
Defines functions geo.make

Documented in geo.make

geo.make <- function(us, region, division, state, county, county.subdivision,
    place, tract, block.group, msa, csa, necta, urban.area,
    congressional.district, state.legislative.district.upper,
    state.legislative.district.lower, puma, zip.code, american.indian.area,
    school.district.elementary, school.district.secondary,
    school.district.unified, combine=FALSE, combine.term = "aggregate",
    check=FALSE, key=api.key.load()) {

    arglist <- as.list(environment())
    missing.args <- unlist(lapply(arglist, is.symbol))
    arglist <- arglist[!missing.args]
    arglist <- arglist[names(arglist) != "combine"]
    arglist <- arglist[names(arglist) != "combine.term"]
    arglist <- arglist[names(arglist) != "key"]
    arglist <- arglist[names(arglist) != "check"]
    max.length <- max(sapply(arglist, length))
    arglist <- lapply(arglist, rep, length = max.length)
    if (max.length == 1) {
        geo.obj <- do.call(.geo.unit.make, arglist)
        geo.set.obj <- new(Class = "geo.set",
            geo.list = list(geo.obj),
            combine = combine,
            combine.term = combine.term)
    } else {
        geo.a <- do.call(.geo.unit.make, lapply(arglist, head, 1))
        geo.b <- do.call(geo.make, lapply(arglist, tail, -1))
        geo.set.obj <- geo.a + geo.b
    if (is.geo.set(geo.set.obj)) {
        geo.set.obj@combine <- combine
        geo.set.obj@combine.term <- combine.term
    if (check) {
        for (i in 1:length(geo.set.obj)) {
            cat(paste("Testing geography item ", i, ": ",
                name(geo.list(geo.set.obj[i])), " .... ", sep = ""))
            obj.test <- acs.fetch(endyear = 2010,
                geography = geo.set.obj[i],
                key = key,
                variable = "B01001_001",
                lookup = FALSE)

## Internal function called in geo.make
.geo.unit.make <- function (us, region, division, state, county,
    place, tract, block.group, msa, csa, necta, urban.area, congressional.district,
    state.legislative.district.upper, state.legislative.district.lower, puma,
    zip.code, american.indian.area, school.district.elementary, school.district.secondary,
    school.district.unified) {

    geo.obj <- NA
    nargs <- nargs()
    ## geos with only one argument: sumlev 010, 020, 030, 350, 400, 860 sumlev 010 --
    ## all US
    if (!missing(us) && (us == 1 || us == "*" || us == TRUE)) {
        if (nargs > 1) {
            stop("entire U.S. selected; no other geographic arguments allowed")
        if (us == TRUE)
            us <- 1
        geo.obj <- new(Class = "geo", api.for = list(us = us), api.in = list(),
            name = "US", sumlev = 10)
    # sumlev 020 -- region
    if (!missing(region)) {
        if (nargs > 1) {
            stop("region selected; ; no other geographic arguments allowed")
        geo.obj <- new(Class = "geo", api.for = list(region = region), api.in = list(),
            name = paste("Region ", region, sep = ""), sumlev = 20)
    # sumlev 030 -- division
    if (!missing(division)) {
        if (nargs > 1) {
            stop("division selected; no other geographic arguments allowed")
        geo.obj <- new(Class = "geo", api.for = list(division = division), api.in = list(),
            name = paste("Division ", division, sep = ""), sumlev = 30)
    # sumlev 250 -- american indian area/alaska native area/hawaiian home land check
    # for american indian area names and convert to codes
    if (!missing(american.indian.area) && is.character(american.indian.area) &&
        american.indian.area != "*") {
        american.indian.area <- fips.american.indian.area[grepl(paste("^", american.indian.area,
            sep = ""), fips.american.indian.area$American.Indian.Area.Name),
        if (length(american.indian.area) > 1) {
            stop("More than one American Indian area/Alaska Native area/Hawaiian Home Land name matches search string;\n  Perhaps try 'geo.lookup()...?")
        if (length(american.indian.area) == 0) {
            stop("No American Indian area/Alaska Native area/Hawaiian Home Land name matches search string;\n  Perhaps try 'geo.lookup()...?")
