##' Thin results of running [pmcmc()]. This function may be useful
##' before using [pmcmc_predict()], or before saving pmcmc output to
##' disk. `pmcmc_thin` takes every `thin`'th sample, while
##' `pmcmc_sample` randomly selects a total of `n_sample` samples.
##' @title Thin a pmcmc chain
##' @param object Results of running [pmcmc()]
##' @param burnin Optional integer number of iterations to discard as
##' "burn-in". If given then samples `1:burnin` will be excluded
##' from your results. It is an error if this is not a positive
##' integer or is greater than or equal to the number of samples
##' (i.e., there must be at least one sample remaining after
##' discarding burnin).
##' @param thin Optional integer thinning factor. If given, then every
##' `thin`'th sample is retained (e.g., if `thin` is 10 then we keep
##' samples 1, 11, 21, ...). Note that this can produce surprising
##' results as it will always select the first sample but not
##' necessarily always the last.
##' @export
pmcmc_thin <- function(object, burnin = NULL, thin = NULL) {
assert_is(object, "mcstate_pmcmc")
i <- rep_len(TRUE, length(object$iteration))
if (!is.null(burnin)) {
burnin_max <- max(object$iteration)
if (burnin >= burnin_max) {
stop(sprintf("'burnin' must be less than %d for your results",
i <- i & object$iteration > burnin
if (!is.null(thin)) {
offset <- min(object$iteration[i])
i <- i & ((object$iteration - offset) %% thin == 0)
pmcmc_filter(object, i)
##' @param n_sample The number of samples to draw from `object` *with
##' replacement*. This means that `n_sample` can be larger than the
##' total number of samples taken (though it probably should not)
##' @export
##' @rdname pmcmc_thin
pmcmc_sample <- function(object, n_sample, burnin = NULL) {
object <- pmcmc_thin(object, burnin)
if (is_3d_array(object$pars)) {
i <- sample.int(nlayer(object$pars), n_sample, replace = TRUE)
} else {
i <- sample.int(nrow(object$pars), n_sample, replace = TRUE)
pmcmc_filter(object, i)
pmcmc_filter <- function(object, i) {
if (!is.null(object$chain)) {
object$chain <- object$chain[i]
object$iteration <- object$iteration[i]
object$pars <- array_first_dimension(object$pars, i)
object$probabilities <- array_first_dimension(object$probabilities, i)
if (!is.null(object$state)) {
object$state <- array_last_dimension(object$state, i)
if (!is.null(object$trajectories)) {
k <- length(dim(object$trajectories$state)) - 1
object$trajectories$state <-
array_nth_dimension(object$trajectories$state, k, i)
if (!is.null(object$restart)) {
k <- length(dim(object$restart$state)) - 1
object$restart$state <- array_nth_dimension(object$restart$state, k, i)
## This must be removed (if it was present before)
object["pars_index"] <- list(NULL)
##' Combine multiple [pmcmc()] samples into one object
##' @title Combine pmcmc samples
##' @param ... Arguments representing [pmcmc()] sample, i.e.,
##' `mcstate_pmcmc` objects. Alternatively, pass a list as the
##' argument `samples`. Names are ignored.
##' @param samples A list of `mcstate_pmcmc` objects. This is often
##' more convenient for programming against than `...`
##' @export
pmcmc_combine <- function(..., samples = list(...)) {
assert_list_of(samples, "mcstate_pmcmc")
pars <- lapply(samples, "[[", "pars_full")
probabilities <- lapply(samples, "[[", "probabilities_full")
iteration <- lapply(samples, "[[", "iteration")
state <- lapply(samples, "[[", "state")
trajectories <- lapply(samples, "[[", "trajectories")
restart <- lapply(samples, "[[", "restart")
adaptive <- lapply(samples, "[[", "adaptive")
check_combine(samples, iteration, state, trajectories, restart)
iteration <- unlist(iteration, FALSE, FALSE)
chain <- rep(seq_along(samples), each = nrow(samples[[1]]$pars))
pars <- array_bind(arrays = pars, dimension = 1)
probabilities <- array_bind(arrays = probabilities, dimension = 1)
if (is.null(state[[1]])) {
state <- NULL
} else {
state <- array_bind(arrays = state)
if (is.null(trajectories[[1]])) {
trajectories <- NULL
} else {
trajectories <- combine_state(trajectories)
if (is.null(restart[[1]])) {
restart <- NULL
} else {
restart <- combine_state(restart)
if (is.null(adaptive[[1]])) {
adaptive <- NULL
} else {
nested <- samples[[1]]$nested
adaptive <- combine_adaptive(adaptive, nested)
