
Defines functions RSS FSTAT

# - what's the difference between ALV and covariate?  Shouldn't they be merged at this point?
# - `parametric = TRUE` is never used by any dependencies in this package (but popdiff paper uses it!)
FSTAT <- function(dat, LV, ALV = NULL,
    covariate = NULL, parametric = FALSE) {
    # Calculate F-statistics and
    # parametric significance

    # check mandatory data
    if ( missing( dat ) )
        stop( '`dat` is required!' )
    if ( !is.matrix( dat ) )
        stop( '`dat` must be a matrix!' )
    if ( missing( LV ) )
        stop( '`LV` is required!' )
    m <- nrow(dat)
    n <- ncol(dat)

    # check LV dimensions
    if ( nrow(LV) != n )
        stop( '`LV` number of rows (', nrow(LV), ') does not equal the number of columns of `dat` (', n, ')!' )
    if (is.null(ALV)) {
        if (is.null(covariate)) {
            model.alt <- stats::model.matrix(seq(n) ~ LV)
            model.null <- stats::model.matrix(seq(n) ~ 1)
        if (!is.null(covariate)) {
            model.alt <- stats::model.matrix(seq(n) ~ LV + covariate)
            model.null <- stats::model.matrix(seq(n) ~ 1 + covariate)
    } else if ( is.matrix(ALV) || is.vector(ALV) ) {
        if (is.null(covariate)) {
            model.alt <- stats::model.matrix(seq(n) ~ LV + ALV)
            model.null <- stats::model.matrix(seq(n) ~ 1 + ALV)
        if (!is.null(covariate)) {
            model.alt <- stats::model.matrix(seq(n) ~ LV + ALV + covariate)
            model.null <- stats::model.matrix(seq(n) ~ 1 + ALV + covariate)
    } else
        stop("Invalid arguments into a function 'FSTAT'. Adjustment latent variable must be either a matrix (n rows) or a vector (size n)")
    RSS.alt <- RSS(dat, model.alt)
    RSS.null <- RSS(dat, model.null)
    fstat <- (RSS.null - RSS.alt)/(ncol(model.alt) - ncol(model.null))/(RSS.alt/(n - ncol(model.alt)))

    if (!parametric) {
        return(list(fstat = fstat))
    } else {
        fstat.pval <- 1 - stats::pf(fstat, ncol(model.alt) - ncol(model.null), n - ncol(model.alt))
                fstat = fstat,
                p.value = fstat.pval

RSS <- function(dat, mod) {
    # Calculate residual sum of squares
    # NOTES:
    # - `mod` is design matrix of regression

    # check mandatory data
    if ( missing( dat ) )
        stop( '`dat` is required!' )
    if ( missing( mod ) )
        stop( '`mod` is required!' )
    if ( !is.matrix( mod ) )
        stop( '`mod` must be a matrix!' )
    if ( is.matrix( dat ) ) {
        n <- ncol(dat)
    } else if ( is.vector( dat ) ) {
        n <- length(dat)
    } else
        stop( '`dat` must be vector or matrix!' )
    Id <- diag(n)
    res <- dat %*% (Id - mod %*% solve(t(mod) %*% mod) %*% t(mod))  #Residuals of the model
    rss <- rowSums( res^2 )
    return( rss )
ncchung/jackstraw documentation built on Aug. 22, 2023, 12:12 p.m.