_info$capabilities
  capabilities <- strsplit(capabilities, ",")[[1]]

  if(!("Query" %in% capabilities)) {
    stop("The feature layer cannot be exported")

  ## Check if user specified outfield (fields returned by query)
  ## if NULL (default), query all the fields
  ## if user specified, use the user specified fields
  if(is.null(outfields)) {
    outfields <- layer_info$fields
    outfields <- paste0(outfields$name, collapse = ",")

  ## if query is NULL, return all records,
  ## else return queried records only
  if(is.null(query)) {
    where <- "1=1"
  else {
    where <- p_encode_m(query)
    where <- I(where)
  ## First query should return count
  ## if count is > layer_info$maxRecordCount
  ## then we need to make multiple queries broken up
  ## by the count/maxRecordCount
  summary_n <- make_request(url,
                            args = list(where = where,
                                        outFields = outfields,
                                        returnCountOnly = "true",
                                        f = "json"),
                            verbose = verbose)
  summary_n <- summary_n$count
  max_rc <- layer_info$maxRecordCount
  message(paste("Number of target records: ", summary_n))

  if(summary_n < max_rc) {

    ## This request will return everything
    data <- make_request(url,
                         args = list(where = where,
                                     outFields = outfields,
                                     returnGeometry = "true",
                                     f = "geojson"),
                         parse_json = FALSE,
                         verbose = verbose)
    data <- sf::st_read(data,
                        quiet = TRUE)

  ## Need to map/loop queries.
  else {

    ## This will query the object id field between 1 and
    ## max number of returnable records, then max number +1
    ## through max number, and so forth.

    ## This request returns the objectid field name and all the objectid values
    ## will use this to create a dataframe of object id values to query between
    j <- make_request(url,
                      args = list(where = where,
                                  returnIdsOnly = "true",
                                  f = "json"))
    id_field <- j$objectIdFieldName
    id_list <- j$objectIds
    id_list <- sort(id_list)
    num_rec <- length(id_list)

    from <- nth_element(id_list, 1, max_rc)
    to <- nth_element(id_list, max_rc,  max_rc)
    to_max <- id_list[num_rec]
    to <- append(to, to_max)
    message(paste("Number of target records: ", num_rec))

    ## Setup a dataframe with the columns of object ids to query from and to
    dat <- tibble::tibble(from = from,
                          to = to)
    dat <- dat %>%
      dplyr::mutate(results = purrr::map2(.x = from,
                                          .y = to,
                                            ## the queries use percent encoding,
                                            ## except spaces are "+"
                                            ## can use a modified version of RCurl curlPercentEncode to
                                            ## enode the query then wrap with I()

                                            ## if arg where is null, return all records,
                                            ## else return only queried records ie query AND objectid >= 1 AND objectid <= n+1
                                            if (is.null(query)) {
                                              where <- paste0(id_field, " >= ", .x, " AND ",
                                                              id_field, " <= ", .y)
                                              where <- I(p_encode_m(where)) ## use I() because we don't want +,>, or < encoded

                                            else {
                                              where <- paste0(where, " AND ",
                                                              " >= ", .x, " AND ",
                                                              id_field, " <= ", .y)
                                              where <- I(p_encode_m(where))

                                                         args = list(where = where,
                                                                     outFields = outfields,
                                                                     f = "geojson"),
                                                         parse_json = FALSE,
                                                         verbose = verbose)

    for (i in 1:length(dat$results)) {
      if(i == 1) {
        out <- sf::st_read(dat$results[[i]],
                           quiet = TRUE)
      else {
        temp_out <- sf::st_read(dat$results[[i]],
                                quiet = TRUE)
        out <- out %>%
      data <- out


mps9506/aarapir documentation built on May 12, 2020, 1:07 a.m.