Man pages for mshakya/RPiReT
A package that supports PiReT

DESeq2_CAplotProduces CA plot
DESeq2FPKMCalculates FPKM from DESeq2 object
DESeq2FPMCalculates FPM from DESeq2 object
DESeq2_histogramProduces histogram plots based on the FPKM or FPM table
DESeq2_summaryProduces CA plot
DESeq2_violinProduces violin plots based on the FPKM/FPM table
feat2deseq2Creates a DESeq2 object from featurecount table and...
FPKM_heatmapProduces heatmap plots based on the FPKM table
FPM_heatmapProduces heatmap plots based on the FPKM table
gage_analysisConducts GAGE analysis using fold change data.
map_pathwayGets pathway maps and paints colors based on expression level...
mshakya/RPiReT documentation built on May 26, 2019, 9:36 a.m.