catmaid2ngl: Convert CATMAID things (eg neurons) into Neuroglancer...

View source: R/catmaid-ngl.R

catmaid2nglR Documentation

Convert CATMAID things (eg neurons) into Neuroglancer equivalents


catmaid2ngl.neuron uses brainmaps_xyz2id and read_segments2 to find the skeletons corresponding to a (catmaid) neuron

catmaid2ngl.neuronlist applies catmaid2ngl.neuron over a neuronlist

catmaid2ngl.character uses open_fafb_ngl to open CATMAID at a location matching a Neuroglancer URL.

Converts a CATMAID skid specification (see catmaid_skids) for one neuron into a an autosegmentation based neuron using catmaid2ngl.neuron.


catmaid2ngl(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'neuron'
  chunksize = getOption("fafbseg.brainmaps_xyz2id.chunksize", 4000),

## S3 method for class 'neuronlist'
catmaid2ngl(x, OmitFailures = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'character'
catmaid2ngl(x, open = FALSE, ...)

## Default S3 method:
catmaid2ngl(x, ...)



An object to convert (see Descriptions for each method)


Additional arguments passed to methods


send queries in batches each of which has at most chunksize points. The default is chosen since the brainmaps API can time out if the points take too long to map (more likely if they are spread out across the brain). There is also a maximum number of points per call (10,000 was the recommended upper limit at one point).


Whether to omit neurons for which FUN gives an error. The default value (NA) will result in nlapply stopping with an error message the moment there is an error. For other values, see details.


Whether or not to open the URL in a browser - this defaults to TRUE in interactive use.

natverse/fafbseg documentation built on Feb. 5, 2025, 6:11 p.m.