#' gganatogram
#' This function plots anatograms of specified tissues, species, and sex .
#' @param data The main data frame consisting of what organs to plot,
#' colours, and values. Default is NULL
#' @param outline logical indicating if the outline of the organism
#' should be plotted
#' @param organism The organism to be plotted. Currently,
#' only \code{human} is accepted.
#' @param sex Sex of the organism
#' @param fill How to fill
#' @param fillOutline Fill colour of outline. Default is #a6bddb
#' @param anatogram A list, similar to \code{\link{hgMale_list}}
#' that will create the outline and has the corresponding organ
#' \code{data.frame}s in that list
#' @param ggplot2_only If \code{TRUE}, will try to use only
#' \code{ggplot2} functionality
#' @keywords anatogram tissues organs
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats complete.cases
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import ggpolypath
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' #First lets just plot the outline. Only male human is possible now
#' gganatogram(fillOutline='#a6bddb', organism='human',
#' sex='male', fill="colour")
#' gganatogram(fillOutline='#a6bddb', organism='human',
#' sex='female', fill="colour")
#' gganatogram(fillOutline='#a6bddb', organism='mouse',
#' sex='Male', fill="colour")
#' #To add organs, create a data frame with specified tissues
#' organPlot <- data.frame(organ = c("heart", "leukocyte", "nerve", "brain",
#' "liver", "stomach", "colon"),
#' type = c("circulation", "circulation",
#' "nervous system", "nervous system", "digestion", "digestion",
#' "digestion"),
#' colour = c("red", "red", "purple", "purple", "orange",
#' "orange", "orange"),
#' value = c(10, 5, 1, 8, 2, 5, 5),
#' stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
#' gganatogram(data=organPlot, fillOutline='#a6bddb',
#' organism='human', sex='male', fill="colour")
#' #We can also remove the outline
#' oplot = gganatogram(data=organPlot, outline=FALSE, fillOutline='#a6bddb',
#' organism='human', sex='male', fill="colour")
#' oplot
#' oplot + facet_wrap(~type)
#' library(dplyr)
#' organPlot %>%
#' dplyr::filter(type %in% 'circulation') %>%
#' gganatogram(fillOutline='#a6bddb', organism='human',
#' sex='male', fill="colour")
#' organPlot %>%
#' dplyr::filter(type %in% c('circulation', 'nervous system')) %>%
#' gganatogram(fillOutline='#a6bddb', organism='human',
#' sex='male', fill="value") +
#' theme_void() +
#' scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high = "red")
#' #Use hgMale_key to find all tissues to plot
#' hgMale_key = gganatogram::hgMale_key
#' head(hgMale_key)
#' all_tissues = gganatogram(data=hgMale_key, fillOutline='#a6bddb',
#' organism='human', sex='male', fill="colour")
#' all_tissues + theme_void()
#' all_tissues + theme_void() + facet_wrap(~type, ncol=3)
#' col_fill = gganatogram(data=hgMale_key, fillOutline='#a6bddb',
#' organism='human', sex='male', fill="colour")
#' col_fill
#' val_fill = gganatogram(data=hgMale_key, fillOutline='#a6bddb',
#' organism='human', sex='male', fill="value")
#' val_fill
#' col_fill +facet_wrap(~type, ncol=3) + theme_void()
gganatogram <- function(
data = NULL,
outline = TRUE,
fillOutline = 'lightgray',
organism = "human",
sex = 'male',
fill = 'colour',
anatogram = NULL,
ggplot2_only = FALSE) {
anatogram = get_anatogram(
anatogram = anatogram,
organism = organism,
sex = sex)
if (is.null(anatogram)) {
stop("Defaults for organism not present. anatogram must be specified")
nd <- names(anatogram)
out_in <- "outline" %in% nd
if (out_in) {
outliner <- anatogram$outline
} else {
keep = grepl("outline", nd)
if (!any(keep) && outline) {
stop("No outline is present in anatogram")
outline <- FALSE
if (sum(keep) > 1) {
warning("Multiple outlines detected, keeping first")
outliner = anatogram[[which(keep)[1]]]
path_func = ggpolypath::geom_polypath
poly_func = ggpolypath::geom_polypath
if (ggplot2_only) {
path_func = ggplot2::geom_path
poly_func = ggplot2::geom_polygon
p <- ggplot2::ggplot(anatogram$fillFigure,
ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = -y))
if (outline) {
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_polygon( fill=fillOutline )
if (ggplot2_only) {
p <- p + path_func(
data = outliner, aes(group = group),
colour = 'black',
size = 0.2)
} else {
p <- p + path_func(
data = outliner, aes(group = group),
fill = fillOutline,
colour = 'black',
size = 0.2)
make_color = function(x) {
with_u = "colour" %in% names(x)
without_u = "color" %in% names(x)
if (with_u & !without_u) {
x$color = x$colour
if (!with_u & without_u) {
x$colour = x$color
if (!is.null(data) && nrow(data) > 0) {
for (Norgan in 1:nrow(data)){
mapOrgans <- anatogram[names(anatogram) %in% data[Norgan,]$organ]
mapOrgans <- lapply(mapOrgans, function(x) {
dataOrgan <- data[Norgan,]
x$value <- dataOrgan[match(x$id, dataOrgan$organ),]$value
x$type <- dataOrgan[match(x$id, dataOrgan$organ),]$type
dat = do.call(rbind, mapOrgans)
dat = make_color(dat)
dat = dat[stats::complete.cases(dat), ]
if (fill == 'colour' || fill == "color") {
organColour <- data[Norgan, ]$colour
p <-
p + poly_func(
data = dat,
aes(group = group),
fill = organColour,
colour = "black",
size = 0.2
} else if (fill == 'value') {
p <-
p + poly_func(
data = dat,
ggplot2::aes(fill = value, group=group),
colour = "black",
size = 0.2
} else {
p <-
p + path_func(
data = dat,
colour = "black",
size = 0.2)
} else {
# warning("No data to plot")
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