
context("running parse_filing")

# The XPath for filing_filers is particularly complex, so it is particularly
# important to test a wide range of values

expect_similar_wc <- function(content, res) {
  # xml_text doesn't put a break in the case of
  # <div>word</div><div>another</div>
  # So this ensures we're getting all the breaks
  # Does some other cleanup so we can ensure we're comparing apples to apples
  clean_content <- edgarWebR:::clean_html(content)

  doc <- try({
  }, silent = T)
  #if (class(doc) == "try-error") {
  if (inherits(doc, "try-error")) {
    doc <- xml2::read_html(clean_content, options = "HUGE")
  plain.words <- length(tokenizers::tokenize_words(xml2::xml_text(doc), simplify = T))
  parsed.words <- sum(sapply(tokenizers::tokenize_words(res$text), length))
  # parsed.words <- unlist(tokenizers::tokenize_words(res$text))
  expect_lt(abs(parsed.words - plain.words), max(.0005 * plain.words, 10))

test_filing <- function(file.name, rows, parts, items, is_dev = TRUE) {
  if (is_dev) {
    test.file <- file.path("..", "testdata", "dev", file.name)
    # Depending on the exact way test was called, we may not have dev files
                message = paste0("Dev test file ", file.name, " does not exist - SKIP"))
  } else {
    test.file <- file.path("..", "testdata", file.name)
  content <- readChar(test.file, file.info(test.file)$size)
  res <- parse_filing(content)
  expect_is(res, "data.frame")
  expect_length(res, 3)

  # expect_equal(nrow(res), rows)
  expect_equal(length(unique(res$part.name)), parts)
  expect_equal(length(unique(res$item.name)), items)

  expect_similar_wc(content, res)

  test_that("Basics (type 10-Q)", {
    # "https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/712515/000071251517000010/ea12312016-q3fy1710qdoc.htm"
    res <- test_filing("ea12312016-q3fy1710qdoc.htm", 633, 3, 11)
    expect_equal(length(unique(res[startsWith(res$part.name, "PART I "),
                               "item.name"])), 5)
    expect_equal(length(unique(res[startsWith(res$part.name, "PART II "),
                               "item.name"])), 7)
  test_that("Basics (type 10-Q - STX)", {
    # "https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1137789/000119312517148855/d381726d10q.htm"
    res <- test_filing("d381726d10q.htm", 500, 3, 12, is_dev = FALSE)

