
Defines functions map_one map

Documented in map map_one

#' Maps a function along an array preserving its structure
#' @param X        An n-dimensional array
#' @param along    Along which axis to apply the function
#' @param FUN      A function that maps a vector to the same length or a scalar
#' @param subsets  Whether to apply \code{FUN} along the whole axis or subsets thereof
#' @param drop     Remove unused dimensions after mapping; default: TRUE
#' @param ...      Other arguments passed to \code{FUN}
#' @return         An array where \code{FUN} has been applied
#' @export
map = function(X, along, FUN, subsets=base::rep(1,dim(X)[along]), drop=TRUE, ...) {
    subsets = as.factor(subsets)
    if (length(subsets) != dim(X)[along])
        stop("'subsets' needs to be same length as array along axis")
    if (NA %in% subsets) {
        warning("NA found in subsets, those will be dropped")
        X = subset(X, !is.na(subsets), along=along)
        subsets = subsets[!is.na(subsets)]
    lsubsets = as.character(unique(subsets)) # levels() changes order!
    nsubsets = length(lsubsets)

    # create a list to index X with each subset
    subs_idx = base::rep(list(base::rep(list(TRUE), length(dim(X)))), nsubsets)
    for (i in 1:nsubsets)
        subs_idx[[i]][[along]] = (subsets==lsubsets[i])

    # for each subset, call map_one
    pb = pb(nsubsets)
    resultList = lapply(subs_idx, function(f) {
        re = map_one(subset(X, f), along, FUN, drop=FALSE, ...)

    # assemble results together
    Y = bind(resultList, along=along)
    if (dim(Y)[along] == dim(X)[along])
        base::dimnames(Y)[[along]] = base::dimnames(X)[[along]]
    else if (dim(Y)[along] == nsubsets)
        base::dimnames(Y)[[along]] = lsubsets

    drop_if(Y, drop)

#' Apply function that preserves order of dimensions
#' @param X        An n-dimensional array
#' @param along    Along which axis to apply the function
#' @param FUN      A function that maps a vector to the same length or a scalar
#' @param pb       progress bar object
#' @param drop     Remove unused dimensions after mapping; default: TRUE
#' @param ...      Arguments passed to the function
#' @return         An array where \code{FUN} has been applied
map_one = function(X, along, FUN, pb, drop=TRUE, ...) {
    if (is.vector(X) || length(dim(X))==1)
        return(FUN(X, ...))

    preserveAxes = c(1:length(dim(X)))[-along]
    Y = as.array(apply(X, preserveAxes, FUN, ...))
    if (length(dim(Y)) < length(dim(X)))
        Y = array(Y, dim=c(1, dim(Y)), dimnames=c(list(NULL), dimnames(Y)))

    Y = aperm(Y, base::match(seq_along(dim(Y)), c(along, preserveAxes)))
    drop_if(Y, drop)
mschubert/arraytools documentation built on Jan. 12, 2023, 8:21 a.m.