
Defines functions lbf.all lbf.uni lbf.av em.priorprobs posteriorprob centered.lbf normalize indephits

#function to return the top hits exceeding some threshold,
#removing duplicates within 1Mb in a greedy way
	for(i in 1:length(score)){
		R[i] = score[i]==max(score[chr==chr[i] & pos<(pos[i]+T) & pos>(pos[i]-T)])


#remove max from each column to avoid overflow
centered.lbf = function(lbf){
	return(t(t(lbf) - apply(lbf,2,max)))

#compute posterior from prior and matrix of log10 bfs
#lbf is nmodels by p snps
#prior is nmodel vector
posteriorprob = function(lbf, prior){
	lbf =centered.lbf(lbf) #remove max from each column to avoid overflow
	#post = apply(prior * 10^lbf,2,normalize)
	#20171017 NOTE -- I added below in
	post = apply(matrix(prior, nrow=nrow(lbf), ncol=ncol(lbf), byrow=FALSE) * (10^lbf),2,normalize) 

#note it is important that priorinit is 0 for models that are impossible
#since lbf is typically meaningless for those in our current implementation
em.priorprobs = function(lbf,priorinit,niter=10){
	pp = priorinit
	for(i in 1:niter){
		pp = apply(posteriorprob(lbf,pp),1,mean)

#compute marginal probabilities for being in U, D, I classes for each phenotype
#gamma is nmodel by ntraits (d)
#postprobs is an nsigma*nmodel by nsnps matrix composed from stacking nsigma matrices (one for each value of sigma) each nmodel by nsnps 
marginal.postprobs=function (postprobs, gamma, nsigma) {
	nmodel = dim(gamma)[1]
	d = dim(gamma)[2]
	gammarep = matrix(0, nrow = nsigma * nmodel, ncol = d)
	for (i in 1:d) {
		gammarep[, i] = rep(gamma[, i], nsigma)
	return(list(pU = t(gammarep == 0) %*% postprobs, pD = t(gammarep == 1) %*% postprobs, pI = t(gammarep == 2) %*% postprobs))

#compute average BF, averaged over prior
#note prior should just be on the non-null models here
	max = apply(lbf,2,max) #remove the max, and store it, to prevent overflow
	bfav = prior * 10^lbf

# compute simple average of univariate bfs
# lbf is nmodel*nsigma by nsnps
#if multiple sigma values used, we just stack them on top of one another
#in lbf
	nsigma= dim(lbf)[1]/dim(gamma)[1]
	d = dim(gamma)[2]
	s = apply(gamma,1,sum)
	uni = (s == 2*d-1)
	max = apply(lbf,2,max)
	lbf = centered.lbf(lbf)
	bfuni = apply(10^lbf*uni,2, sum)/(d*nsigma) 

# compute simple average of univariate bfs
# lbf is nmodel by nsnps
	nsigma= dim(lbf)[1]/dim(gamma)[1]
	all = apply(gamma,1,allones)
	max = apply(lbf,2,max)
	lbf = centered.lbf(lbf)
	bfall = apply(10^lbf*all,2, sum)/nsigma 
mturchin20/bmass documentation built on Sept. 21, 2020, 7:51 p.m.