
# # ******************************************************************************************** #
# # ******************************************************************************************** #
# # ************************************ MODELLING high_eff ************************************ #
# # ******************************************************************************************** #
# # ******************************************************************************************** #
# ### IMPORTANT NOTE (only when in 'package development' mod): to avoid creating notes for unquoted variables,
# # I must add the following code at the beginning of every source file (e.g. R/myscript.R) that uses
# # unquoted variables, so in front of all my scripts doing any kind of analyses (otherwise, I should
# # always assign each variable, e.g. mydata$myvariable, which is quite time consuming and wearisome).
# # if(getRversion() >= "2.29.1")  utils::globalVariables(c(
# #   "manager_id", "xp_id", "country", "efficiency", "eff_eradication", "high_eff",
# #   "latitude", "elevation", "goals", "slope", "coarse_env", "obstacles", "flood",
# #   "geomem", "maxveg", "uprootexcav", "stand_surface", "fully_tarped", "distance", "tarping_duration",
# #   "stripsoverlap_ok", "tarpfix_pierced", "tarpfix_multimethod", "sedicover_height",
# #   "trench_depth", "plantation", "followups",
# #   "pb_fixation", "pb_durability"))
# # NOTE: This variable list has been copy-pasted from another R script and should thus be updated to
# # contain the actual list of variables used in this script!
# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# # ================================================= #
# ##### Data preparation for modelling 'high_eff' #####
# # ================================================= #
# # List of used packages (for publication or package building): here, readr, lme4, ggplot2, stats, glmnet,
# # boot, grDevices, graphics, dplyr, tidyr, MLmetrics, ROCR
# .pardefault <- par() # To save the default graphical parameters (in case I want to restore them).
# # library(jk.dusz.tarping)
# readr::read_csv(here::here("mydata", "erad.csv"), col_names = TRUE, col_types =
#                   readr::cols(
#                     manager_id = readr::col_factor(),
#                     xp_id = readr::col_factor(),
#                     eff_eradication = readr::col_factor(c("0", "1")),
#                     high_eff = readr::col_factor(c("0", "1")),
#                     goals = readr::col_factor(),
#                     geomem = readr::col_factor(c("0", "1")),
#                     maxveg = readr::col_factor(c("0", "1")),
#                     uprootexcav = readr::col_factor(c("0", "1")),
#                     fully_tarped = readr::col_factor(c("0", "1")),
#                     stripsoverlap_ok = readr::col_factor(c("0", "1")),
#                     tarpfix_multimethod = readr::col_factor(c("0", "1")),
#                     tarpfix_pierced = readr::col_factor(c("0", "1")),
#                     plantation = readr::col_factor(c("0", "1")),
#                     repairs = readr::col_factor(c("0", "1")),
#                     add_control = readr::col_factor(c("0", "1")),
#                     pb_fixation = readr::col_factor(c("0", "1")),
#                     pb_durability = readr::col_factor(c("0", "1")))) -> eff
# summary(eff)
# ##### Final pre-modelling assumption checks ##### (run only when required)
# # --------------------------------------------- #
# # ### Testing the relevance of the random effect structure:
# # m0.glm <- stats::glm(high_eff ~ fully_tarped, data = eff, family = binomial)
# # m0.glmer <- lme4::glmer(high_eff ~ fully_tarped + (1|manager_id), data = eff, family = binomial)
# # aic.glm <- AIC(logLik(m0.glm))
# # aic.glmer <- AIC(logLik(m0.glmer))
# #
# # # Likelihood Ratio Test:
# # null.id <- -2 * logLik(m0.glm) + 2 * logLik(m0.glmer)
# # pchisq(as.numeric(null.id), df=1, lower.tail=F)
# # rm(m0.glm, m0.glmer, aic.glm, aic.glmer, null.id)
# # # The Likelihood Ratio Tests are NOT significant so the use of the random effect structure may not be
# # # necessary! However, further tests on the model residuals may indicate otherwise.
# # Since we'll use a regularization modelling method (i.e. penalized regression) to avoid overfitting
# # and deal with our "complete separation" problem, we will not use model selection and multimodel inference
# # for this response variable.
# # Consequently, we will assess further logistic regression assumptions using the most parsimonious full model
# # we could think of, i.e. including all the available predictors we thought should be important to explain
# # our outcome (i.e. the eradication or near-eradication of knotweeds after tarping) based on our knowledge.
# # ### (Re-)Assessing the linearity assumption:
# # eff2 <- eff[,c("high_eff", "add_control", "distance", "elevation", "fully_tarped", "geomem", "obstacles",
# #                "plantation", "pb_fixation", "pb_durability", "repairs", "slope", "stand_surface",
# #                "stripsoverlap_ok", "sedicover_height", "tarping_duration", "uprootexcav")]
# # model <- glm(high_eff ~., data = eff2, family = binomial)
# # # Predict the probability (p) of high efficacy:
# # probabilities <- predict(model, type = "response")
# # # Transforming predictors
# # mydata <- eff2 %>%
# #   dplyr::select_if(is.numeric) %>%
# #   dplyr::mutate("stand_surface (log)" = log(stand_surface)) %>%
# #   dplyr::mutate("distance (log+1)" = log(distance+1)) # These transformations were made to linearize the relationships
