
Defines functions fix_posteams fix_bad_games get_pbp_nfl

# Author: Sebastian Carl, Ben Baldwin
# Purpose: Function for scraping pbp data from the new NFL web site
# Code Style Guide: styler::tidyverse_style()

# Build a tidy version of scraped NFL data
# @param id Specifies the game
get_pbp_nfl <- function(id,
                        dir = getOption("nflfastR.raw_directory", default = NULL),
                        ...) {

  #id = '2022_01_PHI_DET'
  # id = '2015_01_CAR_JAX'
  #id = '2011_01_NO_GB'

  season <- substr(id, 1, 4)
  week <- as.integer(substr(id, 6, 7))

  raw_data <- fetch_raw(game_id = id, dir = dir)

  season_type <- dplyr::case_when(
    season <= 2020 & week <= 17 ~ "REG",
    season >= 2021 & week <= 18 ~ "REG",
    TRUE ~ "POST"

  # game_info <- raw_data$data$viewer$gameDetail

  game_id <- raw_data$data$viewer$gameDetail$id
  home_team <- raw_data$data$viewer$gameDetail$homeTeam$abbreviation
  away_team <- raw_data$data$viewer$gameDetail$visitorTeam$abbreviation

  # if home team and away team are the same, the game is messed up and needs fixing
  if (home_team == away_team) {

    # get correct home and away from the game ID
    id_parts <- stringr::str_split(id, "_")
    away_team <- id_parts[[1]][3]
    home_team <- id_parts[[1]][4]
    bad_game <- 1

  } else {
    bad_game <- 0

  weather <- ifelse(
  stadium <- ifelse(
  start_time <- raw_data$data$viewer$gameDetail$startTime

  game_info <- tibble::tibble(
    game_id = as.character(game_id),

  plays <- raw_data$data$viewer$gameDetail$plays %>% dplyr::mutate(game_id = as.character(game_id))

  # We have this issue https://github.com/nflverse/nflfastR/issues/309 with 2013 postseason games
  # where the driveSequenceNumber in the plays df is NA for all plays. That prevents drive information
  # from being joined.
  # In this case, we compute our own driveSequenceNumber by incrementing a counter depending on the
  # value of driveTimeOfPossession.
  # driveTimeOfPossession will be a constant value during a drive so this should actually be accurate
  if (all(is.na(plays$driveSequenceNumber))){
    plays <- plays %>%
        # First, create a trigger for cumsum
        drive_trigger = dplyr::case_when(
          # this is the first play of the first drive
          is.na(dplyr::lag(.data$driveTimeOfPossession)) & !is.na(.data$driveTimeOfPossession) ~ 1,
          # if driveTimeOfPossession changes, there is a new drive
          dplyr::lag(.data$driveTimeOfPossession) != .data$driveTimeOfPossession ~ 1,
          TRUE ~ 0
        # Now create the drive number by accumulationg triggers
        driveSequenceNumber = cumsum(.data$drive_trigger),
        # driveSequenceNumber should be NA on plays where driveTimeOfPossession is NA
        driveSequenceNumber = ifelse(is.na(.data$driveTimeOfPossession), NA_real_, .data$driveSequenceNumber),
        # drop the helper
        drive_trigger = NULL

  #fill missing posteam info for this
  if (
    ((home_team %in% c("JAC", "JAX") | away_team %in% c("JAC", "JAX")) & season <= 2015) |
    bad_game == 1
  ) {
    plays <- plays %>%
        possessionTeam.abbreviation = stringr::str_extract(plays$prePlayByPlay, '[A-Z]{2,3}(?=\\s)'),
        possessionTeam.abbreviation = dplyr::if_else(
          .data$possessionTeam.abbreviation %in% c('OUT', 'END', 'NA'),
          NA_character_, .data$possessionTeam.abbreviation
        possessionTeam.abbreviation = dplyr::if_else(
          .data$possessionTeam.abbreviation == 'JAX', 'JAC', .data$possessionTeam.abbreviation