    ## deal with wildcards
    if (hasArg(american.indian.area) && american.indian.area != "*")
        american.indian.area.name <- fips.american.indian.area[fips.american.indian.area$American.Indian.Area.Code ==
            american.indian.area, 2] else american.indian.area.name <- "All American Indian/Alaska Native/Hawaiian Home Land areas"  # later, not used unless hasArg(county)
    ## make geo for sumlev 250
    if (!missing(american.indian.area)) {
        if (nargs > 1) {
            stop("american.indian.area selected;\n  no other geographic arguments allowed")
        geo.obj <- new(Class = "geo", api.for = list(`american+indian+area/alaska+native+area/hawaiian+home+land` = american.indian.area),
            api.in = list(), name = american.indian.area.name, sumlev = 250)
    # sumlev 310 -- metropolitan statistical area/micropolitan statistical area **NO
    # STATE**
    if (!missing(msa) && missing(state)) {
        if (nargs > 1) {
            warning("msa selected; ignoring all other geographic arguments")
        geo.obj <- new(Class = "geo", api.for = list(`metropolitan+statistical+area/micropolitan+statistical+area` = msa),
            api.in = list(), name = paste("MSA ", msa, sep = ""), sumlev = 310)
    # sumlev 330 -- combined statistical area **NO STATE**
    if (!missing(csa) && missing(state)) {
        if (nargs > 1) {
            warning("csa selected; ignoring all other geographic arguments")
        geo.obj <- new(Class = "geo", api.for = list(`combined+statistical+area` = csa),
            api.in = list(), name = paste("CSA ", csa, sep = ""), sumlev = 330)
    # sumlev 350 -- new england city and town area
    if (!missing(necta)) {
        if (nargs > 1) {
            stop("necta selected;  no other geographic arguments allowed")
        geo.obj <- new(Class = "geo", api.for = list(`new+england+city+and+town+area` = necta),
            api.in = list(), name = paste("NECTA ", necta, sep = ""), sumlev = 350)
    # sumlev 400 -- urban area
    if (!missing(urban.area)) {
        if (nargs > 1) {
            stop("urban.area selected;  no other geographic arguments allowed")
        geo.obj <- new(Class = "geo", api.for = list(`urban+area` = urban.area),
            api.in = list(), name = paste("Urban Area ", urban.area, sep = ""),
            sumlev = 400)
    # sumlev 860 -- zip.code
    if (!missing(zip.code)) {
        if (nargs > 1) {
            stop("zip.code selected, no other geographic arguments allowed")
        geo.obj <- new(Class = "geo", api.for = list(`zip+code+tabulation+area` = zip.code),
            api.in = list(), name = paste0("Zip Code Tabulation Area ", zip.code), sumlev = 860)
    if (!missing(county) && nargs == 1 && county == "*") {
        ## This is allowed, at least in some years
        return(new(Class = "geo",
            api.for = list(county = county),
            api.in = list(),
            name = paste("County", county),
            sumlev = 50))
    # all other geos need a valid state
    if (missing(state)) {
        stop("state required")
    # check for state abbreviations/text names and convert to codes
    if (is.character(state) && state != "*") {
        if (nchar(state) == 2)
            state <- fips.state[fips.state$STUSAB == state, 1] else state <- fips.state[grep(paste("^", state, sep = ""), fips.state$STATE_NAME),
        if (length(state) == 0) {
            stop("No valid state names match search string")
        if (length(state) > 1) {
            stop("More than one state name matches search string;\n  Perhaps try 'geo.lookup()...?")
