
## ---- include=FALSE------------------------------------------------------
#this is for latex debug, remove when all works well
options(tinytex.verbose = TRUE)

## ---- echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE, results=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE----

## ---- echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE-----------------------------------------------
#this is a (simplified) Seurat object

#this come from applying Seurat function FindAllMarkers() to the bladder dataset

#this is a simple gene -> pathway dictionary

## ---- echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE-----------------------------------------------

## ---- echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE-----------------------------------------------
cells.selected = bladder@ident == 'Basal epithelial cell(Bladder)'
genes.selected = subset(markers, cluster == 'Basal epithelial cell(Bladder)')$gene

my.bladder = bladder
my.bladder@data = my.bladder@data[genes.selected, cells.selected]

## ---- echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE-----------------------------------------------
root = tempdir() #change this to your preferred local path
dir.create(root, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)

## ---- echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE-----------------------------------------------
#building a genes-pathways dictionary
dict = write.dictionary(genes=mouse.pathways$gene, 
                       terms = mouse.pathways$pathway, outfolder = root)

#computign gene coexpression (default function is 'cor')
coexp = write.coexpressionMatrix(geneExpression = my.bladder@data, outfolder = root)

#thinning coexpression network via scale free criterion
edges = write.edges(coexpression = coexp, outfolder = root, 
                   keep.weights = FALSE, fun = thinning_scale_free)

#writing a parameter file, useful for MGTO
write.paramFile(outfolder = root)

## ---- eval=FALSE, echo=TRUE----------------------------------------------
#  #actual call to MTGO
#  #call.MTGO(outfolder = root, verbose = TRUE) #this prints several log messages
#  #building and saving representation of resulting network
#  #network.collapsed = = root, collapse.modules = TRUE)
#  #network.full = = root, collapse.modules = FALSE)

## ----eval=FALSE, include=TRUE--------------------------------------------
#  # load libraries for gene enrichment on Reactome (those are on Bioconductor, not CRAN)
#  library(ReactomePA)
#  library(clusterProfiler)
#  library(
#  #a support function to take care of gene upper/lower case convention
#  firstup = function(x) {
#    x = tolower(x)
#    substr(x, 1, 1) = toupper(substr(x, 1, 1))
#    return(x)
#  }
#  #the list of all genes involved in the cluster
#  genes = unique(c(as.character(edges$gene1), as.character(edges$gene2)))
#  #correct casing of gene names
#  genes = firstup(genes)
#  #translating gene names to ENTREZID via database
#  genes = bitr(genes, fromType="SYMBOL", toType="ENTREZID", OrgDb="")
#  #the actual enrichment
#  enriched = enrichPathway(gene=genes$ENTREZID, pvalueCutoff=0.05,
#                           readable=T, organism = "mouse", pAdjustMethod = "BH")

## ----eval=FALSE, include=FALSE-------------------------------------------
#  # In this example we search the literature for the Basal Epithelial cell type and the pathway terms
#  # retrieved by both MTGO-SC (pathway labelling gene modules) and ReactomePA (pathways enriched for the whole basal epithelial gene network
#  library(RISmed)
#  # set the search parameters
#  file_MTGO<-"Modules_Best_QGO.txt" #path
#  file_enriched<-"Basal epithelial cell" #passare la variabile
#  tissue<-"Bladder"
#  celltype<-"Basal Epithelial Cell"
#  modules<-read.table(file_MTGO,sep="\t",header=T)
#  terms_MTGO<-as.character(modules[,4])
#  terms_enriched<-setdiff(as.character(read.table(file_enriched,header=T)[,1]),NA)
#  terms<-union(terms_MTGO,terms_enriched)
#  # Perform all the PUBMED searchings
#  pubmed_search_both<-c()
#  pubmed_search_term<-c()
#  for(k in terms)
#  {
#    print(k)
#    res <- EUtilsSummary(paste(tissue,celltype,k), type="esearch", db="pubmed", datetype='pdat', mindate=2000, maxdate=2019, retmax=500)
#    pubmed_search_both[[k]]<-QueryCount(res)
#    res <- EUtilsSummary(paste(tissue,k), type="esearch", db="pubmed", datetype='pdat', mindate=2000, maxdate=2019, retmax=500)
#    pubmed_search_term[[k]]<-QueryCount(res)
#    Sys.sleep(0.5)  # a connection error might occur without this pause
#  }
#  pubmed_search_universe<-QueryCount(EUtilsSummary(tissue, type="esearch", db="pubmed", datetype='pdat', mindate=2000, maxdate=2019, retmax=500))
#  pubmed_search_celltype<-QueryCount(EUtilsSummary(paste(tissue,celltype), type="esearch", db="pubmed", datetype='pdat', mindate=2000, maxdate=2019, retmax=500))
#  # Compute p.values
#  pvals<-c()
#  M<-pubmed_search_celltype
#  N<-pubmed_search_universe
#  for(i in terms)
#  {
#      x<-pubmed_search_both[[i]]
#      k<-pubmed_search_term[[i]]
#      pvals[[i]]<-signif(phyper(x-1,M,N-M,k,lower.tail=F),2)
#  }
#  PUBMEDsearch_results<-cbind(terms,pvals,pubmed_search_both,pubmed_search_term,pubmed_search_celltype,pubmed_search_universe)

