The central part of the SAKE package uses non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) to decompose a gene expression matrix V into two non-negative matrices, W and H, via a multiplicative updates algorithm. NMF was originally developed to be used in image analysis and language processing^[Lee and Seung, Learning the parts of objects by non-negative matrix factorization, Nature, 1999]. More recently, it has been sucessfully applied to the field of computational biology as an unsupervised clustering method that helps classify samples/patients into functional groups in an unbiased manner^[Genomic Classification of Cutaneous Melanoma., Cell, 2015].

For running NMF:

Estimate Number of Clusters

The first step of running NMF is to decide the number of clusters (K) present in the data. In order to do so, we run NMF simultaneously with several different values of K, then use the supplied graphical representations of distance metrics to pick the value of K that best fits the underlying data structure. SAKE relies on the published NMF R package of Gaujoux & Seoighe (2010). We have obtained robust results by choosing the value, K, at which the cophenetic coefficient begins to drop, as suggested in Brunet et al (2004). The cophenetic coefficient measures the similarity between samples within a single cluster relative to similarities between that sample and other samples not in the same cluster, with higher cophenetic coefficients corresponding to higher within-cluster similarity. We also suggest investigating the distribution of the silhouette index and picking the K with the highest value.

An example result is shown below for the consensus plots and distributions of cophenetic coefficients and silhouette index for different values of K using a published single-cell RNA-seq dataset^[Ting et al, Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Identifies Extracellular Matrix Gene Expression by Pancreatic Circulating Tumor Cells, Cell Reports, 2014] is displayed below. In this case, the estimated number of clusters present in the data is 5, as indicated by the consensus plots, cophenetic coefficients, and silhouette index.

Note: It takes around 20 minutes to run 20 iterations for each value of K on a MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015), 2.5 GHz Intel Core i7, with 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3


After determining the value of K, we suggest running NMF for several randomized iterations using that value of K in order to estimate the robustness of cluster marker genes and cluster membership of each sample.

Note: For the case displayed below, we have used 50 iterations for a demostration NMF run. It is suggested to run 50-100 iterations for more robust results. It takes around 6 minutes to finish 50 iterations on a MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015), 2.5 GHz Intel Core i7, with 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3

Identify Groups

Following the final NMF run, NMF group assignment for each sample is displayed on the left; while a t-SNE plot coloring each sample by NMF-assigned group is displayed on the right. The size of the dot used for each sample can be adjusted proportionally to the probability of that sample being assigned to the most appropriate NMF group. The probability of correct assignment for each sample is estimated by calculating the loading weight of that sample in the assigned group and dividing by the sum of the total loading weights for that sample in all other groups. A higher probability represents higher confidence that a sample has been robustly assigned to the correct group.

Usually, samples from the same NMF group form tight clusters on the t-SNE plot. This indicates high agreement between two independent and robust methods of calculating sample similarity. In some cases, NMF will separate samples into different groups, while t-SNE indicates that these samples occupy similar but distinct areas in the t-SNE projection plot, such as the red, yellow, and blue color samples displayed below. From the t-SNE plot alone, we would not assume that these samples represented distinct clusters. In this example, these samples do indeed derive from distinct cell types highlighting the strength of NMF in classifying related samples into distinct clusters.

Enriched Features

The feature tab includes the enriched features (gene markers) in each NMF-assigned group. For each gene, a featureScore will be calculated indicating the relative specificity of that gene in separating clusters from each other. Then based on Kim & Park's feature selection method (2007), only the genes with featureScores that are greater than 3 median absolute deviations (MAD) away from all other featureScores will be selected as markers for each group.

Genes are ordered by their featureScore ranks in each group. Users can click on the name of the gene of interest, which will link to the GeneCards^[GeneCards:] page with more detailed information. Users can also click on the gene row (as highlighted in the figure below), which will display a boxplot of the gene expression values across samples in each NMF group, at right. In this example, Gp9 is an enriched feature identified in NMF group1, therefore its expression value is expected to be generally highest in NMF group1.

More Information

Users are encouraged to read more about the methods and implementation of NMF.

Continue on the next section Visualization

naikai/sake documentation built on Feb. 15, 2023, 11 p.m.