    # check for county names and convert to codes
    if (!missing(county) && is.character(county) && county != "*") {
        county <- fips.county[grepl(paste("^", county, sep = ""), fips.county$County.Name) &
            (fips.county$State.ANSI == state), 3]
        if (length(county) > 1) {
            stop("More than one county name matches search string in state ",
              state, ";\n  Perhaps try 'geo.lookup()...?")
        if (length(county) == 0) {
            stop("No county name matches search string in state ", state,
              ";\n  Perhaps try 'geo.lookup()...?")
    # check for county subdivision names and convert to codes
    if (!missing(county.subdivision) && is.character(county.subdivision) && county.subdivision !=
        "*") {
        county.subdivision <- fips.county.subdivision[grepl(paste("^", county.subdivision,
            sep = ""), fips.county.subdivision$COUSUBNAME) & (fips.county.subdivision$STATEFP ==
            state), 5]
        if (length(county.subdivision) > 1) {
            stop("More than one county subdivision name matches search string in state ",
              state, ";\n  Perhaps try 'geo.lookup()...?")
        if (length(county.subdivision) == 0) {
            stop("No county subdivision name matches search string in state ",
              state, ";\n  Perhaps try 'geo.lookup()...?")
    # check for place names and convert to codes
    if (!missing(place) && is.character(place) && place != "*") {
        place <- fips.place[grepl(paste("^", place, sep = ""), fips.place$PLACENAME) &
            (fips.place$STATEFP == state), 3]
        if (length(place) > 1) {
            if (isTRUE(all.equal(max(place), min(place))) && isTRUE(all.equal(max(place),
              min(place)))) {
              # i.e., all match same place #
              place <- place[1]
            } else {
              stop("More than one place name matches search string in state ",
                state, ";\n  Perhaps try 'geo.lookup()...?")
        if (length(place) == 0) {
            stop("No place name matches search string in state ", state, ";\n  Perhaps try 'geo.lookup()...?")
    # check for school district names and convert to codes elementary
    if (!missing(school.district.elementary) && is.character(school.district.elementary) &&
        school.district.elementary != "*") {
        school.district.elementary <- fips.school[grepl(paste("^", school.district.elementary,
            sep = ""), fips.school$SDNAME) & (fips.school$STATEFP == state) &
            (fips.school$TYPE == "Elementary"), 3]
        if (length(school.district.elementary) > 1) {
            stop("More than one elementary school district name matches search string in state ",
              state, ";\n  Perhaps try 'geo.lookup()...?")
        if (length(school.district.elementary) == 0) {
            stop("No elementary school district name matches search string in state ",
              state, ";\n  Perhaps try 'geo.lookup()...?")
    ## secondary
    if (!missing(school.district.secondary) && is.character(school.district.secondary) &&
        school.district.secondary != "*") {
        school.district.secondary <- fips.school[grepl(paste("^", school.district.secondary,
            sep = ""), fips.school$SDNAME) & (fips.school$STATEFP == state) &
            (fips.school$TYPE == "Secondary"), 3]
        if (length(school.district.secondary) > 1) {
            stop("More than one secondary school district name matches search string in state ",
              state, ";\n  Perhaps try 'geo.lookup()...?")
        if (length(school.district.secondary) == 0) {
            stop("No secondary school district name matches search string in state ",
              state, ";\n  Perhaps try 'geo.lookup()...?")
    ## unified
    if (!missing(school.district.unified) && is.character(school.district.unified) &&
        school.district.unified != "*") {
        school.district.unified <- fips.school[grepl(paste("^", school.district.unified,
            sep = ""), fips.school$SDNAME) & (fips.school$STATEFP == state) &
            (fips.school$TYPE == "Unified"), 3]
        if (length(school.district.unified) > 1) {
            stop("More than one unified school district name matches search string in state ",
              state, ";\n  Perhaps try 'geo.lookup()...?")
        if (length(school.district.unified) == 0) {
            stop("No unified school district name matches search string in state ",
              state, ";\n  Perhaps try 'geo.lookup()...?")
