
# NOTE: split,SoilProfileCollection method is redundant aside from the ability to enter a site var by name
# data("loafercreek", package = "soilDB")
# loafercreek <- subset(loafercreek, !is.na(pmorigin))
# loafercreek$pmorigin <- factor(loafercreek$pmorigin)
# # split.default(SPC) and the aqp method are identical due to overloading of `[`
# microbenchmark::microbenchmark( default = { split.default(loafercreek, site(loafercreek)$pmorigin) },
#                                 aqp =     { split(loafercreek, "pmorigin") })

#' @title Split a SoilProfileCollection object into a list of SoilProfileCollection objects.
#' @description This function splits a `SoilProfileCollection` into a list of `SoilProfileCollection` objects using a site-level attribute to define groups or profile ID (`idname(x)`).
#' @param x `SoilProfileCollection` object
#' @param f character vector naming a single site-level attribute that defines groups, a ‘factor’ in the sense that `as.factor(f)` defines the grouping, or a list of such factors in which case their interaction is used for the grouping.
#' @param drop logical indicating if levels that do not occur should be dropped (if f is a factor or a list). When `drop=FALSE` and `f` contains missing values an additional group "missing" is returned.
#' @param ...	additional arguments are ignored
#' @details As of aqp 1.25, omission of `f` argument is no longer possible, as the base R generic is overloaded by this `SoilProfileCollection` method. This used to result in an "identity" split, according to `idname(x)`, e.g. a list as long as `length(x)`, with a single-profile `SoilProfileCollection` per list element. Replicate this behavior using `f = idname(x)` or `f = profile_id(x)`.
#' @author D.E. Beaudette and A.G. Brown
#' @return A list of `SoilProfileCollection` or `NULL` for empty result.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(sp2)
#' depths(sp2) <- id ~ top + bottom
#' # add a more interesting site-level attribute
#' site(sp2) <- ~ surface
#' # using identity site-level attribute (profile ID)
#' p1 <- split(sp2, f = idname(sp2))
#' names(p1)
#' length(p1)
#' # using vector equal in length to number of profiles (profile ID, again)
#' p2 <- split(sp2, f = profile_id(sp2))
#' names(p2)
#' length(p2)
#' # which are both equivalent to setting `f` to NULL
#' p3 <- split(sp2, f = NULL)
#' names(p3)
#' length(p3)
#' # split on surface (age) site-level var
#' p4 <- split(sp2, f = "surface")
#' names(p4)
#' length(p4) # 5 unique "surfaces", 5 SPCs in result list
          signature(x = "SoilProfileCollection", f = "ANY"),
          function(x, f, drop = TRUE, ...) {

  # identity split, use idname()
  if (is.null(f)) {

    # grouping factor, make sure to use original ordering
    fg <- site(x)[[idname(x)]]
    fg <- factor(fg, levels = fg)

  } else {
    # standard, site-level group split
    # using an existing site-level attribute
    if (is.character(f) && length(f) == 1) {
      if (!f %in% siteNames(x)) {
        stop(sprintf('%s must be site-level attribute', f), call. = FALSE)
      # extract to local variable, so as not to modify original data
      fg <- x[[f]]
      # all NA, empty list is the result
      if(all(is.na(fg)) && drop) {
        message('all groups have been dropped due to NA')
        # nothing left to do
      # no NA allowed
      if (any(is.na(fg)) && !drop) {
        fg[is.na(fg)] <- "<missing>"
      # splitting variable should be a factor
      if (!inherits(fg, 'factor')) {
        fg <- factor(fg)
        message(sprintf('converting %s to factor', f))
    # using a vector coercible to factor (like base::split)
    } else if (length(f) == length(x) && !is.list(f)) {

      # preserve NA levels as missing
      if (any(is.na(f)) && !drop) {
        if (is.factor(f)) {
         levels(f) <- c(levels(f), "<missing>")
        f[is.na(f)] <- "<missing>"

      if (!inherits(f, 'factor')) {
        fg <- factor(f)
      } else {
        fg <- f
    } else if (is.list(f)) {

      # preserve NA levels as missing
      f <- lapply(f, function(ff) {
        if (any(is.na(ff)) && !drop) {
          if (is.factor(ff)) {
            levels(ff) <- c(levels(ff), "<missing>")
          ff[is.na(ff)] <- "<missing>"
      # using a interaction of a list coercible to factor (like base::split)
      fg <- interaction(f, drop = drop, sep = ".", lex.order = FALSE)

    } else {
      stop(sprintf('invalid argument `f`'), call. = FALSE)

  # iterate over levels
  lv <- levels(fg)

  # index and split
  res <- lapply(lv, function(i) {

    # simple indexing on site-level data only
    rr <- x[which(fg == i), ]

  # save names
  names(res) <- lv

  # result is a list

# #note: RE: identity split with f not specified
#        unfortunately this S4 method for SPC,missing does not work
# #      f is required in the generic (no default)
# #      neither base nor data.table provide a default for f
# setMethod(f = "split",
#           signature(x = "SoilProfileCollection", f = "missing"),
#           function(x, f = NULL, drop = TRUE, ...) {
#               aqp::split(x, f = NULL, drop, ...)
#           })
# # sadly this doesnt work either :( (S3 definition where f has default)
# # alas I tried...
# split.SoilProfileCollection <- function(x, f = NULL, drop = TRUE, ...) {
#   aqp::split(x = x, f = f, drop = drop, ...)
# }

## S4 magic
# already exists, but we are modifying it... good idea or bad idea?
# setGeneric("split", function(x, f=NULL, drop=TRUE, ...) standardGeneric("split"))
#  we should not over-write generics if they exist. we use same method signature
#  but dispatch to x = SoilProfileCollection so we dont mask.
#  note that this causes problems for the identity split with no default `f` agb 2020/09/28
ncss-tech/aqp documentation built on April 19, 2024, 5:38 p.m.