Man pages for mrc-ide/specio
Read Spectrum Files

calc_age_specific_fertility_rateCalculate ASFR from TFR and fertility distribution.
calc_net_migrationCalculate net migration for single years using beers...
convert_typeConvert filtered data to correct type.
dimensions_age_14_hiv_populationGet dimensions for age 14 hiv population tag.
dimensions_agegr_sex_yearGet age group, sex and year dimensions.
dimensions_agegr_yearGet age groups between 15 and 49 and year dimensions.
dimensions_agegr_year_alternativeGet age groups between 15 and 49 and year dimensions...
dimensions_age_sex_yearGet single age between 0 and 80, sex and year dimensions.
dimensions_artGet artdur and year dimensions.
dimensions_cd4Get CD4 stage and age category dimensions.
dimensions_cd4_progressGet dimensions for adult CD4 progress data.
extract_incidence_prevalenceExtract incidence and prevalence for single region.
get_agegr_labelsGet the age group labels.
get_anc_dataExtract and prepare ANC related data from ProjectionSet.
get_array_dataGet array data for a particular property from DP data.
get_array_property_dataGet data for an array property from the xml_node.
get_art_mortalityRetrieve and tidy ART mortality data.
get_art_mortality_ratesGet ART mortality rate data from DP data.
get_cd4_array_dataGet array data for a cd4 property from DP data.
get_census_dataExtract and prepare census data from ProjectionSet.
get_concentrated_epidemic_dataGet concentrated epidemic data from EPP data set.
get_conversion_functionGet the relevant conversion function for an xml node.
get_dataGet the data from the 'Data' column and onwards if present.
get_default_arrayGet default array data
get_description_indicesGet the indices for which there is a non empty field in the...
get_dp_dataGet data from DP file
get_eligibility_pop_dataGet ART eligibility population data.
get_enum_propertyGet character value of enum property from the xml_node.
get_eppxml_worksetGet EPP workset from xml file.
get_field_dataGet field data from xml node representing serialised field.
get_fieldsGet field data from parent node.
get_filename_from_extensionGet filename from extension.
get_hh_survey_dataExtract and prepare HH survey data from ProjectionSet.
get_impact_model_paramsExtract AIM module parameters.
get_incid_prev_resultsGet incidence or prevalence as a matrix from the list of...
get_last_non_na_columnGet the column index of the last non-NA non-empty column.
get_pjn_countryGet country name and code from parsed PJN
get_pjn_dataGet data from PJN file
get_pjn_metadataGet projection metadata from PJN file data
get_pjn_regionGet subnational region from parsed PJN
get_pjn_region_codeGet subnational region code from parsed PJN
get_pjnz_csv_dataGet csv data from file contained within PJNZ
get_projection_yearsGet years of the projection from dp data
get_propertyGet data for a property in a nodeset.
get_property_dataGet data for a property from full dp_data via its tag.
get_property_tagsGet tags mapping for a property.
get_raw_tag_dataGet the raw data for a particular property within full...
get_resample_countPull out the count from a string e.g. "COUNT 1.0"
get_scale_cd4_mortalityInterpret CD4 mortality scale from version number.
get_tag_dataGet a tag from the DP file.
get_tag_notesGet the notes column for a particular property from DP data.
get_vector_dataGet vector data for a particular property from DP data.
get_women_on_artGet women on ART data.
next_indexGet the next index of a tag.
parse_arrayParse xml node containing array to vector.
parse_matrixParse xml node representing matrix to an R matrix.
parse_region_dataTidy subpopulation data about a specific region.
parse_surveyParse survey data into expected return format.
read_art_popExtract ART population data from PJNZ file
read_data_from_pjnzGet data from PJNZ file for a single property
read_epp_dataRead EPP fitting surveillance data
read_epp_subpopsRead EPP subpopulation configuration.
read_hiv_popExtract people living with HIV (PLHIV) from PJNZ file
read_hivproj_paramRead params from DP and PJN file required for HIV model.
read_pjn_metadataGet country name, iso3 code and spectrum region code from...
read_sptRead best fitting HIV incidence and prevalence data from SPT...
read_spuRead EPP uncertainty results from SPU file.
read_total_popExtract population data from PJNZ file
row_contains_dataCheck whether a row contains data.
tidy_data_for_eppTidy data for EPP.
mrc-ide/specio documentation built on April 15, 2021, 8:37 a.m.