
ffL <-
function(x, y)
# for unix, use X11() to turn on the graphics device before using this function
# this function makes a FF lambda plot where the competing models are Y^L
	n <- length(y)
	rmat <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = 5)
	rmat[, 1] <- y - lsfit(x, y)$resid
	ytem <- (y^(0.5) - 1)/0.5
	rmat[, 2] <- ytem - lsfit(x, ytem)$resid
	rmat[, 3] <- log(y) - lsfit(x, log(y))$resid
	ytem <- (y^(-0.5) - 1)/-0.5
	rmat[, 4] <- ytem - lsfit(x, ytem)$resid
	ytem <- (y^(-1) - 1)/-1
	rmat[, 5] <- ytem - lsfit(x, ytem)$resid
	pairs(rmat, labels = c("YHAT", "YHAT^(0.5)", "YHAT^(0)", "YHAT^(-0.5)",
musto101/wilcox_R documentation built on May 23, 2019, 10:52 a.m.