
#' @title namc_api
#' @description R6 class for handling NAMC GraphQL queries
#' @return a `namc_api` class (R6 class)
#' @examples
#' api_config = list(...) # namc_api public or private variables
#' api = namc_api$new(argList = api_config)
namc_api = R6::R6Class(
    inherit = base_class,
    portable = TRUE,

    private = list(

        # @field auth holds an oAuth2 object for authentication
        auth = NULL,

        # @field retry_conn is a boolean to allow for a query reattempt given an API timeout
        retry_conn = TRUE


    public = list(

        #' @field is_configured shows the configured state of the namc_api object
        is_configured = FALSE,

        #' @field URL is the API URL endpoint
        URL = NULL,

        #' @field top_level_key is the top level key returned in the graphql JSON return for data
        top_level_key = NULL,

        #' @field top_level_key_error is the top level key returned in the graphql JSON return for errors
        top_level_key_error = NULL,

        #' @field schema is a list of endpoints and fields for the API
        schema = NULL,

        #' @field pagination_limit is the max number of records returned without pagination
        pagination_limit = NULL,

        #' @field tpl_pagination_first is the numeric first record to return
        tpl_pagination_first = NULL,

        #' @field tpl_pagination_offset is the numeric offset of the return
        tpl_pagination_offset = NULL,

        #' @field tpl_pagination_cursor is the numeric cursor of the return
        tpl_pagination_cursor = NULL,

        #' @field required_kind is string value of required argument kind
        required_kind = NULL,

        #' #Configure parameters
        #' #Retrieves authentication and schema information via unauthenticated API queries
        #' @param force is a boolean TRUE/FALSE to force a reconfiguration
        #' @return namc_api An R6 class.
        #' @examples
        #' api_config = list(...) # namc_api public or private variables
        #' api = namc_api$new(argList = api_config)
        #' api$configure()
        configure = function(force = FALSE){

            if( !self$is_configured || force ){

                auth = self$build_schema()$get_auth_info()
                private$auth$set_connection_details( auth$clientId, auth$domain )

                self$is_configured = TRUE


        #' #Graphql client retrieval
        #' #Configures a graphql client with proper authentication and connection settings
        #' @param authenticate boolean A logical TRUE/FALSE representing the required authentication state.
        #' @return ghql::GraphqlClient A preconfigured graphql R6 class.
        #' @examples
        #' api_config = list(...) # namc_api public or private variables
        #' api = namc_api$new(argList = api_config)
        #' api$get_connection(authenticate = TRUE)
        get_connection = function(authenticate = TRUE){
                    url     = self$URL,
                    headers = list(
                        Authorization = paste0(
                            "Bearer ",
                                test = authenticate,
                                yes  = private$auth$get_access_token(),
                                no   = ""

        #' #Introspect the API schema type
        #' #Retrieves the raw schema return from introspecting the API schema type
        #' @return namc_api An R6 class.
        #' @examples
        #' api_config = list(...) # namc_api public or private variables
        #' api = namc_api$new(argList = api_config)
        #' api$get_api_types()
        get_api_types = function(){

            # Retrieve schema via introspection
                ( self$query(
                        __schema {
                            types {
                                ofType {
                                fields {
                                    args {
                                        type {
                                    type {
                                        ofType {
                    authenticate = FALSE
                ) )[['__schema']]$types


        #' #Builds a graphql schema
        #' #Builds a graphql schema structure via introspection of the API.
        #' #For all Query and Mutation graphql types the built structure stores
        #' #all associated fields and dependent sub-types. This is used for the
        #' #automated query builder as a convenience function.
        #' @return namc_api An R6 class.
        #' @examples
        #' api_config = list(...) # namc_api public or private variables
        #' api = namc_api$new(argList = api_config)
        #' api$build_schema()
        #' schema = api$schema
        build_schema = function(){

            # Retrieve schema via introspection
            types = self$get_api_types()
            self$schema$set_var("types", types)$configure()


        #' #Query the API
        #' #Executes a given graphql query against the API. If errors are returned execution is stopped.
        #' @param query string Text containing a graphql query
        #' @param authenticate boolean A logical TRUE/FALSE representing the required authentication state.
        #' @param name string A name for the query.
        #' @return data.frame A dataframe contained the query result.
        #' @examples
        #' api_config = list(...) # namc_api public or private variables
        #' api = namc_api$new(argList = api_config)
        #' data = api$query("graphql_query", ...)
        query = function(query, authenticate = TRUE, name = 'query'){

            if( !self$is_configured && authenticate ) self$configure()

            # Define graphQL connection properties
            con = self$get_connection( authenticate )

            # Define query
            qry = ghql::Query$new()
            qry$query( name, query )

            # Execute query

                res = jsonlite::fromJSON(
                    txt = con$exec( qry$queries[[ name ]] )

            }, error = function(e){
                if( grepl("HTTP 504", e ) && private$retry_conn) {
                    private$retry_conn = FALSE
                    message("Connection timed out. Reattempting request...")
                    return( self$query( query, authenticate, name ) )

