
Defines functions bootstrap

Documented in bootstrap

#' @export
#' @return Returns the true correlation, bootstrap correlation, standard error, bias and confidence interval.
#' @title Bootstrap
#' @usage bootstrap(n=1000,X,Y,plot=TRUE)
#' @keywords boot bootstrap correlation
#' @description Estimate the correlation, by using bootstrap.
#' @param n number of tests
#' @param X is the first vector
#' @param Y is the second vector
#' @param plot, boolean do we want to plot the histogram
#' @author Steffan Leth Jensen \cr
#' Department of mathematics and computer science (IMADA) \cr
#' University of southern Denmark, SDU, Odense \cr
#' \email{steje14@student.sdu.dk} \cr
#' @examples bootstrap(1000,cars$speed,cars$dist,TRUE)

bootstrap <- function(n=1000,X,Y,plot=TRUE){

  if(!(n  == as.integer(n) && n>0 && !is.logical(n))){
    stop("'n' must be an integer greater than 0")
    warning("'n' is 1, you can't calculate standard error, because you will divide by 0")
    stop("'X' must be numeric")
    stop("'Y' must be numeric")
    stop("'plot' must be an logic")
  if(!(length(X) == length(Y))){
    stop("'X' and 'Y' must have same length")

  bootCor <- rep(0,n) # Preper an empty list for the different correlations
  for (i in 1:n){
    j <- sample(1:length(X), size = length(X), replace=TRUE) # Makes the sample, which will give the new vectors
    bootX <- X[j]
    bootY <- Y[j]
    bootCor[i] <- cor(bootX,bootY) # Generates the correlation between the two new vectors

  se <- sqrt((1/(n-1))*sum((bootCor-mean(bootCor))^2)) # Find the standard error

  bias <- mean(bootCor)-cor(X,Y) # Find the bias

  CI <- c(mean(bootCor) - se * 1.96, mean(bootCor) + se * 1.96) # Make the comfidense interval, the first number is the lower bound, and the second is the upperbound.

  #plot. Only if it is true.
    hist(bootCor, breaks = length(seq(from = min(bootCor), to=max(bootCor),by=0.02))) # Plot the histogram
    abline(v=CI) # Plot the confidense inverval vertical

  return (list(trueCorrelation = cor(X,Y) , bootstrapCorrelation = mean(bootCor) , standardError = se , bias = bias , confidenceInterval = CI))
mrleth94/ST522ExamSteje14 documentation built on May 23, 2019, 7:37 a.m.