
Defines functions apply_rule print.AttachedRule

Documented in apply_rule print.AttachedRule

#' Applies the rule to the specified text
#' That is invoke the parser to parse a given input text using 
#' the specified rule as the root. 
#' @param parser, a peg parser produced by  new.parser
#' @param rule.id, a character string naming the rule
#' @param arg, a character string to be parsed
#' @param exe, (optional, default=FALSE) a flag indicate whether actions should be performed. 
#' when FALSE, no actions will be executed
#' @param record, (optional, default=FALSE) a flag which when set produces tree of snapshots of all nodes
#' visited during a successful parse.
#' @return A PEGResult, a container containing the status of the parsing attempt, a record of the characters parsed, 
#' and a list of one or more values computed during the parse. If exe not set (FALSE) or no actions have been attached
#' to the rules, then the values will simply be a list of all literals (characters, or strings) that appeared in the 
#' input text.
#' @examples
#' # The simplest example: a parser that only accepts a single character 'a'
#' peg<-new.parser()
#' peg<-add_rule(peg, "A<-'a'")
#' res<-apply_rule(peg, 'A', "a")
#' res # the results
#' # A more complex example: 
#' # A number parser: Extracts number
#' peg<-new.parser()
#' peg<-add_rule(peg, "NUM<-[0-9]+ ('.' [0-9]*)?)", act = "paste1(v)", des = "numbers")
#' apply_rule(peg, "NUM", "12.3", exe=T)
#' @example
#' demo/distConv.R
#' @export
apply_rule<-function(parser, rule.id, input.text, exe=NULL, record=NULL){
  if(!("pegR" %in% class(parser))){ stop("first argument not a peg parser", call. = FALSE)}  
  if( !( rule.id %in% rule_ids(parser) ) ){stop("cannot parse: invalid rule identifier", call. = FALSE)}
  #parser$pegE[[rule.id]](input.text, exe)->res
  pexApplyRule(parser, rule.id, input.text, exe, record)->res
  if(!"list" %in% (class(res)) ){ stop("Bad Action Rule: resulting value is not a list", call. = FALSE)}

#' An alternative to apply_rule
#' @examples
#' # The simplest example: a parser that only accepts a single character 'a'
#' # First create a new pegR
#' peg<-new.parser()
#' # Next we add the rule to the peg
#' peg + "A<-'a'"
#' # Next apply the rule to the string "a"
#' peg[['A']]("a")->res 
#' # to see the result  print(res)
#' res  
#' @export
"[[.pegR"<-function(parser, rule.id){
  if(!("pegR" %in% class(parser))){ stop("first argument not a peg parser", call. = FALSE)}  
  #to return a attached rule (i hope)
#   if("integer" %in% class(rule.id)){
#     tmp<-parser
#     class(tmp)<-"list"
#     return(tmp[[list.rule.id]])
#   }
  if(!("character" %in% class(rule.id))){
    stop("second argument is not a string", call. = FALSE)
  if( rule.id %in% rule_ids(parser)){ #return an attached rule
        record=ifelse(is.null(input$record), FALSE, input$record==TRUE)  
        return(apply_rule(parser, rule.id, input.text, exe=input$exe, record=record ))
      apply = applyRule(list(...))
  } else { 
    #return null for now

#' Prints an attached rule
#' @examples
#' peg<-new.parser()
#' peg<-add_rule(peg, "R<-'ab'")
#' print(peg[["R"]])
#' @export 
  rs<-inspect_rule(pegR, id)
#   print(ls(envir=env))
#   print(env$rule.id)
#   print(env$parser)
#   rs<-inspect_rule(env$parser, env$rule.id)
# #   prt<-function(){}
# #   body(attached.rule)[2]<-call(task<-"'prt'")
# #   attached.rule()
# rs
mslegrand/pegr documentation built on May 23, 2019, 7:53 a.m.