
Defines functions nameslike

Documented in nameslike

#' nameslike: Find Named Elements, Rows or Columns Using A Regular Expression
#' nameslike() returns element names of x that match a regular expression
#' @param pattern
#'        character string containing a regular expression to match
#' @param x
#'        an object with named elements along at least one dimension; may be
#'        a vector, list, matrix, array, data.frame, table, etc.
#' @param DIM
#'        integer indicating dimension to search for names that match the 
#'        pattern.  Switches which function gets called to get the names:
#'        \itemize{
#'          \item 0: names (default); works on vectors, lists and data.frame 
#'             columns
#'          \item 1: rownames; for rows of data.frames, matrices or arrays
#'          \item 2: colnames; for columns of data.frames, matrices or arrays
#'          \item >2: dimnames; for any case where the dimnames function works, 
#'            such as matrices or arrays.  May be used to access higher order
#'            dimensions.
#'          \item NA: dimnames; return results from all dimensions
#'        }
#' @param ignore.case
#'        logical; should case be ignored?  Search is case-insensitive by 
#'        default.
#' @return
#' character string, or list of character strings if is.na(DIM), 
#'    containing names that match the specified pattern.  Returns an empty 
#'    vector if no match is found or dimension is unnamed.  Returns NULL if the  
#'    specified dimension does not exist.
#' @examples 
#' hec <- datasets::HairEyeColor
#' cat("\nEXAMPLE: HairEyeColor is a table object in the datasets package:",
#'     "\n\n> dimnames(hec)\n\n")
#' print(dimnames(hec))
#' for(DIM in c(0:4,NA)){
#'    cat('\n> nameslike("bl", HairEyeColor, DIM=', DIM, sep="", "):\n")
#'    print(nameslike("bl", hec, DIM=DIM))
#' }
#' @author M.W.Rowe, \email{mwr.stats@gmail.com}
#' @export
nameslike <- 
function(pattern, x, DIM=0, ignore.case=T){
   FUN <- switch(as.char(DIM),
      "0"="names", "1"="rownames", "2"="colnames", "dimnames")
   da.names <- do.call(FUN, list(x=x))
      # search all dimensions of the object x
      da.names <- lapply(da.names, 
         grep, pattern=pattern, ignore.case=ignore.case, value=TRUE)
         # attempt to use dimnames(x) to access the specified dimension
            da.names <- NULL
         }else da.names <- da.names[[DIM]]
         # if the dimension specified exists, search for a match
         da.names <- 
            grep(pattern, da.names, ignore.case=ignore.case, value=TRUE)
mwrowe/microRutils documentation built on June 12, 2021, 2:41 p.m.