# # predictors <- colnames(mydata)
# # # Bind the logit and tidying the data for plot (ggplot2, so long format)
# # mydata <- mydata %>%
# #   dplyr::mutate(logit = log(probabilities/(1-probabilities))) %>%
# #   tidyr::gather(key = "predictors", value = "predictor.value", -logit)
# # # Create scatterplot
# # ggplot2::ggplot(mydata, ggplot2::aes(y = logit, x = predictor.value))+
# #   ggplot2::geom_point(size = 0.5, alpha = 0.5) +
# #   ggplot2::geom_smooth(method = "loess") +
# #   ggplot2::theme_bw() +
# #   ggplot2::facet_wrap(~predictors, scales = "free_x")
# # # It appears that including binary variables in the model impedes the linearity assessment as logit values
# # # become bimodal. However, penalized regression methods such as Ridge or LASSO do not explicitly assume
# # # the same assumptions as un-penalized models. Moreover, all variables are standardized before performing
# # # Ridge or LASSO regressions and it would be quite odd to transform (e.g. log) prior to standardize them and
# # # it would surely highly complicate interpretations. Therefore, we will fit the model with non-transformed
# # # variables.
# # ### Assessing multicollinearity:
# # car::vif(mod = model) # There is no signs of strong multicollinearity as all GVIF value are under 2.1
# # rm(eff2, model, probabilities, predictors, mydata)
# # =========================================================================== #
# ##### Cross-validated Ridge logistic regression with bootstrap validation #####
# # =========================================================================== #
# # 1) Faire un autre modèle ridge TOUTES les interactions (voir Favoris SO).
# # 2) Implémenter la procédure d'enhanced bootstrap' (bootstrapping optimism) avec les deux types de modèles
# # ridge, i.e. avec et sans interactions (voir Favoris RStudio & Freerangestats).
# # 3) Comparer les résultats !
# # 4) Refaire tourner ça, mais en comparant si la standardisation manuelle marche mieux en utilisant le meilleur
# # modèle (voir Favoris CV).
# # 5) Faire des prédictions avec des valeurs moyennes pour tous les prédicteurs et des plages de valeurs
# # pour distance et stand_surface!
# # 6) Plotter les résultats.
# # 7) Enjoy!
# ##### Comparing Ridge model with and without interactions #####
# # ----------------------------------------------------------- #
# ### Data preparation:
# mydata <- eff[,c("high_eff", "add_control", "distance", "fully_tarped", "geomem", "obstacles",
#                  "plantation", "pb_fixation", "pb_durability", "repairs", "slope", "stand_surface",
#                  "stripsoverlap_ok", "sedicover_height", "tarping_duration", "uprootexcav")]
# # Create data matrices (as accepted by glmnet):
# x <- stats::model.matrix(high_eff~., mydata)[,-1] # Matrix of potential predictors (WITHOUT interactions)
# f <- as.formula(high_eff~add_control+distance+fully_tarped+geomem+obstacles+plantation+pb_fixation
#                 +pb_durability+repairs+slope+stand_surface+stripsoverlap_ok+sedicover_height+tarping_duration
#                 +uprootexcav+pb_fixation*repairs+pb_fixation*add_control+add_control*fully_tarped
#                 +distance*fully_tarped+distance*uprootexcav+fully_tarped*geomem+stripsoverlap_ok*pb_durability
#                 +uprootexcav*pb_fixation+pb_fixation*pb_durability+uprootexcav*plantation+repairs*plantation+0)
# x_int <- stats::model.matrix(f, mydata)[,-1] # Matrix of potential predictors (WITH interactions)
# y <- jk.dusz.tarping::as.numfactor(x = mydata$high_eff) %>% as.matrix()
# # NOTE: to create all possible interactions, the formula should be: f <- high_eff~.^2 (for second-order
# # interactions, or ^3 for third order)!
# ### Ridge regression:
# # Find the optimal value of lambda that minimizes the cross-validation error:
# set.seed(653)
# cv.ridge <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(x = x, y = y, alpha = 0, family = "binomial",
#                               type.measure = "deviance", nfolds = 10)
# cv.ridge_int <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(x = x_int, y = y, alpha = 0, family = "binomial",
#                               type.measure = "deviance", nfolds = 10)
# plot(cv.ridge)
# plot(cv.ridge_int)
# # glmnet::coef.glmnet(object = cv.ridge, s = cv.ridge$lambda.min) # To have look at the coefficients
# # glmnet::coef.glmnet(object = cv.ridge_int, s = cv.ridge$lambda.min) # To have look at the coefficients
# # Compute the full Ridge model:
# ridge.model <- glmnet::glmnet(x = x, y = y, alpha = 0, family = "binomial")
# ridge.model_int <- glmnet::glmnet(x = x_int, y = y, alpha = 0, family = "binomial")
# ### Evaluate the performance of the full Ridge model (WITHOUT interactions):
# pred.class <- predict(object = ridge.model, newx = x,
#                          s = min(ridge.model$lambda), type = "class") %>% as.factor()
# pred.prob  <- predict(ridge.model, newx = x, s = min(ridge.model$lambda), type = "response")
# MLmetrics::LogLoss(y_pred = pred.prob, y_true = y) # 0.447
# MLmetrics::AUC(y_pred = pred.prob, y_true = y) # 0.865
# MLmetrics::R2_Score(y_pred = pred.prob, y_true = y) # 0.352
# stats::deviance(ridge.model) # 75.95
# conf.mat <- MLmetrics::ConfusionMatrix(y_pred = pred.class, y_true = y) # Or table(y, pred.class)