    # for these old games, we're making everything JAC instead of JAX
    home_team <- dplyr::if_else(home_team == "JAX", "JAC", home_team)
    away_team <- dplyr::if_else(away_team == "JAX", "JAC", away_team)

  drives <- raw_data$data$viewer$gameDetail$drives %>%
    dplyr::mutate(ydsnet = .data$yards + .data$yardsPenalized) %>%
    # these are already in plays
    ) %>%
  colnames(drives) <- paste0("drive_", colnames(drives))

  stats <- tidyr::unnest(plays %>% dplyr::select(-"yards"), cols = c("playStats")) %>%
      yards = as.integer(.data$yards),
      statId = as.numeric(.data$statId),
      team.abbreviation = as.character(.data$team.abbreviation)
    ) %>%
      player.esbId = "gsisPlayer.id",
      player.displayName = "playerName",
      teamAbbr = "team.abbreviation"
    ) %>%

  # there was a penalty on this play so these stat IDs shouldn't exist
  if (id == "2020_10_DEN_LV") {
    stats <- stats %>%
      dplyr::filter(!(.data$playId == 979 & .data$statId %in% c(8, 10, 79)))

  pbp_stats <- lapply(unique(stats$playId), sum_play_stats, stats)
  pbp_stats <- data.table::rbindlist(pbp_stats) %>% tibble::as_tibble()

  combined <- game_info %>%
    dplyr::bind_cols(plays %>% dplyr::select(-"playStats", -"game_id")) %>%
    dplyr::left_join(drives, by = c("driveSequenceNumber" = "drive_order_sequence")) %>%
    dplyr::left_join(pbp_stats, by = c("playId" = "play_id")) %>%
    dplyr::mutate_if(is.logical, as.numeric) %>%
    dplyr::mutate_if(is.integer, as.numeric) %>%
    dplyr::mutate_if(is.factor, as.character) %>%
    janitor::clean_names() %>%
    dplyr::select(-"drive_play_count", -"drive_time_of_possession", -"next_play_type") %>%
      time = "clock_time",
      play_type_nfl = "play_type",
      posteam = "possession_team_abbreviation",
      yardline = "yard_line",
      sp = "scoring_play",
      drive = "drive_sequence_number",
      nfl_api_id = "game_id",
      drive_play_count = "drive_play_count_2",
      drive_time_of_possession = "drive_time_of_possession_2",
      ydsnet = "drive_ydsnet"
    ) %>%
      posteam_id = .data$posteam,
      # have to do all this nonsense to make goal_to_go and yardline_side for compatibility with later functions
      yardline_side = str_split_and_extract(.data$yardline, " ", 1),
      yardline_number = as.numeric(str_split_and_extract(.data$yardline, " ", 2)),
      quarter_end = dplyr::if_else(stringr::str_detect(.data$play_description, "END QUARTER"), 1, 0),
      game_year = as.integer(season),
      season = as.integer(season),
      # this is only needed for epa and dropped later
      game_month = as.integer(11),
      game_id = id,
      play_description = .data$play_description_with_jersey_numbers,
      week = week,
      season_type = season_type,
      play_clock = as.character(.data$play_clock),
      st_play_type = as.character(.data$st_play_type),
      #if JAC has the ball and scored, make them the scoring team
      td_team = dplyr::if_else(
        .data$season <= 2015 & .data$posteam %in% c("JAC", "JAX") &
          .data$drive_how_ended_description == 'Touchdown' & !is.na(.data$td_team),
        'JAC', .data$td_team
      #if JAC involved in a game and defensive team score, fill in the right team
      td_team = dplyr::if_else(
        #game involving the jags
        .data$season <= 2015 & (.data$home_team %in% c("JAC", "JAX") | .data$away_team %in% c("JAC", "JAX")) &
          #defensive TD
          .data$drive_how_ended_description != 'Touchdown' & !is.na(.data$td_team),
        #if home team has ball, then away team scored, otherwise home team scored
        dplyr::if_else(.data$posteam == .data$home_team, .data$away_team, .data$home_team),
      # fix muffed punt td in JAC game
      td_team = dplyr::if_else(id == "2011_14_TB_JAX" & .data$play_id == 1343, 'JAC', .data$td_team),

