##' Describe a single parameter for use within IF2. Note that
##' the name is not set here, but will end up being naturally defined
##' when used with [`mcstate::if2_parameters`], which collects
##' these together for use with [mcstate::if2()].
##' @title Describe single IF2 parameter
##' @param name Name for the parameter (a string)
##' @param initial Initial value of the parameter
##' @param min Optional minimum value for the parameter (otherwise
##' `-Inf`). If given, then `initial` must be at least this
##' value.
##' @param max Optional max value for the parameter (otherwise
##' `Inf`). If given, then `initial` must be at most this
##' value.
##' @param discrete Deprecated; use `integer` instead.
##' @param integer Logical, indicating if this parameter is
##' integer. If `TRUE` then the parameter will be rounded
##' after a new parameter is proposed.
##' @param prior A prior function (if not given an improper flat prior
##' is used - be careful!). It must be a function that takes a
##' single argument, being the value of this parameter. If given,
##' then `prior(initial)` must evaluate to a finite value.
##' @export
##' @examples
##' mcstate::if2_parameter("a", 0.1)
if2_parameter <- function(name, initial,
min = -Inf, max = Inf, discrete,
integer = FALSE,
prior = NULL) {
if (!missing(discrete)) {
.Deprecated("integer", old = "discrete")
integer <- discrete
if (initial < min) {
stop(sprintf("'initial' must be >= 'min' (%s)", min))
if (initial > max) {
stop(sprintf("'initial' must be <= 'max' (%s)", max))
if (is.null(prior)) {
prior <- function(p) 0
} else {
assert_is(prior, "function")
value <- tryCatch(
error = function(e)
"Prior function for '%s' failed to evaluate initial value: %s",
name, e$message)))
if (!is.finite(value)) {
"Prior function for '%s' returned a non-finite value on initial value",
ret <- list(name = name, initial = initial, min = min, max = max,
integer = integer, prior = prior)
class(ret) <- "if2_parameter"
##' @title if2_parameters
##' @description Construct parameters for use with
##' [mcstate::if2()]. This creates a utility object that is used
##' internally to work with parameters. Most users only need to
##' construct this object, but see the examples for how it can be
##' used.
##' @export
##' @examples
##' # Construct an object with two parameters:
##' pars <- mcstate::if2_parameters$new(
##' list(mcstate::if2_parameter("a", 0.1, min = 0, max = 1,
##' prior = function(a) log(a)),
##' mcstate::if2_parameter("b", 0, prior = dnorm)))
##' # Initial parameters
##' pars$initial()
##' # Create the initial parameter set
##' n_par_sets <- 5
##' pars_sd <- list("a" = 0.02, "b" = 0.02)
##' p_mat <- pars$walk_initialise(n_par_sets, pars_sd)
##' p_mat
##' # Propose a new parameter set
##' p_mat <- pars$walk(p_mat, pars_sd)
##' p_mat
##' # Information about parameters:
##' pars$names()
##' pars$summary()
##' # Compute prior
##' pars$prior(p_mat)
##' # Transform data for your model
##' pars$model(p_mat)
if2_parameters <- R6::R6Class(
cloneable = FALSE,
private = list(
parameters = NULL,
transform = NULL,
integer = NULL,
min = NULL,
max = NULL
public = list(
##' @description Create the if2_parameters object
##' @param parameters A `list` of
##' [`mcstate::if2_parameter`] objects, each of which describe a
##' single parameter in your model. If `parameters` is named, then
##' these names must match the `$name` element of each parameter is
##' used (this is verified).
##' @param transform An optional transformation function to apply
##' to your parameter vector immediately before passing it to the
##' model function. If not given, then [as.list] is
##' used, as dust models require this. However, if you need to
##' generate derived parameters from those being actively sampled
##' you can do arbitrary transformations here.
initialize = function(parameters, transform = NULL) {
parameters <- check_parameters(parameters, "if2_parameter")
if (is.null(transform)) {
transform <- as.list
assert_is(transform, "function")
private$parameters <- parameters
private$transform <- transform
private$integer <- vlapply(private$parameters, "[[", "integer",
private$min <- vnapply(private$parameters, "[[", "min",
private$max <- vnapply(private$parameters, "[[", "max",
##' @description Return the initial parameter values as a named numeric
##' vector
initial = function() {
vnapply(private$parameters, "[[", "initial")
##' @description Set up a parameter walk
##' @param n_par_sets An integer number of parameter sets, which
##' defines the size of the population being peturbed.
##' @param pars_sd A vector of standard deviations for the walk
##' of each parameter
walk_initialise = function(n_par_sets, pars_sd) {
n_par_sets <- assert_integer(n_par_sets)
n_pars <- length(private$parameters)
pars_mat <- matrix(self$initial(), n_pars, n_par_sets)
rownames(pars_mat) <- names(self$names())
self$walk(pars_mat, pars_sd)
##' @description Propose a new parameter matrix given a current matrix
##' and walk standard deviation vector.
##' @param pars A parameter matrix, from this function or
##' `$walk_initialise()`
##' @param pars_sd A vector of standard deviations for the walk
##' of each parameter
walk = function(pars, pars_sd) {
stopifnot(length(pars_sd) == nrow(pars))
n_par_sets <- ncol(pars)
for (par_idx in seq_len(length(private$parameters))) {
pars[par_idx, ] <-
rnorm(n_par_sets, pars[par_idx, ], pars_sd[[par_idx]])
if (private$integer[par_idx]) {
pars[par_idx, ] <- vnapply(pars[par_idx, ], round)
pars[par_idx, pars[par_idx, ] < private$min[par_idx]] <-
pars[par_idx, pars[par_idx, ] > private$max[par_idx]] <-
rownames(pars) <- self$names()
##' @description Return the names of the parameters
names = function() {
##' @description Return a [`data.frame`] with information about
##' parameters (name, min, max, and integer).
summary = function() {
data_frame(name = self$names(),
min = private$min,
max = private$max,
discrete = private$integer,
integer = private$integer)
##' @description Compute the prior for a parameter vector
##' @param pars a parameter matrix from `$walk()`
prior = function(pars) {
n_pars <- length(private$parameters)
stopifnot(nrow(pars) == n_pars)
ret <- rep(0.0, ncol(pars))
for (i in seq_len(n_pars)) {
ret <- ret + private$parameters[[i]]$prior(pars[i, ])
##' @description Apply the model transformation function to a parameter
##' vector. Output is a list for lists, suitable for use with a dust
##' object with `pars_multi = TRUE`
##' @param pars a parameter matrix from `$walk()`
model = function(pars) {
apply(pars, 2, private$transform)
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