# error_rate <- (conf.mat[2]+conf.mat[3])/length(y)
# error_rate # Mean error rate = 0.188
# tpr <- (conf.mat[4])/(conf.mat[2]+conf.mat[4])
# tpr # True positive rate = 0.7
# # # To plot the ROC curve:
# # pred <- ROCR::prediction(predictions = pred.prob, labels = mydata$high_eff)
# # auc <- ROCR::performance(prediction.obj = pred, measure = "auc")@y.values[[1]][1]
# # perf <- ROCR::performance(prediction.obj = pred, measure = "tpr","fpr")
# # plot(perf, col="navyblue", cex.main=1,
# #      main= paste("Logistic Regression ROC Curve: AUC =", round(auc,3)))
# # abline(a=0, b = 1, col='darkorange1')
# ### Evaluate the performance of the full Ridge model (WITH interactions):
# pred.class_int <- predict(object = ridge.model_int, newx = x_int,
#                          s = min(ridge.model_int$lambda), type = "class") %>% as.factor()
# pred.prob_int  <- predict(ridge.model_int, newx = x_int, s = min(ridge.model_int$lambda), type = "response")
# MLmetrics::LogLoss(y_pred = pred.prob_int, y_true = y) # 0.399
# MLmetrics::AUC(y_pred = pred.prob_int, y_true = y) # 0.894
# MLmetrics::R2_Score(y_pred = pred.prob_int, y_true = y) # 0.43
# stats::deviance(ridge.model_int) # 67.878
# conf.mat_int <- MLmetrics::ConfusionMatrix(y_pred = pred.class_int, y_true = y) # Or table(y, pred.class_int)
# error_rate_int <- (conf.mat_int[2]+conf.mat_int[3])/length(y)
# error_rate_int # Mean error rate = 0.176
# tpr_int <- (conf.mat_int[4])/(conf.mat_int[2]+conf.mat_int[4])
# tpr_int # True positive rate = 0.73
# # # To plot the ROC curve:
# # pred <- ROCR::prediction(predictions = pred.prob_int, labels = mydata$high_eff)
# # auc <- ROCR::performance(prediction.obj = pred, measure = "auc")@y.values[[1]][1]
# # perf <- ROCR::performance(prediction.obj = pred, measure = "tpr","fpr")
# # plot(perf, col="navyblue", cex.main=1,
# #      main= paste("Logistic Regression ROC Curve: AUC =", round(auc,3)))
# # abline(a=0, b = 1, col='darkorange1')
# ### Enhanced (optimism) bootstrap comparison:
# # Create a function suitable for boot that will return the optimism estimates for statistics testing
# # models against the full original sample:
# compare_opt <- function(orig_data, i){
#   # Create the resampled data
#   train_data <- orig_data[i, ]
#   x.train <- stats::model.matrix(high_eff~., train_data)[,-1] # Matrix of potential predictors (WITHOUT interactions)
#   f <- as.formula(high_eff~add_control+distance+fully_tarped+geomem+obstacles+plantation+pb_fixation
#                   +pb_durability+repairs+slope+stand_surface+stripsoverlap_ok+sedicover_height+tarping_duration
#                   +uprootexcav+pb_fixation*repairs+pb_fixation*add_control+add_control*fully_tarped
#                   +distance*fully_tarped+distance*uprootexcav+fully_tarped*geomem+stripsoverlap_ok*pb_durability
#                   +uprootexcav*pb_fixation+pb_fixation*pb_durability+uprootexcav*plantation+repairs*plantation+0)
#   x.train_int <- stats::model.matrix(f, train_data)[,-1] # Matrix of potential predictors (WITH interactions)
#   y.train <- jk.dusz.tarping::as.numfactor(x = train_data$high_eff) %>% as.matrix() # Same for Y
#   # Run the entire modelling process:
#   model_full <- glmnet::glmnet(x = x.train, y = y.train, alpha = 0, family = "binomial")
#   model_full_int <- glmnet::glmnet(x = x.train_int, y = y.train, alpha = 0, family = "binomial")
#   # Predict the values on the trained, resampled data
#   train_pred.class <- predict(object = model_full, newx = x.train,
#                               s = min(model_full$lambda), type = "class") %>% as.factor()
#   train_pred.prob  <- predict(object = model_full, newx = x.train,
#                               s = min(model_full$lambda), type = "response")
#   train_pred.class_int <- predict(object = model_full_int, newx = x.train_int,
#                               s = min(model_full_int$lambda), type = "class") %>% as.factor()
#   train_pred.prob_int  <- predict(object = model_full_int, newx = x.train_int,
#                               s = min(model_full_int$lambda), type = "response")
#   # Predict the values on the original, unresampled data
#   full_pred.class <- predict(object = model_full, newx = x,
#                              s = min(model_full$lambda), type = "class") %>% as.factor()
#   full_pred.prob  <- predict(object = model_full, newx = x,
#                              s = min(model_full$lambda), type = "response")
#   full_pred.class_int <- predict(object = model_full_int, newx = x_int,
#                              s = min(model_full_int$lambda), type = "class") %>% as.factor()
#   full_pred.prob_int  <- predict(object = model_full_int, newx = x_int,
#                              s = min(model_full_int$lambda), type = "response")
#   train_conf.mat <- MLmetrics::ConfusionMatrix(y_pred = train_pred.class, y_true = y.train)
#   train_error_rate <- (train_conf.mat[2]+train_conf.mat[3])/length(y.train)
#   train_tpr <- (train_conf.mat[4])/(train_conf.mat[2]+train_conf.mat[4])
#   full_conf.mat <- MLmetrics::ConfusionMatrix(y_pred = full_pred.class, y_true = y)
#   full_error_rate <- (full_conf.mat[2]+full_conf.mat[3])/length(y)
#   full_tpr <- (full_conf.mat[4])/(full_conf.mat[2]+full_conf.mat[4])
#   train_conf.mat_int <- MLmetrics::ConfusionMatrix(y_pred = train_pred.class_int, y_true = y.train)
#   train_error_rate_int <- (train_conf.mat_int[2]+train_conf.mat_int[3])/length(y.train)
#   train_tpr_int <- (train_conf.mat_int[4])/(train_conf.mat_int[2]+train_conf.mat_int[4])
#   full_conf.mat_int <- MLmetrics::ConfusionMatrix(y_pred = full_pred.class_int, y_true = y)
#   full_error_rate_int <- (full_conf.mat_int[2]+full_conf.mat_int[3])/length(y)
#   full_tpr_int <- (full_conf.mat_int[4])/(full_conf.mat_int[2]+full_conf.mat_int[4])
#   # Return a vector of summary optimism results
#   results <- c(
#     boot_LogLoss = MLmetrics::LogLoss(y_pred = train_pred.prob, y_true = y.train) -
#       MLmetrics::LogLoss(y_pred = full_pred.prob, y_true = y),
#     boot_AUC = MLmetrics::AUC(y_pred = train_pred.prob, y_true = y.train) -
#       MLmetrics::AUC(y_pred = full_pred.prob, y_true = y),
#     boot_R2 = MLmetrics::R2_Score(y_pred = train_pred.prob, y_true = y.train) -
#       MLmetrics::R2_Score(y_pred = full_pred.prob, y_true = y),
#     boot_m.error = train_error_rate - full_error_rate,
#     boot_tpr = train_tpr - full_tpr,
#     boot_LogLoss_int = MLmetrics::LogLoss(y_pred = train_pred.prob_int, y_true = y.train) -
#       MLmetrics::LogLoss(y_pred = full_pred.prob_int, y_true = y),
#     boot_AUC_int = MLmetrics::AUC(y_pred = train_pred.prob_int, y_true = y.train) -
#       MLmetrics::AUC(y_pred = full_pred.prob_int, y_true = y),
#     boot_R2_int = MLmetrics::R2_Score(y_pred = train_pred.prob_int, y_true = y.train) -
#       MLmetrics::R2_Score(y_pred = full_pred.prob_int, y_true = y),
#     boot_m.error_int = train_error_rate_int - full_error_rate_int,
#     boot_tpr_int = train_tpr_int - full_tpr_int
#   )
#   return(results)
# }
# ### Perform bootstrapping and return optimism-corrected results:
# res_opt <- boot::boot(data = mydata, statistic = compare_opt, R = 1000) # For large datasets, use a parallel
# # cluster computing (it's quite straightforward)
# # Calculate the results for the original model:
# original <- c(
#   MLmetrics::LogLoss(y_pred = pred.prob, y_true = y),
#   MLmetrics::AUC(y_pred = pred.prob, y_true = y),
#   MLmetrics::R2_Score(y_pred = pred.prob, y_true = y),
#   error_rate,
#   tpr,
#   MLmetrics::LogLoss(y_pred = pred.prob_int, y_true = y),
#   MLmetrics::AUC(y_pred = pred.prob_int, y_true = y),
#   MLmetrics::R2_Score(y_pred = pred.prob_int, y_true = y),
#   error_rate_int,
#   tpr_int
# )
# res_original <- as.data.frame(x = original, row.names = c("LogLoss", "AUC",
#                                             "R2", "Mean Error Rate", "True Positive Rate",
#                                             "LogLoss (w/ inter.)", "AUC (w/ inter.)",
#                                             "R2 (w/ inter.)", "Mean Error Rate (w/ inter.)",
#                                             "True Positive Rate (w/ inter.)")) %>%
#   dplyr::rename("Initial value" = original)
# # Compute the mean bootstrapped results and the enhanced results:
# optimism <- apply(na.omit(res_opt$t), 2, mean)
# corrected_results <- original - optimism %>% as.data.frame(row.names = c("LogLoss", "AUC",
#                                                           "R2", "Mean Error Rate", "True Positive Rate",
#                                                           "LogLoss (w/ inter.)", "AUC (w/ inter.)",
#                                                           "R2 (w/ inter.)", "Mean Error Rate (w/ inter.)",
#                                                           "True Positive Rate (w/ inter.)"))
# res_corrected <- dplyr::rename(.data = corrected_results, "Optimism-corrected value" = .)
# ### Export result tables
# readr::write_csv2(x = res_original, file = here::here("output", "tables", "Orig.predic.metrics_high_eff.csv"))
# readr::write_csv2(x = res_corrected, file = here::here("output", "tables", "Correct.predic.metrics_high_eff.csv"))
# ##### Comparing Ridge model (with interactions) with and without manual standardisation #####
# # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# # ### Data preparation:
# #
# # mydata <- eff[,c("high_eff", "add_control", "distance", "fully_tarped", "geomem", "obstacles",
# #                  "plantation", "pb_fixation", "pb_durability", "repairs", "slope", "stand_surface",
# #                  "stripsoverlap_ok", "sedicover_height", "tarping_duration", "uprootexcav")]
# # # Create data matrices (as accepted by glmnet):
# # f <- as.formula(high_eff~add_control+distance+fully_tarped+geomem+obstacles+plantation+pb_fixation
# #                 +pb_durability+repairs+slope+stand_surface+stripsoverlap_ok+sedicover_height+tarping_duration
# #                 +uprootexcav+pb_fixation*repairs+pb_fixation*add_control+add_control*fully_tarped
# #                 +distance*fully_tarped+distance*uprootexcav+fully_tarped*geomem+stripsoverlap_ok*pb_durability
# #                 +uprootexcav*pb_fixation+pb_fixation*pb_durability+uprootexcav*plantation+repairs*plantation+0)
# # x <- stats::model.matrix(f, mydata)[,-1] # Matrix of potential predictors (WITHOUT manual standardisation)
# # x_stdz <- apply(x, 2, scale) # Matrix of potential predictors (WITH manual standardisation)
# #
# # y <- jk.dusz.tarping::as.numfactor(x = mydata$high_eff) %>% as.matrix()
# # # NOTE: to create all possible interactions, the formula should be: f <- high_eff~.