
Defines functions xy_to_data get_xy_rownames.default get_xy_rownames.character get_xy_rownames.matrix get_xy_rownames.data.frame get_xy_rownames

Documented in get_xy_rownames

#' Generate appropriate rownames for an object
#' @param x data object
#' @export
get_xy_rownames <- function(x) {
    UseMethod("get_xy_rownames", x)

#' @export get_xy_rownames.data.frame
get_xy_rownames.data.frame <- function(x) {
  if (!is.null(rownames(x))){
      rownames <- rownames(x)
  } else {
      rownames <- as.character(1:nrow(x))

#' @export get_xy_rownames.matrix
get_xy_rownames.matrix <- function(x){

#' @export get_xy_rownames.character
get_xy_rownames.character <- function(x){
    if (!is.null(names(x)) && !any(duplicated(names(x)))) {
        rownames <- names(x)
    } else {
        rownames <- as.character(1:length(x))

#' @export get_xy_rownames.default
get_xy_rownames.default <- function(x) {

# Convert x and y into a data.frame object with x, y and row names.
#' @export
xy_to_data <- function(x, y) {
    if (is_character_or_factor(x) && is.null(y))
        stop("y cannot be NULL when x is a character vector or a factor", call. = FALSE)

    if (is_data_frame_or_matrix(x)){
        if (ncol(x) < 2)
            # That way we don't have to worry about 1-column dataframes
            stop("When x is a dataframe or a matrix, it must contain at least two columns", call. = FALSE)

        if (ncol(x) == 2) {
            data_x <- x[, 1]
            data_y <- x[, 2]
            rownames <- get_xy_rownames(x)
        } else if (ncol(x) > 2 && is.numeric(as.matrix(x))){
            data_x <- rep(colnames(x), each = nrow(x))
            data_y <- as.vector(as.matrix(x))
            rownames <- get_xy_rownames(data_x)
        } else {
            message("\n\tx is not numeric and it has more than two columns, using the first two: ", paste(colnames(x)[1:2], collapse = ", "), "\n")
            data_x <- x[, 1]
            data_y <- x[, 2]
            rownames <- get_xy_rownames(x)
    } else if (is.list(x)) {
        if (length(x) < 2)
            # That way we don't have to worry about 1-item lists
            stop("When x is a list, it must contain at least two elements", call. = FALSE)

        if (length(x[[1]]) != length(x[[2]]))
            stop("The first two elements of x have different lengths", call. = FALSE)

        data_x <- x[[1]]
        data_y <- x[[2]]
        rownames <- get_xy_rownames(data_x)
    } else {
        if (is.null(y)){
            data_x <- 1:length(x)
            data_y <- x
            rownames <- get_xy_rownames(x)
        } else {
            if (is_data_frame_or_matrix(y)){
                if (length(x) != ncol(y))
                    stop(sprintf("x has %d elements, but y has %d columns",
                         length(x), ncol(y)), call. = FALSE)

                data_x <- rep(x, each = nrow(y))
                data_y <- as.vector(as.matrix(y))
                rownames <- get_xy_rownames(data_x)
            } else {
                if (length(x) != length(y))
                    stop(sprintf("x has %d elements, but y has %d",
                         length(x), length(y)), call. = FALSE)

                data_x <- x
                data_y <- y
                rownames <- get_xy_rownames(x)

    data <- data.frame(x = data_x,
                       y = data_y,
                       row.names = rownames,
                       stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
nachocab/clickme documentation built on Nov. 11, 2023, 3:14 p.m.