      # kickoff return TDs in old JAC games
      td_team = dplyr::if_else(id == "2006_14_IND_JAX" & .data$play_id == 2078, 'JAC', .data$td_team),
      td_team = dplyr::if_else(id == "2007_17_JAX_HOU" & .data$play_id %in% c(1907, 2042), 'HOU', .data$td_team),
      td_team = dplyr::if_else(id == "2008_09_JAX_CIN" & .data$play_id == 3145, 'JAC', .data$td_team),
      td_team = dplyr::if_else(id == "2009_15_IND_JAX" & .data$play_id == 1088, 'IND', .data$td_team),
      td_team = dplyr::if_else(id == "2010_15_JAX_IND" & .data$play_id == 3848, 'IND', .data$td_team),

      # fill in return team for the JAX games
      return_team = dplyr::if_else(
        !is.na(.data$return_team) & .data$season <= 2015 & (.data$home_team %in% c("JAC", "JAX") | .data$away_team %in% c("JAC", "JAX")),
          # if the home team has the ball, return team is away team (this is before we flip posteam for kickoffs)
          .data$posteam == .data$home_team, .data$away_team, .data$home_team
      fumble_recovery_1_team = dplyr::if_else(
        !is.na(.data$fumble_recovery_1_team) & .data$season <= 2015 & (.data$home_team %in% c("JAC", "JAX") | .data$away_team %in% c("JAC", "JAX")),
        # assign possession based on fumble_lost
          .data$fumble_lost == 1 & .data$posteam == .data$home_team ~ .data$away_team,
          .data$fumble_lost == 1 & .data$posteam == .data$away_team ~ .data$home_team,
          .data$fumble_lost == 0 & .data$posteam == .data$home_team ~ .data$home_team,
          .data$fumble_lost == 0 & .data$posteam == .data$away_team ~ .data$away_team
      timeout_team = dplyr::if_else(
        # if there's a timeout in the affected seasons
        !is.na(.data$timeout_team) & .data$season <= 2015 & (.data$home_team %in% c("JAC", "JAX") | .data$away_team %in% c("JAC", "JAX")),
        # extract from play description
        # make it JAC instead of JAX to be consistent with everything else
          stringr::str_extract(.data$play_description, "(?<=Timeout #[1-3] by )[:upper:]+") == "JAX", "JAC", stringr::str_extract(.data$play_description, "(?<=Timeout #[1-3] by )[:upper:]+")
      # Also fix penalty team for JAC games
      penalty_team = dplyr::if_else(
        # if there's a penalty_team in the affected seasons
        !is.na(.data$penalty_team) & .data$season <= 2015 & (.data$home_team %in% c("JAC", "JAX") | .data$away_team %in% c("JAC", "JAX")),
        # extract from play description
        # make it JAC instead of JAX to be consistent with everything else
          stringr::str_extract(.data$play_description, "(?<=PENALTY on )[:upper:]{2,3}") == "JAX",
          stringr::str_extract(.data$play_description, "(?<=PENALTY on )[:upper:]{2,3}")
      yardline_side = dplyr::if_else(
        .data$season <= 2015 & .data$yardline_side == 'JAX',
        'JAC', .data$yardline_side
      time = dplyr::case_when(
        id == '2012_04_NO_GB' & .data$play_id == 1085 ~ '3:34',
        id == '2012_16_BUF_MIA' & .data$play_id == 2571 ~ '8:31',
        TRUE ~ .data$time
      drive_real_start_time = as.character(.data$drive_real_start_time),
      # get the safety team to ensure the correct team gets the points
      # usage of base ifelse is important here for non-scoring games (i.e. early live games)
      safety_team = ifelse(.data$safety == 1, .data$scoring_team_abbreviation, NA_character_),

      # scoring_team_abbreviation messed up on old Jags games so just assume it's defense team
      safety_team = ifelse(
        .data$safety == 1 & .data$season <= 2015 & (.data$home_team %in% c("JAC", "JAX") | .data$away_team %in% c("JAC", "JAX")),
        ifelse(.data$posteam == .data$home_team, .data$away_team, .data$home_team), .data$safety_team

      # can't trust the goal_to_go variable so we overwrite it here
      goal_to_go = as.integer(stringr::str_detect(tolower(.data$pre_play_by_play), "goal"))

    ) %>%
      .predicate = is.character,
      .funs = ~dplyr::na_if(.x, "")
    ) %>%
    # Data in 2023 pbp introduced separate "plays" for TV timeouts and two minute warnings
    # These mess up some of our logic. Since they are useless, we remove them here
      !(is.na(.data$timeout_team) & stringr::str_detect(tolower(.data$play_description), "timeout at|two-minute"))
    ) %>%

