
Defines functions get_pbp_gc

# Author: Ben Baldwin
# Stlyeguide: styler::tidyverse_style()

# Build a tidy version of scraped gamecenter data
# Data exist since 1999
# @param gameId Specifies the game

get_pbp_gc <- function(gameId,
                       dir = getOption("nflfastR.raw_directory", default = NULL),
                       ...) {

  # testing only
  # gameId = '2013120812'
  # gameId = '2019_01_GB_CHI'
  # gameId = '2009_18_NYJ_CIN'
  # gameId = '2007_01_ARI_SF'
  # gameId = '1999_01_BAL_STL'

  if (gameId %in% c("2000_03_SD_KC", "2000_06_BUF_MIA", "1999_01_BAL_STL")) {
    cli::cli_abort("You asked for GameID {.val {gameId}} is broken. Skipping.")

  season <- as.integer(substr(gameId, 1, 4))

  raw <- fetch_raw(game_id = gameId, dir = dir)

  game_json <- raw[[1]]

  date_parse <- names(raw)[1] %>% stringr::str_extract(pattern = "[0-9]{8}")
  date_year <- stringr::str_sub(date_parse, 1, 4)
  date_month <- stringr::str_sub(date_parse, 5, 6)
  date_day <- stringr::str_sub(
    date_parse, nchar(date_parse) - 1,

  week <- as.integer(substr(gameId, 6, 7))
  if (week <= 17) {
    season_type <- "REG"
  } else {
    season_type <- "POST"

  if (date_year < 1999) {
    cli::cli_abort("You asked a game from {date_year}, but data only goes back to 1999.")

  # excluding last element since it's "crntdrv" and not an actual
  drives <- game_json$drives[-length(game_json$drives)]

  # list of plays
  # each play has "players" column which is a list of player stats from the play
  plays <- suppressWarnings(furrr::future_map_dfr(seq_along(drives), function(x) {
      "drive" = x,
      ))[, c(1:11)]
    ) %>% dplyr::mutate(play_id = names(drives[[x]]$plays), play_id = as.integer(.data$play_id))

  plays$quarter_end <- dplyr::if_else(
    stringr::str_detect(plays$desc, "(END QUARTER)|(END GAME)|(End of quarter)"), 1, 0
  plays$home_team <- game_json$home$abbr
  plays$away_team <- game_json$away$abbr

  # get df with 1 line per statId
  stats <- furrr::future_map_dfr(seq_along(plays$play_id), function(x) {
    dplyr::bind_rows(plays[x, ]$players[[1]], .id = "player_id") %>%
      dplyr::mutate(play_id = plays[x, ]$play_id)
  ) %>%
      sequence = as.numeric(.data$sequence),
      statId = as.numeric(.data$statId),
      play_id = as.character(.data$play_id),
      yards = as.integer(.data$yards)
    ) %>%
    dplyr::arrange(.data$play_id, .data$sequence) %>%
      playId = "play_id",
      teamAbbr = "clubcode",
      player.esbId = "player_id",
      player.displayName = "playerName",
      playStatSeq = "sequence"

  pbp_stats <- lapply(unique(stats$playId), sum_play_stats, stats)
  pbp_stats <- data.table::rbindlist(pbp_stats) %>% tibble::as_tibble()

  # drive info
  d <- tibble::tibble(drives) %>%
    tidyr::unnest_wider(drives) %>%
    # dplyr::select(-plays) %>%
    tidyr::unnest_wider("start", names_sep = "_") %>%
    tidyr::unnest_wider("end", names_sep = "_") %>%
    dplyr::mutate(drive = 1:dplyr::n()) %>%
      drive_play_count = "numplays",
      drive_time_of_possession = "postime",
      drive_first_downs = "fds",
      drive_inside20 = "redzone",
      drive_quarter_start = "start_qtr",
      drive_quarter_end = "end_qtr",
      drive_end_transition = "result",
      drive_game_clock_start = "start_time",
      drive_game_clock_end = "end_time",
      drive_start_yard_line = "start_yrdln",
      drive_end_yard_line = "end_yrdln"
    ) %>%
      drive_inside20 = dplyr::if_else(.data$drive_inside20, 1, 0),
      drive_how_ended_description = .data$drive_end_transition,
      drive_ended_with_score = dplyr::if_else(.data$drive_how_ended_description == "Touchdown" | .data$drive_how_ended_description == "Field Goal", 1, 0),
      drive_start_transition = dplyr::lag(.data$drive_how_ended_description, 1),
      drive_how_started_description = .data$drive_start_transition
    ) %>%
      "drive", "drive_play_count", "drive_time_of_possession",
      "drive_first_downs", "drive_inside20", "drive_ended_with_score",
      "drive_quarter_start", "drive_quarter_end",
      "drive_end_transition", "drive_how_ended_description",
      "drive_game_clock_start", "drive_game_clock_end",
      "drive_start_yard_line", "drive_end_yard_line",
      "drive_start_transition", "drive_how_started_description"