                } else if(!private$retry_conn) {
                    stop("Reattempt failed. Service is down. Please try again later.", call. = FALSE)

                } else {
                    stop("QUERY ERROR", call. = FALSE )


            }, finally = {
                private$retry_conn = TRUE

            data.hasError = self$top_level_key_error %in% names(res)
            data.exists = self$top_level_key %in% names(res)

            if( data.hasError && data.exists ) {
                        "\nQuery Execution Warning:\n\t",
                        res[[ self$top_level_key_error ]]$message,
                        "\n\t - Please send this message to the API maintainer to help address the issue."
                    call. = FALSE
            } else if( data.hasError ) {
                stop( paste0("\nQuery Execution Error:\n\t", res[[ self$top_level_key_error ]]$message), call. = FALSE )

            return( res[[ self$top_level_key ]] )

        #' #Authentication information retrieval
        #' #Retrieves the clientId and domain required for authentication from the auth
        #' #graphql endpoint.
        #' @return list A list containing the clientId and domain required for authentication.
        #' @examples
        #' api_config = list(...) # namc_api public or private variables
        #' api = namc_api$new(argList = api_config)
        #' auth = api$get_auth_info()
        #' clientId = auth$clientId
        #' domain = auth$domain
        get_auth_info = function(){

            # Grab authentication data
            qry = self$query(
                    auth {
                authenticate = FALSE

            return( qry$auth )

        #' #Get the authentication object
        #' #Access method for the oAuth2 authentication object stored within this namc_api object.
        #' @return namc_api An R6 authentication class.
        #' @examples
        #' api_config = list(...) # namc_api public or private variables
        #' api = namc_api$new(argList = api_config)
        #' auth = api$get_auth_provider()
        get_auth_provider = function(){
            return( private$auth )

        #' #Authentication check
        #' #Provides a logical depicting the state of the current authentication
        #' @return logical A logical TRUE/FALSE.
        #' @examples
        #' api_config = list(...) # namc_api public or private variables
        #' api = namc_api$new(argList = api_config)
        #' authenticated = api$is_authenticated()
        is_authenticated = function(){

            # Grab authentication data
            qry = self$query(
                    auth {

            return( qry$auth$loggedIn )

        #' #Retrieve API endpoints
        #' #Retrieves the API endpoint names from the schema
        #' @return vector A character vector.
        #' @examples
        #' api_config = list(...) # namc_api public or private variables
        #' api = namc_api$new(argList = api_config)
        #' endpoints = api$get_endpoints()
        get_endpoints = function(){

            if( !self$is_configured ) self$configure()

            return( self$schema$get_endpoints() )

        #' #Retrieve fields
        #' #Retrieves the fields associated with an API endpoint from the schema
        #' @param api_endpoint The name of an API endpoint.
        #' @return vector A character vector of fields.
        #' @examples
        #' api_config = list(...) # namc_api public or private variables
        #' api = namc_api$new(argList = api_config)
        #' api$get_endpoint_fields(api_endpoint = 'sites')
        get_endpoint_fields = function(api_endpoint){

            if( !self$is_configured ) self$configure()

            return( self$schema$get_fields(api_endpoint) )

        #' #Retrieve arguments
        #' #Retrieves the arguments associated with an API endpoint from the schema
        #' @param api_endpoint The name of an API endpoint.
        #' @param no_paging Logical that omits the paging arguments by default
        #' @return vector A character vector of arguments.
        #' @examples
        #' api_config = list(...) # namc_api public or private variables
        #' api = namc_api$new(argList = api_config)
        #' api$get_endpoint_args(api_endpoint = 'sites')
        get_endpoint_args = function(api_endpoint, no_paging = FALSE){

            if( !self$is_configured ) self$configure()

            return( self$schema$get_arguments(api_endpoint, no_paging) )

        #' #Retrieve fields
        #' #Retrieves the fields associated with an API endpoint from the schema
        #' @param api_endpoint The name of an API endpoint.
        #' @param stop_if_not Logical TRUE/FALSE switch giving stop control to caller functions
        #' @return vector A character vector.
        #' @examples
        #' api_config = list(...) # namc_api public or private variables
        #' api = namc_api$new(argList = api_config)
        #' api$get_endpoint_fields(api_endpoint = 'sites')
        is_endpoint = function(api_endpoint, stop_if_not = FALSE){

            if( !self$is_configured ) self$configure()

            is_endpoint = self$schema$is_endpoint(endpoint = api_endpoint )

            if(stop_if_not && !is_endpoint){
                endpoints = paste( self$schema$get_endpoints(), collapse = ' ' )
                msg = paste0(
                    '"',api_endpoint,'" is not a valid endpoint. The endpoints available are:\n\t',
                stop( msg, call. = FALSE )

            return( is_endpoint )

namc-utah/NAMCr documentation built on Feb. 12, 2024, 4:29 a.m.