Man pages for natverse/flycircuit
Functions to support the analysis of the FlyCircuit single neuron dataset

annotationA dataframe containing manual annotations of some FlyCircuit...
apclusterfcAffinity propagation clustering of FlyCircuit neurons APResult (apcluster output) to dataframe
download.file.wcheckDownload a remote file if it is new or updated
dpscanScan through a set of flycircuit neurons
drawRegionSurfDraw surface corresponding to a given list of regions from...
fc_attach_bigmatAttach a big.matrix (typically used for all-by-all blast...
fc_attach_ffAttach an ff object (typically used for all-by-all blast...
fc_download_dataDownload a data file from a remote location
fc_get_idsScrape for neuron IDs
fc_glomAntennal lobe glomerulus (where applicable) for FlyCircuit...
fcgn_forfileReturn the flycircuit gene_name identifier for a file
fcidtablefcidtable - Data.frame of flycircuit identifiers
fc_nblastReturn (normalised) nblast similarity scores for FlyCircuit...
fc_neuron_typeReturn metadata including NeuronType for FlyCircuit neurons
fc_pageSee a FlyCircuit neuron on the FlyCircuit website
fc_read_neuronsFetch FlyCircuit neuron skeletons from the Taiwan FlyCircuit...
fc_sexreturn sex of the animal for one or more FlyCircuit...
fc_subscorematReturn scores (or distances) for given query and target...
fcwbnpsurfPlot 3D surfaces of the FlyLight neuropil segmentation in... - Surface model of FlyLight neuropil segmentation...
fcwbsurfPlot a 3D surface of the FlyCircuit reference brain - Surface model of FCWB FlyCircuit reference brain
flycircuit-idsConvert between different FlyCircuit identifiers
flycircuit-packageSupport functions for analysis of raw image data provided by...
getRegionsFromSurfReturn a list of regions contained in a surface
getRegionSurfCreates a new surface containing specified regions from a...
hclustfcCluster a set of FlyCircuit neurons identified by gene_name
kcs20scoresA matrix containing all by all nblast similarity scores for...
load_fcdataLoad an rda/rds object cached on disk into the Global...
load_fcdbLoad a database cached in the db subfolder into the Global...
load_si_dataLoad NBLAST supplemental data objects, downloading when...
plot3d.APResultPlot exemplar neurons/all cluster members after clustering by...
plot3dfcPlot FlyCircuit neurons using rgl
pop3dfcRemove plotted FlyCircuit neurons (deprecated, see...
selectRegionsFromSurfSelect regions from a surface
natverse/flycircuit documentation built on Jan. 26, 2023, 6:46 p.m.