fcidtable: fcidtable - Data.frame of flycircuit identifiers

fcidtableR Documentation

fcidtable - Data.frame of flycircuit identifiers


fcidtable - Data.frame of flycircuit identifiers


The flycircuit database seems to have at least 3 unique identifiers for neurons. These are:

  • idid An integer identifier which ranged from 1:16226 in the April 2011 release

  • gene_name A character identifier of the general form "DvGlutMARCM-F003905_seg001"

  • Name A character identifier of the general form "VGlut-F-400794"

Although the neuron Name is generally what is reported in publications the gene_name seems to widely used and is what connected to the confocal image file name. The _seg001 suffix in gene_names refers to the segmentation of individual neurons from stacks that might contain multiple labelled neurons after MARCM.

See Also

Other flycircuit-ids: flycircuit-ids

natverse/flycircuit documentation built on Jan. 26, 2023, 6:46 p.m.