    # deal with names for wildcards
    if (state != "*")
        state.name <- fips.state[fips.state$STATE == state, 3] else state.name <- "All states"
    if (hasArg(county) && county != "*")
        county.name <- fips.county[fips.county$County.ANSI == county & fips.county$State.ANSI ==
            state, 4] else county.name <- "All counties"  # later, not used unless hasArg(county)
    if (hasArg(place) && place != "*") {
        place.name <- fips.place[fips.place$PLACEFP == place & fips.place$STATEFP ==
            state, 4]
        if (length(place.name) > 1)
            place.name <- place.name[1]
    } else place.name <- "All places"  # later, not used unless hasArg(place)
    if (hasArg(county.subdivision) && county.subdivision != "*")
        subdivision.name <- fips.county.subdivision[fips.county.subdivision$COUSUBFP ==
            county.subdivision & fips.county.subdivision$STATEFP == state, 6] else subdivision.name <- "All subdivisions"  # later, not used unless hasArg(county.subdivision)
    if (hasArg(school.district.elementary) && school.district.elementary != "*")
        school.district.elementary.name <- fips.school[fips.school$LEA == school.district.elementary &
            fips.school$STATEFP == state, 4] else school.district.elementary.name <- "All elementary school districts"  # later, not used unless hasArg(county)
    if (hasArg(school.district.secondary) && school.district.secondary != "*")
        school.district.secondary.name <- fips.school[fips.school$LEA == school.district.secondary &
            fips.school$STATEFP == state, 4] else school.district.secondary.name <- "All secondary school districts"  # later, not used unless hasArg(county)
    if (hasArg(school.district.unified) && school.district.unified != "*")
        school.district.unified.name <- fips.school[fips.school$LEA == school.district.unified &
            fips.school$STATEFP == state, 4] else school.district.unified.name <- "All unified school districts"  # later, not used unless hasArg(county)
    # done with looking up names and codes sumlev 40 (state)
    if (nargs == 1 && hasArg(state))
        geo.obj <- new(Class = "geo", api.for = list(state = state), api.in = list(),
            name = state.name, sumlev = 40)
    # sumlev 50 (state-county)
    if (nargs == 2 && hasArg(county))
        geo.obj <- new(Class = "geo", api.for = list(county = county), api.in = list(state = state),
            name = paste(county.name, state.name, sep = ", "), sumlev = 50)
    # sumlev 160 (state-place) -- only sumlev with place
    if (hasArg(place)) {
        if (nargs > 2)
            warning("Using sumlev 160 (state-place)\n  Other levels not supported by census api at this time")
        geo.obj <- new(Class = "geo", api.for = list(place = place), api.in = list(state = state),
            name = paste(place.name, state.name, sep = ", "), sumlev = 160)
    # sumlev 60 (state-county-county.subdivision)
    if (nargs == 3 && hasArg(county) && hasArg(county.subdivision))
        geo.obj <- new(Class = "geo", api.for = list(`county+subdivision` = county.subdivision),
            api.in = list(state = state, county = county), name = paste(subdivision.name,
              county.name, state.name, sep = ", "), sumlev = 60)
    # sumlev 140 (state-county-tract)
    if (nargs == 3 && hasArg(county) && hasArg(tract))
        geo.obj <- new(Class = "geo", api.for = list(tract = tract), api.in = list(state = state,
            county = county), name = paste("Tract ", tract, ", ", county.name,
            ", ", state.name, sep = ""), sumlev = 140)
    # sumlev 150 (state-county-tract-block.group)
    if (nargs == 4 && hasArg(county) && hasArg(tract) && hasArg(block.group))
        geo.obj <- new(Class = "geo", api.for = list(`block+group` = block.group),
            api.in = list(state = state, county = county, tract = tract), name = paste("Tract ",
              tract, ", Blockgroup ", block.group, ", ", county.name, ", ", state.name,
              sep = ""), sumlev = 150)
    # sumlev 320 (state-msa)
    if (nargs == 2 && hasArg(msa))
        geo.obj <- new(Class = "geo", api.for = list(`metropolitan+statistical+area/micropolitan+statistical+area` = msa),
