
Defines functions ensure_nii_gz

Documented in ensure_nii_gz

#' @name checkniigz-methods
#' @docType methods 
#' @aliases checkniigz
#' @description Ensures the output to be a character filename (or vector) 
#' from an input
#' image or \code{nifti}, to be gzipped and has \code{.nii.gz} extension
#' @title Force object to filename with .nii.gz extension
#' @param file character or \code{nifti} object
#' @param ... options passed to \code{\link{checkimg}}
#' @return Character filename of image or temporary nii, 
#' with .nii.gz extension
#' @export
#' @author John Muschelli \email{muschellij2@@gmail.com}
#' @examples 
#' set.seed(5)
#' dims = rep(10, 3)
#' arr = array(rnorm(prod(dims)), dim = dims)
#' arr[,,10] = 0
#' nim = oro.nifti::nifti(arr)
#' rnifti = RNifti::asNifti(nim)
#' timg = tempimg(nim)
#' limg = list(factor(timg), factor(timg))
#' func = checkniigz
#' func(nim)
#' func(rnifti)
#' func(timg)
#' func(limg)
setGeneric("checkniigz", function(file, ...) standardGeneric("checkniigz"))

#' @rdname checkniigz-methods
#' @aliases checkniigz,nifti-method
#' @export
setMethod("checkniigz", "nifti", function(file, ...) { 
  file = checkimg(file, gzipped = TRUE, ...)

#' @rdname checkniigz-methods
#' @aliases checkniigz,ANY-method
#' @export
setMethod("checkniigz", "ANY", function(file, ...) {
  # workaround because can't get class
  if (inherits(file, "niftiImage")) {
    tfile = tempfile(fileext = ".nii.gz")
    RNifti::writeNifti(image = file, file = tfile, ...)
  } else {
    stop("Not implemented for this type!")

#' @rdname checkniigz-methods
#' @aliases checkniigz,factor-method
#' @export
setMethod("checkniigz", "factor", function(file, ...) { 
  file = as.character(file)
  return(checkniigz(file, ...))

#' @rdname checkniigz-methods
#' @aliases checkniigz,character-method
#' @importFrom R.utils gzip
#' @export
setMethod("checkniigz", "character", function(file, ...) { 
  ### add vector capability
  if (length(file) > 1) {
    file = sapply(file, checkniigz, ...)
  } else {
    file = checkimg(file, gzipped = TRUE, ...)
    if (!grepl("[.]gz$", file)) {
      file = R.utils::gzip(filename = file, 
                  temporary = TRUE, 
                  overwrite = TRUE, 
                  remove = FALSE)
    if (!grepl("[.]nii[.]gz$", file)) {
      stop("Original file was not .nii or .nii.gz")

#' @rdname checkniigz-methods
#' @aliases checkniigz,list-method
#' @export
setMethod("checkniigz", "list", function(file, ...) { 
  ### add vector capability
  file = sapply(file, checkniigz, ...)

#' @rdname checkniigz-methods
#' @aliases ensure_nii_gz
#' @export
ensure_nii_gz = function(file, ...) { 
  checkniigz(file = file, ...)
neuroconductor-devel/neurobase documentation built on May 6, 2021, 1:48 p.m.