
Defines functions nii2RData

Documented in nii2RData

#' Read NIfTI Image(s) File(s) into R data
#' This function can take NIfTI data file(s) (the file extension is "nii.gz" or "nii") as input
#' (you only need to specify the name of file before extension) and transform them
#' into RData file(s) (in the form of .RData).
#' @author Xubo Yue, Chia-Wei Hsu (tester), Jian Kang (maintainer)
#' @param niiFile1 the NIfTI data file(s) (containing information of fMRI of patient(s))
#' you would like to use. If you want to read more than one file, you can either type in the name in
#' the form of vector string, or call this function for several times.
#' @param resolution the resolution of your region data. It can take "2mm" as default.
#' If user would like to use 3mm resolution, type in "3mm".
#' @param saveName whether to save processed imaging data.
#' If you do not have enough space or do not want to use space to store processed data,
#' just type in "None" (default); otherwise you need to specify name in this argument.
#' For example, saveName="myName.RData".
#' @param regionCode the region code provided by user or default.
#' It should have 3 columns with index, region code and region name.
#' @param niiFile2 the NIfTI region file you would like to use. It has default NIfTI file
#' and can be left as blank if no region file provided.
#' @param imgPath the directory where your NIfTI file(s) is (are) located.
#' It chooses your current working directory as default.
#' @param datPath the directory where you would like to store .RData file(s).
#' It chooses your current working directory as default.
#' @return the processed imaging data.
#' @details This function must accept the NIfTI imaging data as argument to manipulate
#' the raw data to processed R data. The file extension is "nii.gz" or "nii".
#' You only need to specify the name of file without extension in the function argument.
#' For example, your interested imaging file is called "brain.nii.gz" or "brain.nii".
#' You only need to write niiFile1="brain" in the first argument rather than "brain.nii.gz"
#' or something else. The package can either use its default region code and region data
#' or use user-defined region information. \cr
#' Here are some notes which may be useful: \cr
#' (1) When reading multiple imaging files, make sure they have the same resolution,
#' region code and region data.
#' (2) If you would like to read multiple imaging files, and if you did not use
#' saveName="None" argument, it can sometimes take a large storage. For example,
#' if you read 100 files, then 100 "RData" files will be generated and thus take
#' a large storage space. Thus, saveName="None" is highly recommended in this case.
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' #It will take more than 10 s to run
#' #write data into temp file
#' filePath <- tempdir()
#' #the nii.gz fMRI imaging file is created (toy example)
#' oro.nifti::writeNIfTI(brainKCCA::input_img, paste(filePath, "/",  "temp", sep=""))
#' #read fMRI data
#' testcase1 <- nii2RData(niiFile1 = "temp", resolution = "3mm", imgPath = filePath)
#' }

nii2RData<-function(niiFile1, resolution="2mm", saveName="None", regionCode="", niiFile2="",
                    imgPath=getwd(), datPath=getwd()){

  cat("Reading nii files...this progress may take a long time...", "\n")

  if(niiFile2=="") {
    for(i in 1:dim(regionIdx)[1]){
      if(i==1) pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = dim(regionIdx)[1], style = 3)
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
      temp<- rbind(temp,t(as.matrix(colMeans(coords2mm[which(aal_region_2mm==regionIdx[i,1],arr.ind = F),]))))

    user<-list(aal_region_2mm, regionIdx)
  else user<-regionList(niiFile2, regionCode, resolution)

  region_select = (user[[1]]>0)
  regioncode = user[[1]][region_select]


  for(i in 1:length(niiFile1)){
    cat("\n", "reading data ", i, "\n" )
    input_img = oro.nifti::readNIfTI(fname=file.path(imgPath,paste(niiFile1[i],".nii.gz", sep="")))
    time_points = dim(input_img)[4]
    imgdat[[i]] = matrix(0,nrow=time_points,ncol=sum(region_select))
    for(j in 1:time_points){
      if(j==1) pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = time_points, style = 3)
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, j)
      temp_img = input_img[,,,j]
      imgdat[[i]][j,] = temp_img[region_select]
    division<- cumsum(table(regioncode))


  if(saveName!="None") {
    cat("\n", "saving data...","\n")

  cat("\n", "Completed...", "\n")

neuroconductor/brainKCCA documentation built on May 18, 2021, 3:34 a.m.