
#' @name searchCite
#' @title Google Citation Searcher
#' @description Search Google Citation for an author
#' @param Author Author name separated by function
#' @param gCite (logical) Return Google Cite output of choice
#' @param verbose Verbose diagnostic printing
#' @param ask If multiple authors are found, should a menu be given
#' @param addcrit Added criteria to filter authors, such as institution
#' @param ... additional parameters passed to \code{googleCite}
#' @return googleCite output if gCite is TRUE, else return vector of 
#' author list
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' searchCite("John Muschelli")
#' }
#' @export

searchCite <- function(Author, gCite=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, ask=TRUE, addcrit=NULL, ...){
  auth.names <- strsplit(Author, " ")[[1]]
  auth.names <- paste(auth.names[1:length(auth.names)], sep="", collapse="+")
  fillin = function(x){
      if (length(x) == 0) return(NA)
  ### search the page
  search.page <- paste("http://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&view_op=search_authors&mauthors=", auth.names, sep="")
  thepage <- url(search.page)
  x <- readLines(thepage)
  x <- x[[1]]  
	y = htmlTreeParse(x, isURL=FALSE, useInternalNodes=TRUE, 
                    addFinalizer=TRUE, asText = TRUE)
  allvals = getNodeSet(y, "//div[@class = 'gsc_1usr_text']")
  affils = lapply(allvals, function(v) {
    cc = xmlChildren(v)
    cc = cc[ names(cc) %in% "div"]
    classes = lapply(cc, xmlGetAttr, "class")
    classes = sapply(classes, fillin)
    keep = which(classes == 'gsc_1usr_aff')
    if (length(keep) == 0) { 
    } else {
      vals = xmlValue(cc[ keep ]$div)
      vals = paste(vals, collapse = " ")
  nodes = lapply(allvals, `[[`, "h3")
  names = lapply(nodes, xmlValue)
  urls = lapply(nodes, xmlChildren)
  urls = lapply(urls, `[[`, "a")
  urls = lapply(urls, xmlGetAttr, "href")
  if (length(names) != length(urls)){
    warning("Most likely parsing error, trying anyway, try googleCite with ID")
  urls = lapply(urls, fillin)
  names = unlist(names)
  urls = unlist(urls)
# 	names = xpathSApply(y, "//tr//a[@href]", xmlValue)
# 	z <- getNodeSet(y, "//tr//td[@valign='top']", 
#                   addFinalizer=T)
# 	insts <- sapply(z, function(x) xmlChildren(x)$text)
# 	insts <- sapply(insts, xmlValue)
# 	hrefs <- sapply(z, function(x) xmlChildren(x)$a)
# 	hr.attr <- sapply(hrefs, function(x) 
#     ifelse(is.null(x), NA, xmlAttrs(x)))
#   ### getting the author names if multiple
# 	keepers <- hr.attr %in% "cit-dark-large-link"
# 	hrefs <- hrefs[keepers]
# 	insts <- insts[keepers]
# 	names <- sapply(hrefs, xmlValue)
# 	names <- sapply(hrefs, xmlValue)
# 	src <- sapply(hrefs, xmlGetAttr, "href")
# 	if (sum(is.null(src))> 0) stop("Src'es are off")
# 	if (length(names) != length(src))
# 		stop("XML Parsing Error - use google Cite with webpage")
# 	keep <- rep(TRUE, length(names))
# 	keep[names %in% c("My Citations", "")] <- FALSE
# 	insts <- sub(pattern="<e2><80><a6>", replacement = "", 
#                fixed=TRUE, x=insts)
	dat <- data.frame(cbind(names=names, insts=affils, 
                          src=urls), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
	dat$fullnames <- paste(dat$names, dat$insts, sep=": ")
  if (nrow(dat) >= 1){
    ### if they have someone for a hit
    ##grab the first hit
    nr <- nrow(dat)
    if (nrow(dat) > 1 & !is.null(addcrit)){
      dd <- dat[grepl(addcrit, dat$fullnames),]
      if (nrow(dd) > 0) dat <- dd
    if (nrow(dat) == 1) {
    	choice <- 1
    	if (verbose) print(dat[1, c("fullnames", "src")])
   	} else {
   		if (ask) {
         choice <- menu(dat$fullnames, 
                      title="More than One Author, Please Choose")
   		} else {
         stop("Multiple choices")
    if (choice == 0) return("No Choice given, skipped")
    theurl <- paste("http://scholar.google.com", 
                    dat$src[choice], sep="")
    dat$url <- theurl 
    dat <- dat[choice, ]
    # print(theurl)
    if (gCite) return(googleCite(theurl, ...))
    else return(dat)
  } else return("No Author found")
muschellij2/googleCite documentation built on May 23, 2019, 9:36 a.m.