            api.in = list(state = state), name = paste("MSA ", msa, ", ", state.name,
              sep = ""), sumlev = 320)
    # sumlev 340 (state-csa)
    if (nargs == 2 && hasArg(csa))
        geo.obj <- new(Class = "geo", api.for = list(`combined+statistical+area` = csa),
            api.in = list(state = state), name = paste("CSA ", csa, ", ", state.name,
              sep = ""), sumlev = 340)
    # sumlev 500 (state-congressional.district)
    if (nargs == 2 && hasArg(congressional.district))
        geo.obj <- new(Class = "geo", api.for = list(`congressional+district` = congressional.district),
            api.in = list(state = state), name = paste("Congressional District ",
              congressional.district, ", ", state.name, sep = ""), sumlev = 500)
    # sumlev 510 (state-congressional.district-county)
    if (nargs == 3 && hasArg(county) && hasArg(congressional.district))
        geo.obj <- new(Class = "geo", api.for = list(county = county), api.in = list(state = state,
            `congressional+district` = congressional.district), name = paste(county.name,
            ", Congressional District ", congressional.district, ", ", state.name,
            sep = ""), sumlev = 510)
    # sumlev 610 (state-state.leg.upper)
    if (nargs == 2 && hasArg(state.legislative.district.upper)) {
        # turn to string exactly three characters long
        if (state.legislative.district.upper != "*")
            state.legislative.district.upper <- str_sub(paste("000", state.legislative.district.upper,
              sep = ""), -3, -1)
        geo.obj <- new(Class = "geo", api.for = list(`state+legislative+district+(upper+chamber)` = state.legislative.district.upper),
            api.in = list(state = state), name = paste("State Legislative District (upper chamber) ",
              state.legislative.district.upper, ", ", state.name, sep = ""),
            sumlev = 610)
    # sumlev 620 (state-state.leg.lower)
    if (nargs == 2 && hasArg(state.legislative.district.lower)) {
        # turn to string exactly three characters long
        if (state.legislative.district.lower != "*")
            state.legislative.district.lower <- str_sub(paste("000", state.legislative.district.lower,
              sep = ""), -3, -1)
        geo.obj <- new(Class = "geo", api.for = list(`state+legislative+district+(lower+chamber)` = state.legislative.district.lower),
            api.in = list(state = state), name = paste("State Legislative District (lower chamber) ",
              state.legislative.district.lower, ", ", state.name, sep = ""),
            sumlev = 620)
    # sumlev 795 (state-puma)
    if (nargs == 2 && hasArg(puma))
        geo.obj <- new(Class = "geo", api.for = list(`public+use+microdata+area` = puma),
            api.in = list(state = state), name = paste("Public Use Microdata Area ",
              puma, ", ", state.name, sep = ""), sumlev = 795)
    # sumlev 950 (state-school.elementary)
    if (nargs == 2 && hasArg(school.district.elementary))
        geo.obj <- new(Class = "geo", api.for = list(`school+district+(elementary)` = school.district.elementary),
            api.in = list(state = state), name = paste(school.district.elementary.name,
              ", ", state.name, sep = ""), sumlev = 950)
    # sumlev 960 (state-school.secondary)
    if (nargs == 2 && hasArg(school.district.secondary))
        geo.obj <- new(Class = "geo", api.for = list(`school+district+(secondary)` = school.district.secondary),
            api.in = list(state = state), name = paste(school.district.secondary.name,
              ", ", state.name, sep = ""), sumlev = 960)
    # sumlev 970 (state-school.unified)
    if (nargs == 2 && hasArg(school.district.unified))
        geo.obj <- new(Class = "geo", api.for = list(`school+district+(unified)` = school.district.unified),
            api.in = list(state = state), name = paste(school.district.unified.name,
              ", ", state.name, sep = ""), sumlev = 970)
    # fail if still no match
    if (!is.geo(geo.obj)) {
        stop("No valid geography from these arguments;\n  Perhaps add or drop levels from this request?")
nealrichardson/acs documentation built on May 23, 2019, 1:30 p.m.