
## Simulation gradual erosion / deposition of an SPC
## currently very slow


# simulate the addition / removal of material from the top of an SPC
evolve <- function(x, loss.limits = c(0, 10), gain.limits = c(0, 20), iter = 10) {
  hztb <- horizonDepths(x)
  # previous states: loss / gain is cumulative 
  loss.prev <- 0
  gain.prev <- 0
  # original IDs
  ids <- profile_id(x)
  # store iterations in a list
  x.new <- vector(mode = 'list', length = iter)
  # first iteration is the original
  x.1 <- x
  newID <- sprintf("T%03d_%s", 1, ids)
  profile_id(x.1) <- newID
  x.new[[1]] <- x.1
  # subsequent iterations
  for(i in 2:iter) {
    # adjust ID
    newID <- sprintf("T%03d_%s", i, ids)
    # flip a coin: loss / gain
    coin.flip <- sample(0:1, size = 1, prob = c(0.6, 0.4))
    # loss
    amount <- runif(1, min = loss.limits[1], max = loss.limits[2])
    amount <- round(amount + loss.prev)
    # gain, applied to previous iteration
    x.last <- x.new[[i-1]]
    # gain material
    gain.amount <- runif(1, min = gain.limits[1] , max = gain.limits[2])
    # convert to absolute depth
    x.last.top <- min(x.last[[hztb[1]]])
    gain.z <- x.last.top - gain.amount
    if(coin.flip < 1) {
      # erode via truncation at top
      x.mod <- trunc(x, z1 = amount, z2 = max(x))
    } else {
      x.mod <- deposite(x.last, z = gain.z)
    # set new ID
    profile_id(x.mod) <- newID
    x.new[[i]] <- x.mod
    # maintain state
    loss.prev <- amount
  # list -> SPC
  x.new <- combine(x.new)

# add "new" material to the top of an SPC
deposite <- function(x, z, depName = '2C', depColor = parseMunsell('5Y 6/2')) {
  x.new <- fillHzGaps(x, to_top = z, flag = TRUE)
  hzd <- hzdesgnname(x.new)
  idx <- which(x.new$.filledGap)
  x.new[[hzd]][idx] <- depName
  x.new$soil_color[idx] <- depColor
  ## TODO: need mergeHorizons() to aggregate over deposition events


# works with multiple starting profiles
# o <- fetchOSD(c('drummer', 'cecil'))

# single profile simplest to think about
o <- fetchOSD(c('musick'))

# limits define range of runif()
e <- evolve(o, iter = 75, loss.limits = c(1, 3))

par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
plotSPC(e, depth.axis = FALSE, name.style = 'center-center', print.id = FALSE, width = 0.45)
abline(h = 0)

par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
plotSPC(e, depth.axis = FALSE, name = NA, print.id = FALSE, width = 0.45, lwd = 0.33)
abline(h = 0, lwd = 1, lty = 2)

# plotSPC(z, plot.depth.axis = FALSE, name.style = 'center-center', print.id = FALSE, width = 0.45)
# abline(h = 0)
ncss-tech/aqp documentation built on April 14, 2024, 1:25 p.m.