
ffplot2 <-
function(x, y, nsamps = 7)
# For Unix, use X11() to turn on the graphics device before
# using this function. For R, first type library(lqs).
# Makes an FF plot with several resistiant estimators.
# Need the program mbareg.
	n <- length(y)
	rmat <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = 5)
	lsfit <- y - lsfit(x, y)$residuals
	print("got OLS")
	almsfit <- y - lmsreg(x, y)$resid
	print("got ALMS")
	altsfit <- y - ltsreg(x, y)$residuals
	print("got ALTS")
	mbacoef <- mbareg(x, y, nsamp = nsamps)$coef
	MBAFIT <- mbacoef[1] + x %*% mbacoef[-1]
	print("got MBA")
	rmat[, 1] <- y
	rmat[, 2] <- lsfit
	rmat[, 3] <- almsfit
	rmat[, 4] <- altsfit
	rmat[, 5] <- MBAFIT
	pairs(rmat, labels = c("Y", "OLS Fit", "ALMS Fit", "ALTS Fit", "MBAREG Fit"))
musto101/wilcox_R documentation built on May 23, 2019, 10:52 a.m.