
Defines functions get_app download_app get_app_questions get_app_jobs get_job get_job_output queue_job build_answers

Documented in build_answers download_app get_app get_app_jobs get_app_questions get_job get_job_output queue_job

#' Get Applications
#' @description An Alteryx application is a workflow that has been designed to
#' run based on user input to questions. In order to run these resources using
#' \code{alterryx} you must first obtain the application that you want to run.
#' To search the workflows you can access from your studio (subscription), use
#' \code{get_app}. Subscription is tied to API key. You cannot request
#' workflows for any other subscription without that subscription's API keys.
#' @return \code{get_app} returns a \code{list} of \code{alteryx_app}s
#' @section WARNING:
#' \code{get_app} will return all resources in the Gallery tied to your
#' subscription including macros and workflows in addition to applications. You
#' cannot run workflows or macros using the Alteryx Gallery API and if you try
#' to do so you will receive an error.
#' @param gallery URL for your Alteryx Gallery
#' @param request_params List of app search parameters. For more information on
#' parameters, visit the Alteryx Gallery API documentation
#' \url{https://gallery.alteryx.com/api-docs/} and see the parameters under the
#' 'Find workflows in a subscription' section.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # get the five most recently uploaded apps in your studio
#' request_params <- list(
#'   packageType = "0",
#'   limit = "5",
#'   sortField = "uploaddate"
#' )
#' get_app(request_params)
#' }
#' @export
get_app <- function(request_params = list(),
                    gallery = get_gallery()) {
  endpoint <- "/api/v1/workflows/subscription/"

  content <- submit_get_request(gallery,

  if(length(content)) {
    content <- lapply(content, as.alteryx_app)
  } else {
    content <- list()


#' Download App
#' Download an app as a .yxzp file
#' @inheritParams get_app_questions
#' @param destfile A character string with the directory and name of where the
#' downloaded file is to be saved.
#' @export
download_app <- function(app,
                         gallery = get_gallery()) {
  class_check <- check_class(app, "app")

  endpoint <- "/api/v1/{appId}/package/"
  app_id <- app$id
  endpoint <- gsub("\\{appId\\}", app_id, endpoint)

  request_params <- list()

  content <- submit_get_request(gallery,
                                as = "raw",
                                remove_bom = FALSE,
                                parse_JSON = FALSE)

  if(missing(destfile)) {
    app_name <- app$metaInfo$name
    destfile <- paste0(app_name, ".yxzp")

  writeBin(content, destfile)


#' Get App Questions
#' @description Get the questions for the given Alteryx Analytic App. Only app
#' workflows can be used.
#' @details Most Alteryx apps have questions, user input that defines how
#' the application should run. The answers to these questions need to be sent
#' as \code{answers} when queueing an application on Gallery with
#' \code{queue_job}. \code{get_app_questions} returns the names,
#' types, and default values of the questions for an app.
#' @section WARNING:
#' Trees, Maps, and File Browse are unsupported question types. This is a
#' limitation of Alteryx Gallery and not this API client.
#' @inheritParams get_app
#' @param app A single \code{alteryx_app} returned from \code{get_app}
#' @export
get_app_questions <- function(app,
                              gallery = get_gallery()) {
  class_check <- check_class(app, "app")

  request_params <- list()
  endpoint <- "/api/v1/workflows/{appId}/questions/"
  app_id <- app$id
  endpoint <- gsub("\\{appId\\}", app_id, endpoint)

  content <- submit_get_request(gallery,


#' Get App Jobs
#' @description A job is a single run of an app. To queue a job for an app use
#' \code{queue_app}. Once queued, there are two ways to poll the gallery
#' for an update on the job status: \code{get_app_jobs} or \code{get_job}.
#' \code{get_app_jobs} will return all jobs for a given app.
#' \code{get_job} will return a single job and is mostly used for polling the
#' status of a job.
#' @section See Also:
#' Once a job is complete, use \code{get_job_output} to retrieve
#' the results.
#' @inheritParams get_app
#' @param app A single \code{alteryx_app} returned from \code{get_app}
#' @param job An Alteryx job returned from \code{get_app_jobs} or
#' \code{queue_jobs}
#' @aliases get_app_jobs get_job
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # get the five most recently queued jobs for an app
#' request_params <- list(
#'   sortField = "createdate",
#'   limit = "5"
#' )
#' get_app_jobs(app, request_params)
#' # queue a job and poll the job's status until it is "Completed"
#' job <- queue_job(app, answers)
#' while(job$status != "Completed") {
#' job <- get_job(job)
#' Sys.sleep(2)
#' }
#' }
#' @name app_jobs

#' @rdname app_jobs
#' @export
get_app_jobs <- function(app,
                         request_params = list(),
                         gallery = get_gallery()) {
  class_check <- check_class(app, "app")

  endpoint <- "/api/v1/workflows/{appId}/jobs/"
  app_id <- app$id
  endpoint <- gsub("\\{appId\\}", app_id, endpoint)

  content <- submit_get_request(gallery,

  job_ids <- lapply(content, function(x) {x$id})
  get_job_by_id <- function(job_id,
                            gallery = get_gallery()) {
    request_params <- list()
    endpoint <- "/api/v1/jobs/{jobId}/"
    endpoint <- gsub("\\{jobId\\}", job_id, endpoint)

    content <- submit_get_request(gallery,

    content <- as.alteryx_job(content, app)

  jobs <- lapply(job_ids, function(x) {get_job_by_id(x, app)})


#' @rdname app_jobs
#' @export
get_job <- function(job,
                    gallery = get_gallery()) {
  class_check <- check_class(job, "job")

  request_params <- list()
  endpoint <- "/api/v1/jobs/{jobId}/"
  job_id <- job$id
  endpoint <- gsub("\\{jobId\\}", job_id, endpoint)

  content <- submit_get_request(gallery,

  content <- as.alteryx_job(content, job)