^2 (for second-order
# # # interactions, or ^3 for third order)!
# #
# #
# #
# # ### Ridge regression:
# # # Find the optimal value of lambda that minimizes the cross-validation error:
# # set.seed(653)
# # cv.ridge <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(x = x, y = y, alpha = 0, family = "binomial",
# #                               type.measure = "deviance", nfolds = 10)
# # cv.ridge_stdz <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(x = x_stdz, y = y, alpha = 0, family = "binomial",
# #                                   type.measure = "deviance", nfolds = 10)
# # plot(cv.ridge)
# # plot(cv.ridge_stdz)
# # # glmnet::coef.glmnet(object = cv.ridge, s = cv.ridge$lambda.min) # To have look at the coefficients
# # # glmnet::coef.glmnet(object = cv.ridge_stdz, s = cv.ridge$lambda.min) # To have look at the coefficients
# #
# # # Compute the full Ridge model:
# # ridge.model <- glmnet::glmnet(x = x, y = y, alpha = 0, family = "binomial")
# # ridge.model_stdz <- glmnet::glmnet(x = x_stdz, y = y, alpha = 0, family = "binomial")
# #
# #
# #
# # ### Evaluate the performance of the full Ridge model (WITHOUT manual standardisation):
# # pred.class <- predict(object = ridge.model, newx = x,
# #                       s = min(ridge.model$lambda), type = "class") %>% as.factor()
# # pred.prob  <- predict(ridge.model, newx = x, s = min(ridge.model$lambda), type = "response")
# #
# # MLmetrics::LogLoss(y_pred = pred.prob, y_true = y) # 0.399
# # MLmetrics::AUC(y_pred = pred.prob, y_true = y) # 0.894
# # MLmetrics::R2_Score(y_pred = pred.prob, y_true = y) # 0.43
# # stats::deviance(ridge.model) # 67.88
# #
# # conf.mat <- MLmetrics::ConfusionMatrix(y_pred = pred.class, y_true = y) # Or table(y, pred.class)
# # error_rate <- (conf.mat[2]+conf.mat[3])/length(y)
# # error_rate # Mean error rate = 0.176
# # tpr <- (conf.mat[4])/(conf.mat[2]+conf.mat[4])
# # tpr # True positive rate = 0.73
# #
# # # # To plot the ROC curve:
# # # pred <- ROCR::prediction(predictions = pred.prob, labels = mydata$high_eff)
# # # auc <- ROCR::performance(prediction.obj = pred, measure = "auc")@y.values[[1]][1]
# # # perf <- ROCR::performance(prediction.obj = pred, measure = "tpr","fpr")
# # # plot(perf, col="navyblue", cex.main=1,
# # #      main= paste("Logistic Regression ROC Curve: AUC =", round(auc,3)))
# # # abline(a=0, b = 1, col='darkorange1')
# #
# #
# #
# # ### Evaluate the performance of the full Ridge model (WITH interactions):
# # pred.class_stdz <- predict(object = ridge.model_stdz, newx = x_stdz,
# #                           s = min(ridge.model_stdz$lambda), type = "class") %>% as.factor()
# # pred.prob_stdz  <- predict(ridge.model_stdz, newx = x_stdz, s = min(ridge.model_stdz$lambda), type = "response")
# #
# # MLmetrics::LogLoss(y_pred = pred.prob_stdz, y_true = y) # 0.399
# # MLmetrics::AUC(y_pred = pred.prob_stdz, y_true = y) # 0.894
# # MLmetrics::R2_Score(y_pred = pred.prob_stdz, y_true = y) # 0.43
# # stats::deviance(ridge.model_stdz) # 67.878
# #
# # conf.mat_stdz <- MLmetrics::ConfusionMatrix(y_pred = pred.class_stdz, y_true = y) # Or table(y, pred.class_stdz)
# # error_rate_stdz <- (conf.mat_stdz[2]+conf.mat_stdz[3])/length(y)
# # error_rate_stdz # Mean error rate = 0.176
# # tpr_stdz <- (conf.mat_stdz[4])/(conf.mat_stdz[2]+conf.mat_stdz[4])
# # tpr_stdz # True positive rate = 0.73
# #
# # # # To plot the ROC curve:
# # # pred <- ROCR::prediction(predictions = pred.prob_stdz, labels = mydata$high_eff)
# # # auc <- ROCR::performance(prediction.obj = pred, measure = "auc")@y.values[[1]][1]
# # # perf <- ROCR::performance(prediction.obj = pred, measure = "tpr","fpr")
# # # plot(perf, col="navyblue", cex.main=1,
# # #      main= paste("Logistic Regression ROC Curve: AUC =", round(auc,3)))
# # # abline(a=0, b = 1, col='darkorange1')
# #
# #
# #
# # ### Enhanced (optimism) bootstrap comparison:
# # # Create a function suitable for boot that will return the optimism estimates for statistics testing
# # # models against the full original sample:
# # compare_opt <- function(orig_data, i){
# #   # Create the resampled data
# #   train_data <- orig_data[i, ]
# #
# #   # Create data matrices (as accepted by glmnet):
# #   f <- as.formula(high_eff~add_control+distance+fully_tarped+geomem+obstacles+plantation+pb_fixation
# #                   +pb_durability+repairs+slope+stand_surface+stripsoverlap_ok+sedicover_height+tarping_duration
# #                   +uprootexcav+pb_fixation*repairs+pb_fixation*add_control+add_control*fully_tarped
# #                   +distance*fully_tarped+distance*uprootexcav+fully_tarped*geomem+stripsoverlap_ok*pb_durability
# #                   +uprootexcav*pb_fixation+pb_fixation*pb_durability+uprootexcav*plantation+repairs*plantation+0)
# #   x.train <- stats::model.matrix(f, train_data)[,-1] # Matrix of potential predictors (WITHOUT manual standardisation)
# #   x.train_stdz <- apply(x, 2, scale) # Matrix of potential predictors (WITH manual standardisation)
# #
# #   y.train <- jk.dusz.tarping::as.numfactor(x = train_data$high_eff) %>% as.matrix()
# #
# #   # Run the entire modelling process:
# #   model_full <- glmnet::glmnet(x = x.train, y = y.train, alpha = 0, family = "binomial")
# #   