    expect_equal(length(unique(res[res$part.name == "PART I",
                               "item.name"])), 5)
    expect_equal(length(unique(res[startsWith(res$part.name, "PART II"),
                               "item.name"])), 8)
  test_that("Handles 8-K", {
    # href <- "https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/320193/000162828017000663/a8-kq1201712312016.htm"
    res <- test_filing("a8-kq1201712312016.htm", 35, 1, 3, is_dev = FALSE)
  test_that("Handles 10-K (edgarx.com)", {
    skip_on_cran() # Basics for CRAN are sufficiently tested...
    # href <- "https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/38264/000100329716000907/forward10k.htm"
    res <- test_filing("forward10k.htm", 541, 5, 21)
  test_that("Handles 10-K (Ford)", {
    skip_on_cran() # Basics for CRAN are sufficiently tested...
    # href <- "https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/37996/000003799617000013/f1231201610-k.htm"
    res <- test_filing("f1231201610-k.htm", 1414, 5, 23)
  test_that("Handles 10-K (WLL)", {
    skip_on_cran() # Basics for CRAN are sufficiently tested...
    #href <- "https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1255474/000125547417000005/wll-20161231x10k.htm"
    res <- test_filing("wll-20161231x10k.htm", 1617, 5, 22)
    expect_equal(length(unique(res[res$part.name == "PART I",
                               "item.name"])), 7)
  test_that("Handles 10-K (YUM)", {
    skip_on_cran() # Basics for CRAN are sufficiently tested...
    # href <- "https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1041061/000104106109000077/form_10-k22309.htm"
    res <- test_filing("form_10-k22309.htm", 969, 5, 21)
    expect_equal(length(unique(res[res$part.name == "PART I",
                               "item.name"])), 7)
  test_that("Handles 10-K (DELL)", {
    skip_on_cran() # Basics for CRAN are sufficiently tested...
    # href <- "https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/826083/000095013406005149/d33857e10vk.htm"
    res <- test_filing("d33857e10vk.htm", 638, 5, 16)
    expect_equal(length(unique(res[res$part.name == "PART I",
                               "item.name"])), 7)
  test_that("Handles 10-K (Alcoa)", {
    skip_on_cran() # Basics for CRAN are sufficiently tested...
    # href <- "https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/4281/000119312516470162/d216801d10k.htm"
    res <- test_filing("d216801d10k.htm", 1758, 5, 21)
    expect_equal(length(unique(res[res$part.name == "PART I",
                               "item.name"])), 7)
  test_that("Handles 10-K (Tenga)", {
    skip_on_cran() # Basics for CRAN are sufficiently tested...
    # href <- "https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/39899/000003989916000034/tgna-20151231x10k.htm"
    res <- test_filing("tgna-20151231x10k.htm", 846, 5, 20)
    expect_equal(length(unique(res[res$part.name == "PART I",
                               "item.name"])), 7)
  test_that("Handles 10-K (Pacific Corp)", {
    skip_on_cran() # Basics for CRAN are sufficiently tested...
    # href <- "https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/878560/000087856012000008/form10-k.htm"
    res <- test_filing("form10-k.htm", 1046, 5, 21)
    expect_equal(length(unique(res[res$part.name == "PART I",
                               "item.name"])), 7)
  test_that("Handles 10-K (Macy's)", {
    skip_on_cran() # Basics for CRAN are sufficiently tested...
    # href <- "https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/794367/000079436713000092/m-02022013x10k.htm"
    res <- test_filing("m-02022013x10k.htm", 828, 4, 20)
    expect_equal(length(unique(res[res$part.name == "PART II",
                               "item.name"])), 8)
  test_that("Handles 10-K (Verizon)", {
    #href <- "https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/732712/000119312509036349/d10k.htm"
    res <- test_filing("d10k.htm", 348, 5, 21, is_dev = FALSE)
    expect_equal(length(unique(res[res$part.name == "PART II",
                               "item.name"])), 9)
  test_that("Handles 10-K (Vulcan)", {
    skip_on_cran() # Basics for CRAN are sufficiently tested...
    # href <- "https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1396009/000139600916000044/vmc-20151231x10k.htm"
    res <- test_filing("vmc-20151231x10k.htm", 1328, 5, 21)
    expect_equal(length(unique(res[res$part.name == "PART II",
                               "item.name"])), 9)
  test_that("Handles 10-K (Vulcan v2)", {
    skip_on_cran() # Basics for CRAN are sufficiently tested...
    # href <- "https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1396009/000119312513084128/d451546d10k.htm"
    res <- test_filing("d451546d10k.htm", 1606, 5, 21)
    expect_equal(length(unique(res[res$part.name == "PART II",
                               "item.name"])), 9)
  test_that("Handles 10-K (Pacificorp v2)", {
    skip_on_cran() # Basics for CRAN are sufficiently tested...
    # href <- "https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/878560/000087856014000007/form10-k.htm"
    res <- test_filing("form10-k.htm.1", 914, 5, 21)
    expect_equal(length(unique(res[res$part.name == "PART II",
                               "item.name"])), 9)
  test_that("Handles 10-K (Norfolk Southern Corp)", {
    skip_on_cran() # Basics for CRAN are sufficiently tested...
    # href <- "https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/702165/000070216509000050/nsc10k08s.htm"
    res <- test_filing("nsc10k08s.htm", 633, 5, 20)
    expect_equal(length(unique(res[res$part.name == "PART II",
                               "item.name"])), 9)
  test_that("Treats <br> as space", {
    # href <- "https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1399855/000119312514363235/d778787d10q.htm"
    res <- test_filing("d778787d10q.htm", 267, 3, 12)
    tmp <- res[grepl("Weighted average exercise price", res$text,
                     ignore.case = F), ]
    expect_equal(nrow(tmp), 1)
  test_that("Handles HTML wrapped text filling", {
    # href <- "https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1424844/000092290708000774/form10k_122308.htm"
    res <- test_filing("form10k_122308.htm", 796, 4, 19)
    expect_equal(length(unique(res[res$part.name == "PART II",
                               "item.name"])), 8)
  test_that("Handles deeply nested HTML filings from EDGARizer", {
    # href <- "https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1065648/000106564809000009/form_10k.htm"
    res <- test_filing("form_10k.htm", 796, 6, 22)
    expect_equal(length(unique(res[res$part.name == "PART II",
                               "item.name"])), 9)
mwaldstein/edgarWebR documentation built on April 21, 2021, 4:16 p.m.