

test_that(desc = "Test of fix_ticker_name", {

  my_tickers <- c("^GSPC")

  new_tickers <- fix_ticker_name(my_tickers)

  flag <- stringr::str_detect(new_tickers,



test_that(desc = "Test of get_morale_boost()", {

  my_msg <- get_morale_boost()

  expect_true(class(my_msg)[2] == "character")


test_that(desc = "Test of date_to_unix()", {

  numdate <- date_to_unix(Sys.Date())

  expect_true(class(numdate) == "numeric")


test_that(desc = "Test of unix_to_date()", {

  date <- unix_to_date(0)

  expect_true(class(date) == "Date")
  expect_true(date == as.Date("1970-01-01"))


test_that(desc = "Test of calc_ret()", {

  P <- runif(100)

  r <- calc_ret(P)

  expect_true(class(r) == "numeric")
  expect_true( P[2]/P[1] -1 == r[2])


test_that(desc = "Test of cum_calc_ret()", {

  # type_return = "arit"
  type_return = "arit"
  N <- 100
  P <- c(
    c(100 + cumsum(rnorm(N)/10),
      100 + cumsum(rnorm(N)/10),
      100 + cumsum(rnorm(N)/10))

  tickers <- c(
    rep("A", N),
    rep("B", N),
    rep("C", N)

  ret <- calc_ret(P, tickers, type_return)
  cum_r <- calc_cum_ret(ret, tickers, type_return)

  expect_true(class(cum_r) == "numeric")
  expect_true(cum_r[1] == 1)
  expect_false(any(cum_r < 0))


test_that(desc = "Test of set_cli_msg()", {

  my_msg <- set_cli_msg("hey, im a message")

  expect_true(class(my_msg) == "character")


test_that(desc = "Test of substitute_tickers()", {

  # use wrong ticker
  my_tib <- dplyr::tibble(
    ticker = c('BF.B')

  df_index <- substitute_tickers(my_tib)

  # check if substitution works
  expect_true(df_index$ticker[1] == "BF-B")

msperlin/yf documentation built on July 2, 2024, 5:12 a.m.