model_full_stdz <- glmnet::glmnet(x = x.train_stdz, y = y.train, alpha = 0, family = "binomial")
# #
# #   # Predict the values on the trained, resampled data
# #   train_pred.class <- predict(object = model_full, newx = x.train,
# #                               s = min(model_full$lambda), type = "class") %>% as.factor()
# #   train_pred.prob  <- predict(object = model_full, newx = x.train,
# #                               s = min(model_full$lambda), type = "response")
# #   train_pred.class_stdz <- predict(object = model_full_stdz, newx = x.train_stdz,
# #                                   s = min(model_full_stdz$lambda), type = "class") %>% as.factor()
# #   train_pred.prob_stdz  <- predict(object = model_full_stdz, newx = x.train_stdz,
# #                                   s = min(model_full_stdz$lambda), type = "response")
# #
# #   # Predict the values on the original, unresampled data
# #   full_pred.class <- predict(object = model_full, newx = x,
# #                              s = min(model_full$lambda), type = "class") %>% as.factor()
# #   full_pred.prob  <- predict(object = model_full, newx = x,
# #                              s = min(model_full$lambda), type = "response")
# #   full_pred.class_stdz <- predict(object = model_full_stdz, newx = x_stdz,
# #                                  s = min(model_full_stdz$lambda), type = "class") %>% as.factor()
# #   full_pred.prob_stdz  <- predict(object = model_full_stdz, newx = x_stdz,
# #                                  s = min(model_full_stdz$lambda), type = "response")
# #
# #   train_conf.mat <- MLmetrics::ConfusionMatrix(y_pred = train_pred.class, y_true = y.train)
# #   train_error_rate <- (train_conf.mat[2]+train_conf.mat[3])/length(y.train)
# #   train_tpr <- (train_conf.mat[4])/(train_conf.mat[2]+train_conf.mat[4])
# #   full_conf.mat <- MLmetrics::ConfusionMatrix(y_pred = full_pred.class, y_true = y)
# #   full_error_rate <- (full_conf.mat[2]+full_conf.mat[3])/length(y)
# #   full_tpr <- (full_conf.mat[4])/(full_conf.mat[2]+full_conf.mat[4])
# #
# #   train_conf.mat_stdz <- MLmetrics::ConfusionMatrix(y_pred = train_pred.class_stdz, y_true = y.train)
# #   train_error_rate_stdz <- (train_conf.mat_stdz[2]+train_conf.mat_stdz[3])/length(y.train)
# #   train_tpr_stdz <- (train_conf.mat_stdz[4])/(train_conf.mat_stdz[2]+train_conf.mat_stdz[4])
# #   full_conf.mat_stdz <- MLmetrics::ConfusionMatrix(y_pred = full_pred.class_stdz, y_true = y)
# #   full_error_rate_stdz <- (full_conf.mat_stdz[2]+full_conf.mat_stdz[3])/length(y)
# #   full_tpr_stdz <- (full_conf.mat_stdz[4])/(full_conf.mat_stdz[2]+full_conf.mat_stdz[4])
# #
# #
# #   # Return a vector of summary optimism results
# #   results <- c(
# #     boot_LogLoss = MLmetrics::LogLoss(y_pred = train_pred.prob, y_true = y.train) -
# #       MLmetrics::LogLoss(y_pred = full_pred.prob, y_true = y),
# #     boot_AUC = MLmetrics::AUC(y_pred = train_pred.prob, y_true = y.train) -
# #       MLmetrics::AUC(y_pred = full_pred.prob, y_true = y),
# #     boot_R2 = MLmetrics::R2_Score(y_pred = train_pred.prob, y_true = y.train) -
# #       MLmetrics::R2_Score(y_pred = full_pred.prob, y_true = y),
# #     boot_m.error = train_error_rate - full_error_rate,
# #     boot_tpr = train_tpr - full_tpr,
# #     boot_LogLoss_stdz = MLmetrics::LogLoss(y_pred = train_pred.prob_stdz, y_true = y.train) -
# #       MLmetrics::LogLoss(y_pred = full_pred.prob_stdz, y_true = y),
# #     boot_AUC_stdz = MLmetrics::AUC(y_pred = train_pred.prob_stdz, y_true = y.train) -
# #       MLmetrics::AUC(y_pred = full_pred.prob_stdz, y_true = y),
# #     boot_R2_stdz = MLmetrics::R2_Score(y_pred = train_pred.prob_stdz, y_true = y.train) -
# #       MLmetrics::R2_Score(y_pred = full_pred.prob_stdz, y_true = y),
# #     boot_m.error_stdz = train_error_rate_stdz - full_error_rate_stdz,
# #     boot_tpr_stdz = train_tpr_stdz - full_tpr_stdz
# #   )
# #   return(results)
# # }
# #
# #
# #
# # ### Perform bootstrapping and return optimism-corrected results:
# # res_opt <- boot::boot(data = mydata, statistic = compare_opt, R = 1000) # For large datasets, use a parallel
# # # cluster computing (it's quite straightforward)
# #
# # # Calculate the results for the original model:
# # original <- c(
# #   MLmetrics::LogLoss(y_pred = pred.prob, y_true = y),
# #   MLmetrics::AUC(y_pred = pred.prob, y_true = y),
# #   MLmetrics::R2_Score(y_pred = pred.prob, y_true = y),
# #   error_rate,
# #   tpr,
# #   MLmetrics::LogLoss(y_pred = pred.prob_stdz, y_true = y),
# #   MLmetrics::AUC(y_pred = pred.prob_stdz, y_true = y),
# #   MLmetrics::R2_Score(y_pred = pred.prob_stdz, y_true = y),
# #   error_rate_stdz,
# #   tpr_stdz
# # )
# #
# # # Compute the mean bootstrapped results and the enhanced results:
# # optimism <- apply(na.omit(res_opt$t), 2, mean)
# # corrected_results <- original - optimism %>% as.data.frame(row.names = c("LogLoss", "AUC",
# #                                                                          "R2", "Mean Error Rate", "True Positive Rate",
# #                                                                          "LogLoss (w/ man. stdz.)", "AUC (w/ man. stdz.)",
# #                                                                          "R2 (w/ man. stdz.)", "Mean Error Rate (w/ man. stdz.)",