#' Get Job Output
#' @description If an Alteryx app includes one or more output tools inside the
#' application, the output will be available for download once the job is
#' complete.
#' Use \code{get_job_output} to get the job outputs as a \code{data.frame}
#' @section WARNING:
#' In order to retrieve the results for a job as a \code{data.frame}, the
#' from the Alteryx app that is published to your gallery must have an output
#' format of csv or yxdb. Otherwise, it cannot be properly converted. If you
#' have multiple outputs, some of which cannot be converted, this function will
#' issue a warning and skip the invalid outputs. Use \code{queit = TRUE} to
#' skip the outputs without warning.
#' @return A \code{list} containing a \code{data.frame} for each valid output
#' of an Alteryx app. Valid means that the output can be converted as explained
#' in the WARNING section.
#' @inheritParams get_app
#' @param job An completed Alteryx job returned from \code{get_app_jobs}
#' @param quiet Set to \code{TRUE} to ignore the warnings of skipped, invalid
#' outputs
#' @export
get_job_output <- function(job,
                           gallery = get_gallery(),
                           quiet = FALSE) {
  class_check <- check_class(job, "job")

  if(job$status != "Completed")
    stop("Job not complete. Cannot get output.")
    stop("Job has no output.")

  #test that all outputs have format "Csv"
  outputs <- job$outputs
  valid_outputs <- lapply(outputs, function(x) {
    "Csv" %in% unlist(x$formats)
  valid_outputs <- outputs[unlist(valid_outputs)]

  if(length(outputs) != length(valid_outputs) && !quiet)
    warning("All outputs not valid to read as a data.frame and will be ",
            "skipped. See ??get_job_output for more information.")

  endpoint <- "/api/v1/jobs/{jobId}/output/{outputId}/"
  job_id <- job$id
  output_id <- lapply(valid_outputs, function(x) {x$id})
  endpoint <- gsub("\\{jobId\\}", job_id, endpoint)
  endpoint <- lapply(output_id, function(x) {
    gsub("\\{outputId\\}", x, endpoint)

  request_params <- list(
    format = "Csv"

  content <-lapply(endpoint, function(x) {
                       as = "raw",
                       remove_bom = FALSE,
                       parse_JSON = FALSE)

  job_output <- lapply(content, function(x) {


#' Queue Job for an App
#' @description Each app has a set of questions that require an answer in order
#' to be run. The answers to the app questions are formatted using
#' \code{build_answers}. To see the required questions for an app use
#' \code{get_app_questions}.
#' Use \code{queue_job} to queue a job for an app. A job is a single run
#' of an app run according to the answers submitted.
#' @section See Also:
#' Use \code{get_app} to find apps to queue.
#' Once a job has been queued, use \code{get_job} to poll the job and
#' check its status.
#' @return An alteryx job with status "Queued"
#' @inheritParams get_app
#' @param app A single \code{alteryx_app} returned from \code{get_app}
#' @param answers Answers to required \code{app} questions created using
#' \code{build_answers}
#' @param priority Assign a priority level to jobs to control which jobs are
#' run by each worker, or to reserve specific workers for higher priority
#' requests. When running a workflow, users (if enabled by the Server Admin)
#' can select a priority level of 'low', 'medium', 'high', or 'critical' to
#' ensure certain jobs always take priority over others. If multiple jobs are
#' queued, jobs run in priority order starting with the highest priority.
#' @param track_job If \code{TRUE} this function will not return a value until
#' the job completes on Alteryx Gallery
#' @param sleep Amount of time to wait between job polls. Ignored if
#' \code{track_job = FALSE}
#' @param timeout Maximum amount of time to track job. Ignored if
#' \code{track_job = FALSE}
#' @param name_value \code{list} containing an app question name and value pair
#' @param ... Additional \code{name_value} pairs
#' @aliases queue_job build_answers
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' first_question <- list(name = "a", value = "1")
#' second_question <- list(name = "b", value = "2")
#' answers <- build_answers(first_question, second_question)
#' new_job <- queue_job(app, answers)
#' }
#' @name running_jobs

#' @rdname running_jobs
#' @export
queue_job <- function(app,
                      priority = "low",
                      track_job = FALSE,
                      sleep = 10,
                      timeout = 3600,
                      gallery = get_gallery()) {

  class_check <- check_class(app, "app")

  priority <- get_priority(priority)
  answers <- jsonlite::fromJSON(answers)
  answers["priority"] <- priority
  answers <- jsonlite::toJSON(answers, auto_unbox = TRUE)

  request_params <- list()
  app_id <- app$id
  endpoint <- "/api/v1/workflows/{appId}/jobs/"
  endpoint <- gsub("\\{appId\\}", app_id, endpoint)

  content <- submit_post_request(gallery,
                                 request_body = answers,
                                 encode = "raw",
                                 content_type = httr::content_type_json())

  content <- as.alteryx_job(content, app)

  if(track_job) {

    time_count <- 0

    while(content$status != "Completed" & time_count < timeout) {

      content <- get_job(content,
                         gallery = gallery)


      time_count <- time_count + sleep


    if(time_count >= timeout) {
      stop("Timeout limit reached and job not completed.
           Job may still be running on the Alteryx Server and will need to be
           stopped manually.")



#' @rdname running_jobs
#' @export
build_answers <- function(name_value, ...) {
  questions <- list(name_value, ...)
  jsonlite::toJSON(list(questions = questions), auto_unbox = TRUE)
mtreadwell/alterryx documentation built on Sept. 4, 2019, 6:40 a.m.