
#' Plot tree differences on ternary plots
#' Generate points to depict tree difference (in terms of resolution
#' and accuracy) on a ternary plot, per \insertCite{Smith2019;textual}{Quartet}.
#' The ternary plot (produced using the \pkg{Ternary} package,
#' \insertCite{Ternary;nobrackets}{Quartet})
#' will depict the number of quartets or splits that are:
#' - resolved in the reference tree (`cf`), but neither present nor contradicted
#'   in each comparison tree (`trees`);
#' - resolved differently in the reference and the comparison tree;
#' - resolved in the same manner in the reference and comparison trees. 
#' If the reference tree (`cf`) is taken to represent the best possible
#' knowledge of the "true" topology, then polytomies in the reference tree
#' represent uncertainty.
#' If a tree in `trees` resolves relationships within this polytomy, it is not
#' possible to establish (based only on the reference tree) whether this
#' resolution is correct or erroneous.
#' As such, extra resolution in `trees` that is neither corroborated nor
#' contradicted by `cf` is ignored.
#' @template treesParam
#' @template treesCfParam
#' @return A data frame listing the ternary coordinates of trees, based on the
#' amount of information that they have in common with the comparison
#' tree (which defaults to the first member of the list, if unspecified).
#' @examples
#' library("Ternary")
#' data("sq_trees")
#' TernaryPlot(alab = "Unresolved", blab = "Contradicted", clab = "Consistent",
#'             point = "right")
#' TernaryLines(list(c(0, 2/3, 1/3), c(1, 0, 0)), col = "red", lty = "dotted")
#' TernaryText(QuartetPoints(sq_trees, cf = sq_trees$collapse_one), 1:15, 
#'             col = Ternary::cbPalette8[2], cex = 0.8)
#' TernaryText(SplitPoints(sq_trees, cf = sq_trees$collapse_one), 1:15, 
#'             col = Ternary::cbPalette8[3], cex = 0.8)
#' legend("bottomright", c("Quartets", "Splits"), bty = "n", pch = 1, cex = 0.8,
#'        col = Ternary::cbPalette8[2:3])
#' @references \insertAllCited{}
#' @template MRS
#' @export
QuartetPoints <- function (trees, cf = trees[[1]]) {
  status <- QuartetStatus(trees, cf)
  # Return: 
  data.frame(Unresolved   = status[, "r2"], 
             Contradicted = status[, "d"],
             Consistent   = status[, "s"])

#' @rdname QuartetPoints
#' @export
SplitPoints <- function (trees, cf = trees[[1]]) {
  status <- SplitStatus(trees, cf)

  # Return: 
  data.frame(Unresolved   = status[, "r2"],
             Contradicted = status[, "d2"],
             Consistent   = status[, "s"])
#' @rdname QuartetPoints
#' @export
BipartitionPoints <- SplitPoints

#' Plot contours of equal symmetric difference on a ternary plot
#' Assumes that tree 1 is perfectly resolved, but that the resolution
#' of tree 2 can vary.
#' @param nsd Vector specifying normalized symmetric differences to plot.
#' @return Returns a matrix of dim `(length(nsd), 6)`, with columns named
#' `r2a`, `da`, `sa`, `r2b`, `db` and `sb`.
#' Lines from `a` to `b` in each row connect points of equal symmetric difference.
#' @template MRS
#' @export
SymmetricDifferenceLineEnds <- function (nsd) {
  if (any(nsd < 0 | nsd > 1)) stop("nsd must be between 0 and 1")
  r2a <- 0
  r2b <- (2L * nsd) / (1L + nsd)
  sa <- (1 - nsd) * (1 - (r2a / 2))
  sb <- (1 - nsd) * (1 - (r2b / 2))
  da <- 1 - sa - r2a
  db <- 0
  # Return:
  cbind(r2a, da, sa, r2b, db, sb)

#' @describeIn SymmetricDifferenceLineEnds Plot the lines onto the active ternary plot.
#' @param \dots Further parameters to pass to 
#' \code{\link[Ternary:AddToTernary]{TernaryLines}()}.
#' @importFrom Ternary TernaryLines
#' @export
SymmetricDifferenceLines <- function (nsd, ...) { #nocov start
  apply(SymmetricDifferenceLineEnds(nsd), 1, function (ends) {
    TernaryLines(rbind(ends[1:3], ends[4:6]), ...)
  # Return:
} #nocov end
ms609/SlowQuartet documentation built on Sept. 7, 2024, 3:12 a.m.