flywire_cave_query: Query the FlyWire CAVE annotation system

View source: R/cave.R

flywire_cave_queryR Documentation

Query the FlyWire CAVE annotation system


Query the FlyWire CAVE annotation system


  datastack_name = getOption("fafbseg.cave.datastack_name", "flywire_fafb_production"),
  version = NULL,
  timestamp = NULL,
  live = is.null(version),
  timetravel = FALSE,
  filter_in_dict = NULL,
  filter_out_dict = NULL,
  filter_regex_dict = NULL,
  select_columns = NULL,
  offset = 0L,
  limit = NULL,
  fetch_all_rows = FALSE,



The name of the table (or view, see views section) to query


defaults to the value selected by choose_segmentation and to "flywire_fafb_production" when that is missing. See for other options.


An optional CAVE materialisation version number. See details and examples.


An optional timestamp as a string or POSIXct, interpreted as UTC when no timezone is specified.


Whether to use live query mode, which updates any root ids to their current value (or to another timestamp when provided). Values of TRUE or 1 select CAVE's Live mode, while 2 selects Live live mode which gives access even to annotations that are not part of a materialisation version. See section Live and Live Live queries for details.


Whether to interpret version/timestamp as a defined point in the past to which the very latest annotations will be sent back in time, recalculating root ids as necessary.

filter_in_dict, filter_out_dict, filter_regex_dict

Optional arguments consisting of key value lists that restrict the returned rows (keeping only matches or filtering out matches). Commonly used to selected rows for specific neurons. See examples and CAVE documentation for details.


Either a character vector naming columns or a python dict (required if the query involves multiple tables).


a 0-indexed row number, allows you to page through long results (but see section CAVE Row Limits for some caveats)


whether to limit the number of rows per query (NULL implies no client side limit but there is typically a server side limit of 500,000 rows).


Whether to fetch all rows of a query that exceeds limit (default FALSE). See section CAVE Row Limits for some caveats.


Additional arguments to the query method. See examples and details.


CAVE (Connectome Annotation Versioning Engine) provides a shared infrastructure for a number of connectomics projects involving Sebastian Seung's group at Princeton and collaborators at the Allen Institute. There is both a backend system running on their servers and a Python client for end users.

You can find out more at as well as looking at the Python notebooks on the github repo

The annotation system shares authentication infrastructure with the rest of the FlyWire API (see flywire_set_token).


A tibble. Note that xyzmatrix can be used on single columns containing XYZ locations.

CAVE Materialisation Versions and Timestamps

CAVE has a concept of table snapshots identified by an integer materialization version number. In some cases you may wish to query a table at this defined version number so that you can avoid root_ids changing during an analysis. Your calls will also be faster since no root id updates are required.

Note however that materialisation versions expire at which point the corresponding version of the database is expunged. However it is still possible to find the timestamp for an expired materialisation version. flywire_cave_query does this automatically using flywire_timestamp. In these circumstances queries will again be slower (quite possibly slower than the live query) since all root ids must be recalculated to match the timestamp.

CAVE's ability to handle different timepoints is key to analysis for a continually evolving segmentation but is frankly a little difficult for users to work with. You will find things simplest if you either

  • use a long-term support (LTS) version, which will not expire such as the 630 version for the June 2023 public release or the 783 version to accompany the published FlyWire papers.

  • use the latest CAVE version

Live and Live Live queries

CAVE versions the segmentation and annotation tables with shared version numbers. When a dataset is stable, using this single version works well. However, we have found that this arrangement is not ideal in many situations, as annotations often evolve even though the segmentation is static.

CAVE has two options to update annotations to a different point in time:

  1. Live queries take the contents of a table at some version and updates the root ids to match a later timepoint (usually now). However the set of annotations remains stuck at the selected version. The starting materialisation version is chosen to be the most recent one preceding the requested timepoint.

  2. Live live queries (CAVE terminology, live=2) can return the state of an annotation table at an arbitrary timepoint. This includes annotations that have not yet been incorporated into a released materialisation version.

We have found that these different query modes do not cover all of our use cases. In particular we often want to be able to travel backwards in time, taking a current annotation table and mapping the root_ids onto an earlier state of the segmentation. You can access this functionality by setting the timetravel argument. Under the hood this uses a live live query using a now timestamp, followed by translating all root ids back to their earlier state using the associated supervoxel ids.

CAVE Views

In addition to regular database tables, CAVE provides support for views. These are based on a SQL query which typically aggregates or combines multiple tables. For an example an aggregation might define the total number of output synapses for some selected neurons.

At present there are several restrictions on views. For example, you can only fetch views using an unexpired materialisation version (and you cannot specify a timepoint using a timestamp) . Furthermore some filter_in, filter_out queries using columns created by the SQL statement may not be possible.

CAVE Row Limits

CAVE servers limit the number of rows that can be returned for any query, typically 500,000 rows. For many queries you can still use increasing values of offset to page through the results. However, there appear to be restrictions to this. In particular for the synapse table, rows are returned in random order. Therefore, even if you set your own row limit lower than the server's, you still cannot fetch all the rows of your query. Other tables (e.g. nuclei) do not have this limitation.

See Also


Other cave-queries: flywire_timestamp()


# note use of limit to restrict the number of rows (must be integer)
n10=flywire_cave_query(table = 'nuclei_v1', limit=10L)

## Not run: 
nuclei_v1=flywire_cave_query(table = 'nuclei_v1')

# calculate signed distance to FAFB surface
# NB this surface is not a perfect fit in the optic lobes
  rval = 'dist')

## End(Not run)
# Example of a query on a table
## Not run: 
# the Princeton (mostly) and Cambridge groups have tagged some bodies as
# not a neuron - these are often glia.
  filter_in_dict = list(tag='not a neuron'))

## End(Not run)
## Not run: 
psp_351=flywire_cave_query(table = 'proofreading_status_public_v1',
# get the last listed materialisation version
lastv=tail(fcc$materialize$get_versions(), n=1)
# pull that
psp_last=flywire_cave_query(table = 'proofreading_status_public_v1',

## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# timetravel query example
# note use of allow_missing_lookups=T as not infrequently materialisation
# can fail for a neuron
cambridge_celltypes_v2.783 <- flywire_cave_query('cambridge_celltypes_v2', version = 783,
  timetravel=TRUE, allow_missing_lookups=TRUE,
  select_columns = list(cambridge_celltypes_v2=c("id", "tag", "pt_root_id", "pt_supervoxel_id")))

# querying by regex on a cell type in this table
mbon012<- flywire_cave_query('cambridge_celltypes_v2', version = 783,
timetravel=TRUE, allow_missing_lookups=TRUE, filter_regex_dict = c(tag='MBON0[12]'))

## End(Not run)

natverse/fafbseg documentation built on Feb. 5, 2025, 6:11 p.m.