#' Vaccine Coverage by Age
#' Generates a graphic that shows the vaccine coverage by age band as a
#' stacked bar chart in order to show the coverage as well as the raw number
#' of vaccinated versus unvaccinated individuals.
#' @param county_use a string vector representing the North Carolina
#' counties to be displayed
#' @export
generate_vax_coverage_age <- function(county_use = nccovid::cone_region){
na_to <- function(x, to =0){
ifelse(is.na(x),0, x)
vax <- data.table::fread("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/conedatascience/covid-data/master/data/timeseries/nc-summary-all-vaccine.csv")
vax <- clean_names(vax)
vax_use <- vax[county%in%county_use][demographic=="Age Group"][data_source=="All Programs"][!age_group%in% c("Suppressed", "Missing or Undisclosed")]
data.table::setorderv(vax_use, cols = c("county", "age_group", "week_of"))
vax_use <- vax_use[!is.na(week_of)]
vax_use[,population:=ifelse(is.na(population), max(population, na.rm=TRUE), population), by = c("county", "age_group")]
vax_use[,vax_cum:=cumsum(primary_series_n), by = c("county","age_group")]
vax_use[,un_vax_cum:=population - vax_cum , by = c("county","age_group")]
vax_use[,vax_per := vax_cum/population]
vax_title_bar <- vax_use[week_of==max(week_of)][
,list(TotalVaxRate = sum(vax_cum)/sum(population)), by = "county"
][,TitleText:=sprintf("%s %s%% Overall Vaccinated",
county, round(TotalVaxRate*100))]
vax_perc_graph<- vax_use[week_of==max(week_of)][
,list(GroupVaxRate = round(sum(vax_cum)/sum(population)*100)),
by = c("county", "age_group")][,VaxGroupPerc:=sprintf("%s%%", GroupVaxRate)]
vax_perc_graph <- merge(vax_perc_graph,vax_title_bar, by = "county", all.x= TRUE)
vax_long_version <- vax_use[week_of==max(week_of)] %>%
dplyr::select(county,age_group, `Unvaccinated` = un_vax_cum, `Vaccinated`= vax_cum) %>%
tidyr::gather(metric, value, -county, -age_group) %>%
dplyr::left_join(vax_title_bar, by = "county") %>%
dplyr::mutate(age_group = factor(age_group, c("0-4", "5-11", "12-17",
"18-24", "25-49", "50-64",
"65-74", "75+")))
vax_long_version %>%
ggplot2::ggplot(ggplot2::aes(age_group, fill = metric, value))+
ggplot2::facet_wrap(~TitleText, scales = "free")+
ggplot2::geom_text(data = vax_perc_graph,
ggplot2::aes(x= age_group,y = 100, label = VaxGroupPerc),
inherit.aes=FALSE, hjust=0,
color = "grey90", font = "bold", size = 6)+
title = "Primary Series Vaccination Coverage",
y = "Population",
fill = NULL,
x = NULL,
caption = "Data: NCDHHS\nPrimary Series is either 2 Doses of mRNA or 1 Dose of J&J"
ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::comma)+
ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values =c("grey70", "#00468B"),
labels = c("Unvaccinated", "Vaccinated"))+
ggplot2::theme(panel.grid.major.x = ggplot2::element_line(),
panel.grid.major.y = ggplot2::element_blank())+
ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "top")
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