rankhazard_CI <- function(modelobj, x, refpoints, factorlevels, covariatelabs, coefs){
  # This function calculates predictions as a product of coefs and x, and
  # reference values as a product of coefs and refpoints.
  # Factors are given in a dummy format but returned as one variable.
  # The function returns data as x, predictions as xp, reference values as refvalues
  # and indices of covariates for which the predictions can be calculated by this function as
  # select_CI.
  # Works with coxph and cph objects.

  factorlabs <- names(factorlevels)
  factors <- which(is.element(covariatelabs, factorlabs))	
  xp <- as.data.frame(t(coefs * t(x)))

  columns <- sapply(modelobj$assign, length)            
  orig_var <- which(columns == 1)
  select <- sort(union(orig_var, factors))        #for these covariates confidence intervals can be calculated
  indices <- sapply(modelobj$assign, "[[", 1)        #indices where values for each covariate are/begin
  xp[factorlabs] <- 0        #these covariates don't exist yet because factors are in a dummy format
  x[factorlabs] <- 0
  j <- 1
  for(i in factors){    # levels of factors are combined to one variable
    if (columns[i] > 1) # multiple-level factors
      xp[factorlabs[j]] <- apply(xp[, indices[i] + 0:(columns[i] - 1)], 1, sum) 
    else xp[factorlabs[j]] <- xp[, indices[i]] # two-level factors
    for (l in 1:(columns[i]))   #the values of different levels are copied into same variable
      x[factorlabs[j]] <- ifelse(x[, indices[i] + l - 1] == 1, factorlevels[[j]][l + 1], x[, factorlabs[j]])
    #the cases with xp == 0 have the value of the reference level
    x[factorlabs[j]] <- ifelse(xp[, factorlabs[j]] == 0, factorlevels[[j]][1], x[, factorlabs[j]]) 
    #the factors in the model are coerced as factors in x
    xfactor <- as.factor(x[, factorlabs[j]])
    x[factorlabs[j]] <- relevel(xfactor, ref = factorlevels[[j]][1])
    j <- j + 1

  covariatelabs <- covariatelabs[select]
  xp <- xp[covariatelabs] 		
  x <- x[covariatelabs]			
  refvalues <- coefs[indices[select]] * refpoints[select]
  names(refvalues) <- covariatelabs			
  refvalues[factorlabs] <- 0          # the reference value for factors is zero as coefficient for the reference level is zero
  return(list(x = x, xp = xp, refvalues = refvalues, select_CI = select))
nannikoski/rankhazard documentation built on May 23, 2019, 12:17 p.m.