Man pages for ms609/TreeDistData
Analysis of Phylogenetic Tree Distance Measures

AllDistsAll distances between a pair of trees
bullseyeBullseye test results
CompareAllTreesAll distances between each pair of trees
distanceDistributionsDistances between random pairs of trees
dot-TDDTableTabulate method outputs
linTestsEvaluating tree distance metrics by cluster recovery
randomTreeDistancesMean distances between random pairs of trees
randomTreePairsPairs of random trees
sevenTipDistancesDistances between unrooted seven-leaf trees
shapeEffectShape effect
sprDistancesTree distance and SPR moves
treeBalanceCorrelation between tree distances and tree balance
TreeDistColSelect colour from palette
TreeDistData-package'TreeDistData' is an R package that contains the functions...
TreeDistMethodsMethod parameters
ms609/TreeDistData documentation built on May 21, 2021, 6:53 a.m.