# #                                                                          "True Positive Rate (w/ man. stdz.)"))
# # print(corrected_results <- dplyr::rename(.data = corrected_results, "Optimism-corrected value" = .))
# # CONCLUSION: contrarily to what I read online, manual standardisation does not improve results and the
# # 'standardize = TRUE' argument in 'glmnet::glmnet' seems to work properly! Therefore, we will use the full
# # model that includes interactions to make predictions regarding the probability of (near-) eradication for
# # differing values of distance, stand_surface, etc.
# ##### Predicting new (near-)eradication events #####
# # ------------------------------------------------ #
# ### Generate new data
# new.dat <- mydata %>%
#   dplyr::mutate_if(is.numeric, mean) %>%
#   dplyr::mutate(add_control = 1) %>%
#   dplyr::mutate(fully_tarped = 1) %>%
#   dplyr::mutate(geomem = 1) %>%
#   dplyr::mutate(plantation = 0) %>%
#   dplyr::mutate(pb_fixation = 0) %>%
#   dplyr::mutate(pb_durability = 0) %>%
#   dplyr::mutate(repairs = 1) %>%
#   dplyr::mutate(stripsoverlap_ok = 1) %>%
#   dplyr::mutate(uprootexcav = 1)
# new.dat <- new.dat[1:50,]
# summary(new.dat) # Generated a new dataset simulating knotweed stands with average values for numeric
# # variables and that was fully covered by a geomembrane after having been uprooted and with at least 40cm
# # of fabric strips overlap, the presence of additional control, repairs, no plantation, and no particular
# # problems.
# new.dat_nf <- new.dat %>% dplyr::mutate(fully_tarped = 0)
# # For a range of distances and 3 stand surfaces, when FULLY TARPED
# distance <- seq(0.1, 5, length.out = 50)
# new.dist <- new.dat
# new.dist$distance <- distance
# new.dist5 <- dplyr::mutate(.data = new.dist,
#                            stand_surface = 5)
# new.dist50 <- dplyr::mutate(.data = new.dist,
#                            stand_surface = 50)
# new.dist500 <- dplyr::mutate(.data = new.dist,
#                            stand_surface = 500)
# new.dist5 <- stats::model.matrix(f, new.dist5) # Matrix of potential predictors to be used by predict()
# new.dist50 <- stats::model.matrix(f, new.dist50)
# new.dist500 <- stats::model.matrix(f, new.dist500)
# # For a range of distances and 3 stand surfaces, when NOT FULLY TARPED
# distance <- seq(0.1, 5, length.out = 50)
# new.dist <- new.dat_nf
# new.dist$distance <- distance
# new.dist_nf5 <- dplyr::mutate(.data = new.dist,
#                            stand_surface = 5)
# new.dist_nf50 <- dplyr::mutate(.data = new.dist,
#                             stand_surface = 50)
# new.dist_nf500 <- dplyr::mutate(.data = new.dist,
#                              stand_surface = 500)
# new.dist_nf5 <- stats::model.matrix(f, new.dist_nf5) # Matrix of potential predictors to be used by predict()
# new.dist_nf50 <- stats::model.matrix(f, new.dist_nf50)
# new.dist_nf500 <- stats::model.matrix(f, new.dist_nf500)
# ### Predict probabilities of (near-)eradication for the new data:
# # Predictions for a range of distance values (according to some stand surfaces)
# pred.prob_dist5  <- predict(ridge.model_int, newx = new.dist5, s = min(ridge.model_int$lambda), type = "response")
# pred.prob_dist50  <- predict(ridge.model_int, newx = new.dist50, s = min(ridge.model_int$lambda), type = "response")
# pred.prob_dist500  <- predict(ridge.model_int, newx = new.dist500, s = min(ridge.model_int$lambda), type = "response")
# pred.prob_dist_nf5  <- predict(ridge.model_int, newx = new.dist_nf5, s = min(ridge.model_int$lambda), type = "response")
# pred.prob_dist_nf50  <- predict(ridge.model_int, newx = new.dist_nf50, s = min(ridge.model_int$lambda), type = "response")
# pred.prob_dist_nf500  <- predict(ridge.model_int, newx = new.dist_nf500, s = min(ridge.model_int$lambda), type = "response")
# ### Plot predictions and export the plot:
# # In JPEG format
# grDevices::jpeg(filename = here::here("output", "plots", "Figure_1.jpeg"))
# graphics::par(cex.lab=1.3, font.lab=2, bty = "n", fg = "gray35",
#     col.axis = "gray35", col.lab = "gray20", cex = 0.8, tcl = -0.3,
#     mgp = c(2, 0.6, 0.1), oma = c(1, 0, 1, 0), lab = c(5, 10, 7))
# graphics::plot(pred.prob_dist5~new.dist5[,2], ylim = c(0,1), type = "n",
#                xlab = "Distance (m)", ylab = "Predicted probability")
# graphics::lines(pred.prob_dist5~new.dist5[,2], data = new.dist5, col = "gold", lwd = 3, lty = 1,
#                 panel.first = {grid(col="lavender",nx = 5,ny = 9, lty = 6)})
# graphics::lines(pred.prob_dist50~new.dist50[,2], data = new.dist50, col = "sandybrown", lwd = 3, lty = 1)
# graphics::lines(pred.prob_dist500~new.dist500[,2], data = new.dist500, col = "chocolate4", lwd = 3, lty = 1)
# graphics::lines(pred.prob_dist_nf5~new.dist_nf5[,2], data = new.dist_nf5, col = "gold", lwd = 3, lty = 3)
# graphics::lines(pred.prob_dist_nf50~new.dist_nf50[,2], data = new.dist_nf50, col = "sandybrown", lwd = 3, lty = 3)
# graphics::lines(pred.prob_dist_nf500~new.dist_nf500[,2], data = new.dist_nf500, col = "chocolate4", lwd = 3, lty = 3)
# graphics::legend(x = 3, y = 0.7,
#                  legend = c("Fully tarped", "Not fully tarped", "Stand surface 5 m2", "Stand surface 50 m2",
#                             "Stand surface 500 m2"),
#                  col = c("black", "black", "gold", "sandybrown", "chocolate4"), lty = c(1,3,1,1,1),
#                  lwd = 3, bty = "n", cex = 1.1)
# dev.off()
# # In PDF format
# grDevices::pdf(file = here::here("output", "plots", "Figure_1.pdf"))
# graphics::par(cex.lab=1.3, font.lab=2, bty = "n", fg = "gray35",
#               col.axis = "gray35", col.lab = "gray20", cex = 0.8, tcl = -0.3,
#               mgp = c(2, 0.6, 0.1), oma = c(1, 0, 1, 0), lab = c(5, 10, 7))
# graphics::plot(pred.prob_dist5~new.dist5[,2], ylim = c(0,1), type = "n",
#                xlab = "Distance (m)", ylab = "Predicted probability")
# graphics::lines(pred.prob_dist5~new.dist5[,2], data = new.dist5, col = "gold", lwd = 3, lty = 1,
#                 panel.first = {grid(col="lavender",nx = 5,ny = 9, lty = 6)})
# graphics::lines(pred.prob_dist50~new.dist50[,2], data = new.dist50, col = "sandybrown", lwd = 3, lty = 1)
# graphics::lines(pred.prob_dist500~new.dist500[,2], data = new.dist500, col = "chocolate4", lwd = 3, lty = 1)
# graphics::lines(pred.prob_dist_nf5~new.dist_nf5[,2], data = new.dist_nf5, col = "gold", lwd = 3, lty = 3)
# graphics::lines(pred.prob_dist_nf50~new.dist_nf50[,2], data = new.dist_nf50, col = "sandybrown", lwd = 3, lty = 3)
# graphics::lines(pred.prob_dist_nf500~new.dist_nf500[,2], data = new.dist_nf500, col = "chocolate4", lwd = 3, lty = 3)
# graphics::legend(x = 3, y = 0.7,
#                  legend = c("Fully tarped", "Not fully tarped", "Stand surface 5 m2", "Stand surface 50 m2",
#                             "Stand surface 500 m2"),
#                  col = c("black", "black", "gold", "sandybrown", "chocolate4"), lty = c(1,3,1,1,1),
#                  lwd = 3, bty = "n", cex = 1.1)
# dev.off()
mrelnoob/jk.dusz.tarping documentation built on July 31, 2023, 9:19 a.m.