FilterPrimitiveHeightAttribute: height

Description Available Attribute Values Animatable Used by the Elements


Sets the height of the filter primitive subregion. (Default is the height of the filter)

Available Attribute Values

The value represents a length.


Specifies the height of filter primitive subregion. The filter primitive subregion is a rectangular region over which both filter primitive calculations and rendering occurs.


Using: animate, set . Supports Additive: Yes .

Used by the Elements

Filter Primitive Elements

feBlend, feColorMatrix, feComponentTransfer, feComposite, feConvolveMatrix, feDiffuseLighting, feDisplacementMap, feFlood, feGaussianBlur, feImage, feMerge, feMorphology, feOffset, feSpecularLighting, feTile, feTurbulence

mslegrand/svgR documentation built on Jan. 21, 2020, 2:59 p.m.