
Defines functions reg_to_t1

Documented in reg_to_t1

#' Register Images to Another image (usually T1)
#' @param x List of images or character vector.  Must be named with
#' the imaging modalities. The \code{reg_space} file must be included
#' @param gs_space space the Gold Standard is located (if applicable)
#' @param interpolator interpolation done in \code{\link{registration}}
#' @param outdir Output directory
#' @param verbose print diagnostic messages
#' @param gs_interpolator interpolation done in \code{\link{registration}}
#' for gold standard
#' @param reg_space space to register images to
#' @param suffix Name to append to the image filename
#' @param remove_negative After registration, any values < 0 are set to 0
#' @param zero_origin Should the origin be set to 0 for the
#' image to be registered to?
#' @return List of Images
#' @export
#' @importFrom neurobase nii.stub
#' @importFrom extrantsr ants_apply_transforms
reg_to_t1 = function(
  gs_space = NULL,
  interpolator = "Linear",
  gs_interpolator = "NearestNeighbor",
  outdir = tempdir(),
  verbose = TRUE,
  reg_space = "T1",
  suffix = "_regtoT1",
  remove_negative = TRUE,
  zero_origin = FALSE
) {

  nii_names = names(x)
  nii_names = toupper(nii_names)
  if (length(nii_names) != length(x)) {
    stop("x must be a named vector or named list")
  if (!(reg_space %in% nii_names)) {
    stop(paste0(reg_space, " must be in the images vector"))
  x = checkimg(x)
  x = lapply(x, identity)
  names(x) = nii_names

  gold_standard = x$GOLD_STANDARD
  nii_names = nii_names[ !(nii_names %in% "GOLD_STANDARD") ]
  x = x[nii_names]
  if (!is.null(gold_standard)) {
    if (is.null(gs_space)) {
      stop("gs_space must be specified if gold_standard specified")
    gs_space = match.arg(gs_space, choices = names(x))
    gold_standard = checkimg(gold_standard)

  # Making fname stubs
  fnames = file.path(
  names(fnames) = nii_names

  registrations = paste0(nii.stub(fnames),
  registrations = registrations[
    !(names(registrations) %in% reg_space)]

  les_fname = file.path(
    paste0("GOLD_STANDARD", suffix, ".nii.gz")
  if (!is.null(gold_standard)) {
    all_fnames = c(fnames, GOLD_STANDARD = les_fname)
  } else {
    all_fnames = fnames

  if (verbose > 0) {
    message(paste0("Registering Images to ", reg_space))

  if (!all_exists(all_fnames)) {
    # t1 doesn't need to register to itself
    t1 = x[[reg_space]]
    t1_fname = fnames[reg_space]
    file.copy(t1, t1_fname, overwrite = TRUE)
    if (zero_origin) {
      set_origin_zero(c(t1, t1_fname))
    # removing T1 from the image list
    x = x[ !(names(x) %in% reg_space)]
    fnames = fnames[ !(names(fnames) %in% reg_space)]

    # run registration
    reg = mapply(function(run_img, run_name, fname) {
      if (verbose > 0) {
        message(paste0("Registering ", run_name, " to ", reg_space))
      outprefix = nii.stub(fname)
      res = registration(
        filename = run_img,
        template.file = t1,
        skull_strip = FALSE,
        correct = FALSE,
        outfile = fname,
        outprefix = outprefix,
        typeofTransform = "Rigid",
        interpolator = interpolator,
        verbose = verbose > 1,
        retimg = TRUE)
      if (remove_negative) {
        img = res$outfile
        img[ img < 0] = 0
        writenii(img, filename = fname)
    }, x, names(x), fnames, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
    registrations = lapply(reg, function(x) {

    registrations = lapply(reg, function(x) {

    # gold standard applying
    if (!is.null(gold_standard)) {
      # if T1 space - then just copy over
      # no registration needed
      if (gs_space != reg_space) {
        transformlist = reg[[gs_space]]$fwdtransforms
        gs_img = ants_apply_transforms(
          fixed = t1,
          moving = gold_standard,
          transformlist = transformlist,
          interpolator = gs_interpolator)
        writenii(gs_img, filename = les_fname)
      } else {
        file.copy(gold_standard, les_fname, overwrite = TRUE)
        # shoudl we zero origin here?
        # Above will have do this
        if (zero_origin) {
          set_origin_zero(c(gold_standard, les_fname))

  res_imgs = lapply(
  L = list(images = res_imgs,
           registrations = registrations

neuroconductor-devel/smri.process documentation built on Sept. 5, 2019, 8:01 p.m.