  combined <- plays %>%
    dplyr::left_join(pbp_stats, by = "play_id") %>%
    dplyr::mutate_if(is.logical, as.numeric) %>%
    dplyr::mutate_if(is.integer, as.numeric) %>%
    dplyr::select(-"players", -"note") %>%
    #Weirdly formatted and missing anyway
    dplyr::mutate(note = NA_character_) %>%
    dplyr::rename(yardline = "yrdln", quarter = "qtr", play_description = "desc", yards_to_go = "ydstogo")  %>%
    tidyr::unnest(cols = c("sp", "quarter", "down", "time", "yardline", "yards_to_go", "ydsnet", "posteam", "play_description", "note")) %>%
    dplyr::left_join(d, by = "drive") %>%
      posteam_id = .data$posteam,
      game_id = gameId,
      game_year = as.integer(date_year),
      game_month = as.integer(date_month),
      game_date = as.Date(paste(date_month,
                                sep = "/"
      format = "%m/%d/%Y"
      season = season,

      # fix up yardline before doing stuff. from nflscrapr
      yardline = dplyr::if_else(.data$yardline == "50", "MID 50", .data$yardline),
      yardline = dplyr::if_else(
        nchar(.data$yardline) == 0 | is.null(.data$yardline) |
          .data$yardline == "NULL",
        dplyr::lag(.data$yardline), .data$yardline

      # have to do all this nonsense to make goal_to_go and yardline_side for compatibility with later functions
      yardline_side = furrr::future_map_chr(
        stringr::str_split(.data$yardline, " "),
        function(x) x[1]
      yardline_number = as.numeric(furrr::future_map_chr(
        stringr::str_split(.data$yardline, " "),
        function(x) x[2]
      goal_to_go = dplyr::if_else(
        .data$yardline_side != .data$posteam &
          ((.data$yards_to_go == .data$yardline_number) |
             (.data$yards_to_go <= 1 & .data$yardline_number == 1)),
        1, 0
      down = as.double(.data$down),
      quarter = as.double(.data$quarter),
      week = week,
      season_type = season_type,
      # missing from older gc data
      drive_real_start_time = NA_character_,
      start_time = NA_character_,
      stadium = NA_character_,
      weather = NA_character_,
      nfl_api_id = NA_character_,
      play_clock = NA_character_,
      play_deleted = NA_real_,
      play_type_nfl = NA_character_,
      drive_yards_penalized = NA_real_,
      end_clock_time = NA_character_,
      end_yard_line = NA_character_,
      order_sequence = NA_real_,
      time_of_day = NA_character_,
      special_teams_play = NA_real_,
      st_play_type = NA_character_,
      # there seems to be no easy way to find the safety scoring team. Will hard code the plays
      # as there are only 6 of them in the game center data
      safety_team = dplyr::case_when(
        .data$safety == 1 & .data$game_id == "1999_04_PHI_NYG" & .data$play_id == 827  ~ .data$posteam,
        .data$safety == 1 & .data$game_id == "2000_03_ATL_CAR" & .data$play_id == 3423 ~ .data$posteam,
        .data$safety == 1 & .data$game_id == "2000_16_OAK_SEA" & .data$play_id == 3590 ~ .data$posteam,
        .data$safety == 1 & .data$game_id == "2001_14_DAL_SEA" & .data$play_id == 2552 ~ .data$posteam,
        .data$safety == 1 & .data$game_id == "2003_03_NO_TEN"  & .data$play_id == 416  ~ .data$posteam,
        .data$safety == 1 & .data$game_id == "2009_08_STL_DET" & .data$play_id == 987  ~ .data$posteam,
        .data$safety == 1 & .data$posteam == .data$home_team ~ .data$away_team,
        .data$safety == 1 & .data$posteam == .data$away_team ~ .data$home_team,
        TRUE ~ NA_character_
    ) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(.data$drive) %>%
      drive_play_id_started = min(.data$play_id, na.rm = TRUE),
      drive_play_seq_started = min(.data$play_id, na.rm = TRUE),
      drive_play_id_ended = max(.data$play_id, na.rm = TRUE),
      drive_play_seq_ended = max(.data$play_id, na.rm = TRUE)
    ) %>%

  # missing space in side of field breaks parser
  if (gameId %in% c('2000_01_CAR_WAS', '2000_02_NE_NYJ', '2000_03_ATL_CAR')) {
    combined <- combined %>%
        yardline_number = case_when(
          .data$yardline %in% c("WAS20", "NYJ20", "ATL20") ~ 20,
          TRUE ~ .data$yardline_number
        yardline = case_when(
          .data$yardline == "WAS20" ~ "WAS 20",
          .data$yardline == "NYJ20" ~ "NYJ 20",
          .data$yardline == "ATL20" ~ "ATL 20",
          TRUE ~ .data$yardline
        yardline_side = case_when(
          .data$yardline_side == "WAS20" ~ "WAS",
          .data$yardline_side == "NYJ20" ~ "NYJ",
          .data$yardline_side == "ATL20" ~ "ATL",
          TRUE ~ .data$yardline_side
mrcaseb/nflfastR documentation built on May 11, 2024, 10:31 p.m.