  # fix for games where home_team == away_team and fields are messed up
  if (bad_game == 1) {
    combined <- combined %>%

  # nfl didn't fill in first downs on this game
  if (id == '2018_01_ATL_PHI') {
    combined <- combined %>%
        first_down_pass = dplyr::if_else(.data$pass_attempt == 1 & .data$first_down == 1, 1, .data$first_down_pass),
        first_down_rush = dplyr::if_else(.data$rush_attempt == 1 & .data$first_down == 1, 1, .data$first_down_rush),

        third_down_converted = dplyr::if_else(.data$first_down == 1 & .data$down == 3, 1, .data$third_down_converted),
        fourth_down_converted = dplyr::if_else(.data$first_down == 1 & .data$down == 4, 1, .data$fourth_down_converted),

        third_down_failed = dplyr::if_else(.data$first_down == 0 & .data$down == 3, 1, .data$third_down_failed),
        fourth_down_failed = dplyr::if_else(.data$first_down == 0 & .data$down == 4 &
                                              .data$play_type_nfl != "FIELD_GOAL" & .data$play_type_nfl != "PUNT" & .data$play_type_nfl != "PENALTY",
                                            1, .data$fourth_down_failed)


# helper function to manually fill in fields for problematic games
fix_bad_games <- function(pbp) {

  fixed <- pbp %>%
      #if team has the ball and scored, make them the scoring team
      td_team = dplyr::if_else(
        .data$drive_how_ended_description == 'Touchdown' & !is.na(.data$td_team),
        .data$posteam, .data$td_team
      #if team defensive team score, fill in the right team
      td_team = dplyr::if_else(
        #game involving the jags
        #defensive TD
        .data$drive_how_ended_description != 'Touchdown' & !is.na(.data$td_team),
        #if home team has ball, then away team scored, otherwise home team scored
        dplyr::if_else(.data$posteam == .data$home_team, .data$away_team, .data$home_team),
      # fill in return team
      return_team = dplyr::if_else(
          # if the home team has the ball, return team is away team (this is before we flip posteam for kickoffs)
          .data$posteam == .data$home_team, .data$away_team, .data$home_team
      fumble_recovery_1_team = dplyr::if_else(
        # assign possession based on fumble_lost
          .data$fumble_lost == 1 & .data$posteam == .data$home_team ~ .data$away_team,
          .data$fumble_lost == 1 & .data$posteam == .data$away_team ~ .data$home_team,
          .data$fumble_lost == 0 & .data$posteam == .data$home_team ~ .data$home_team,
          .data$fumble_lost == 0 & .data$posteam == .data$away_team ~ .data$away_team
      timeout_team = dplyr::if_else(
        # if there's a timeout in the affected seasons
        # extract from play description
        stringr::str_extract(.data$play_description, "(?<=Timeout #[1-3] by )[:upper:]+"),



fix_posteams <- function(pbp){
  # 2023 pbp introduces two new problems
  # 1. Definition of posteam on kick offs changed to receiving team. That's our
  #    definition and we swap teams later.
  # 2. Posteam doesn't change on the PAT after defensive TD
  # We adjust both things here, but only for 2023ff to avoid backwards compatibility problems
  # We need the variable pre_play_by_play which usually looks like "KC  1-10  NYJ 40"
  if ("pre_play_by_play" %in% names(pbp)){
    # Let's be as explicit as possible about what we want to extract from the string
    # It's really only the first valid team abbreviation followed by a blank space
    valid_team_abbrs <- paste(nflfastR::teams_colors_logos$team_abbr, collapse = " |")
    posteam_regex <- paste0("^", valid_team_abbrs, "(?=[:space:])")

    pbp <- pbp %>%
        parsed_posteam = stringr::str_extract(.data$pre_play_by_play, posteam_regex) %>% stringr::str_trim(),
        posteam = dplyr::case_when(
          stringr::str_detect(.data$play_description, "^Timeout ") ~ NA_character_,
          is.na(.data$parsed_posteam) ~ .data$posteam,
          .data$play_description == "GAME" ~ NA_character_,
          TRUE ~ .data$parsed_posteam
        # drop helper
        parsed_posteam = NULL

mrcaseb/nflfastR documentation built on May 11, 2024, 10:31 p.m.