## ----Loading the Ground Truth, eval=TRUE, include=TRUE-------------------
#gGT is an iGraph object derived from four different sources:
# - the CORUM database [1]
# - a protein interaction map [2]
# - String and Reactome databases [3]  

## ---- eval=TRUE, include=TRUE--------------------------------------------
#Edges for Method 1, computed above
edges.M1 = edges

#Edges for Method 2, on the same data
coexp.M2 = write.coexpressionMatrix(
  geneExpression = my.bladder@data, outfolder = root, 
  fun = coexpr_propr, metric = 'phs', symmetrize = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE)
edges.M2 = write.edges(
  coexpression = coexp.M2, outfolder = root, 
  keep.weights = FALSE, fun = thinning_percentile, overwrite = TRUE)

#transforming into iGraph
network.M1 = igraph::graph_from_edgelist(as.matrix(edges.M1), directed = FALSE)
network.M2 = igraph::graph_from_edgelist(as.matrix(edges.M2), directed = FALSE)

## ---- eval=TRUE, include=TRUE--------------------------------------------
#support function to compute Affinity Score between two networks
compute_AS = function(N1, N2){
  E.N1 = length(igraph::E(N1))
  E.N2 = length(igraph::E(N2))
  overlap = length(igraph::E(igraph::intersection(N1, N2)))
  #the formula is [overlap^2] / (edges1 * edges2)
  #but for better computation we implement it as
  res = (overlap / E.N1) * (overlap / E.N2)
  #and we are done

#ready to compute Affinity Scores for the examples
AS.M1 = compute_AS(network.M1, gGT)
AS.M2 = compute_AS(network.M2, gGT)

## ---- eval=FALSE, include=TRUE-------------------------------------------
#  #numerosity for each random population
#  N = 100
#  #room for Affinity Scores for the two scrambled networks populations
#  AS.distr.M1 = c()
#  AS.distr.M2 = c()
#  #doing the computation
#  for (i in 1:100){
#    #creating a random scramble of both networks
# = igraph::rewire(network.M1, with = keeping_degseq(
#      niter = igraph::vcount(network.M1) * 10, loops = FALSE))
# = igraph::rewire(network.M2, with = keeping_degseq(
#      niter = igraph::vcount(network.M2) * 10, loops = FALSE))
#    #computing the new Affinity Scores
#    AS.distr.M1[i] = compute_AS(, gGT)
#    AS.distr.M2[i] = compute_AS(, gGT)
#  }
#  #Computing Z scores
#  Z.M1 = (AS.M1 - mean(AS.distr.M1)) / sd(AS.distr.M1)
#  Z.M2 = (AS.M2 - mean(AS.distr.M2)) / sd(AS.distr.M2)
#  #Computing -log(P values)
#  logP.M1 = -log(pnorm(-Z.M1))
#  logP.M2 = -log(pnorm(-Z.M2))
ne1s0n/MTGOsc documentation built on April 20, 2022, 9:35 p.m.