
Defines functions parnames.bms parnames.white parnmaes.trend parnames.delta parnames.kappa parnames.lambda parnames.eb parnames.ou parnames.bm model_info model_pars model_data model_type

Documented in model_info

## internal functions for defining generic fxns and parameter names

model_type <- function(fit, ...)
model_data <- function(fit, ...)
model_pars <- function(fit, ...)

#' @title Get model and data from model fitted object
#' @description Generic function for pulling apart model fitted objects
#' and obtaining phylogeny, data, model type and parameters
#' @param fit a model fitted object (see \code{\link{make_unit_tree}} for details)
#' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to \code{model_info}
#' @details These functions are primarily used internally within the function
#' \code{\link{make_unit_tree}}. A different \code{model_info.xx} function is built for every implemented
#' class of model fitted object and is tailored to the specifics of the form of model output.
#' The return value will differ depending on the model used. For example, if a single phylogeny
#' is supplied which has been used to fit a single rate model, \code{model_info} will return
#' a object of class \code{fitC}, consisting of the original tree to be rescaled, the
#' original comparative dataset, the model class (e.g. "BM", "OU", etc.) and the model-specific
#' parameters.
#' The returned object needs to be of a class for which a \code{\link{make_model_phylo}} function
#' exists. \code{\link{make_model_phylo}} will take the object output by \code{model_info} and
#' return a 'unit.tree' object.
#' @return a classed object compatibile with a \code{\link{make_model_phylo}} function.
#' @seealso \code{\link{make_unit_tree}}, \code{\link{make_model_phylo}}
#' @export model_info
#' @examples
#' ## finch data
#' data(finch)
#' phy <- finch$phy
#' data <- finch$data[,"wingL"]
#' \dontrun{
#' require(geiger)
#' ## fit Brownian motion model
#' ## using geiger's fitContinuous function
#' fit.bm <- fitContinuous(phy=phy, dat=data, model="BM",
#'                                  control=list(niter=10), ncores=1)
#' ## get model info using internal arbutus function
#' info.bm <- model_info(fit.bm)
#' ## now using diversitree function
#' require(diversitree)
#' bmlik <- make.bm(phy, data)
#' fit.bm.dt <- find.mle(bmlik, x.init=1)
#' info.bm.dt <- model_info(fit.bm.dt, lik=bmlik)
#' }
model_info <- function(fit, ...)

parnames.bm <- function()
  c("sigsq", "z0", "SE")
parnames.ou <- function()
  c("alpha", "sigsq", "z0", "SE")
parnames.eb <- function()
  c("a", "sigsq", "z0", "SE")
parnames.lambda <- function()
  c("lambda", "sigsq", "z0", "SE")
parnames.kappa <- function()
  c("kappa", "sigsq", "z0", "SE")
parnames.delta <- function()
  c("delta", "sigsq", "z0", "SE")
parnmaes.trend <- function()
  c("slope", "sigsq", "z0", "SE")
parnames.white <- function()
  c("sigsq", "z0", "SE")
parnames.bms <- function()
  c("sigsq", "SE")
mwpennell/arbutus documentation built on Oct. 6, 2022, 10 a.m.