## Use the last state for predict as that will probably have most
## advanced seed.
## We might check index, rate and step here though.
predict <- last(samples)$predict
mcstate_pmcmc(iteration, pars, probabilities, state, trajectories,
restart, predict, adaptive, chain)
check_combine <- function(samples, iteration, state, trajectories, restart) {
if (any(!vlapply(samples, function(x) is.null(x$chain)))) {
stop("Chains have already been combined")
if (length(samples) < 2) {
stop("At least 2 samples objects must be provided")
if (length(unique(lapply(samples, function(x) dimnames(x$pars)))) != 1L) {
stop("All parameters must have the same dimension names")
nok <- length(unique(viapply(samples, function(x) NLAYER(x$pars)))) != 1L ||
length(unique(viapply(samples, function(x) nrow(x$pars)))) != 1L
if (nok) {
stop("All chains must have the same length")
if (length(unique(iteration)) != 1L) {
stop("All chains must have the same iterations")
if (!all_or_none(vlapply(state, is.null))) {
stop("If 'state' is present for any samples, it must be present for all")
if (!all_or_none(vlapply(trajectories, is.null))) {
"If 'trajectories' is present for any samples, it must be",
"present for all"
if (!all_or_none(vlapply(restart, is.null))) {
stop("If 'restart' is present for any samples, it must be present for all")
combine_state <- function(x) {
base <- lapply(x, function(el) el[names(el) != "state"])
if (length(unique(base)) != 1L) {
stop(sprintf("%s data is inconsistent", deparse(substitute(x))))
state <- lapply(x, "[[", "state")
state <- array_bind(arrays = state, dimension = length(dim(state[[1]])) - 1)
ret <- x[[1]]
ret$state <- state
combine_adaptive <- function(x, nested) {
autocorrelation <- lapply(x, "[[", "autocorrelation")
mean <- lapply(x, "[[", "mean")
scaling <- lapply(x, "[[", "scaling")
vcv <- lapply(x, "[[", "vcv")
weight <- lapply(x, "[[", "weight")
combine_mat <- function(y) {
y_names <- rownames(y[[1]])
ret <- array_from_list(y)
rownames(ret) <- colnames(ret) <- y_names
combine_mean <- function(y) {
y_names <- names(y[[1]])
ret <- array_from_list(y)
rownames(ret) <- y_names
if (nested) {
populations <- names(mean[[1]]$varied)
autocorr_fixed <- combine_mat(lapply(autocorrelation, "[[", "fixed"))
autocorr_varied <- lapply(autocorrelation, "[[", "varied")
autocorr_varied <-
function (nm) combine_mat(lapply(autocorr_varied, "[[", nm)))
names(autocorr_varied) <- populations
autocorrelation <- list(fixed = autocorr_fixed,
varied = autocorr_varied)
mean_fixed <- combine_mean(lapply(mean, "[[", "fixed"))
mean_varied <- lapply(mean, "[[", "varied")
mean_varied <-
function (nm) combine_mean(lapply(mean_varied, "[[", nm)))
names(mean_varied) <- populations
mean <- list(fixed = mean_fixed,
varied = mean_varied)
scaling_fixed <- array_from_list(lapply(scaling, "[[", "fixed"))
scaling_varied <- lapply(scaling, "[[", "varied")
scaling_varied <-
function (nm) array_from_list(lapply(scaling_varied, "[[", nm)))
names(scaling_varied) <- populations
scaling <- list(fixed = scaling_fixed,
varied = scaling_varied)
vcv_fixed <- combine_mat(lapply(vcv, "[[", "fixed"))
vcv_varied <- lapply(vcv, "[[", "varied")
vcv_varied <-
function (nm) combine_mat(lapply(vcv_varied, "[[", nm)))
names(vcv_varied) <- populations
vcv <- list(fixed = vcv_fixed,
varied = vcv_varied)
weight_fixed <- unlist(lapply(weight, "[[", "fixed"))
weight_varied <- unlist(lapply(weight, "[[", "varied"))
weight <- list(fixed = weight_fixed,
varied = weight_varied)
} else {
autocorrelation <- combine_mat(autocorrelation)
mean <- combine_mean(mean)
scaling <- array_from_list(scaling)
vcv <- combine_mat(vcv)
weight <- unlist(weight)
list(autocorrelation = autocorrelation,
mean = mean,
scaling = scaling,
vcv = vcv,
weight = weight)
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