
Defines functions corr_img

Documented in corr_img

#' @title Neighborhood Correlation Image
#' @description Calculates the neighborhood of 2 registered images, and then
#' does the correlation of each neighbor with itself in the other imaging modality
#' @param img1 image of class \code{nifti}, \code{antsImage}, \code{character}
#' @param img2 image of class \code{nifti}, \code{antsImage}, \code{character}
#' @param mask Binary image of class \code{nifti}, 
#' \code{antsImage}, \code{character}.  Only neighborhoods inside the mask 
#' will be taken
#' @param radius vector of length 3 for number of voxels to go in each direction.
#' Default is 27 neighbors (including voxel at center).  
#' Passed to \code{\link{getNeighborhoodInMask}}.
#' @param method Type of correlation.
#' @param verbose print diagnostic messages
#' @return Object of class \code{nifti}
#' @export 
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' corr_img("T1_Image.nii.gz", "FLAIR_Image.nii.gz", mask = "Mask.nii.gz")
#' }
#' @importFrom matrixStats colCounts
corr_img = function(
  mask = NULL, 
  radius = rep(1,3), 
  method = c("pearson", "spearman"),
  verbose = TRUE){
  method = match.arg(method)
  img1 = check_ants(img1)
  img2 = check_ants(img2)
  if (is.null(mask)) {
    mask = array(1, dim = dim(img1))
    mask = as.antsImage(mask)
    mask = antsCopyImageInfo(
      target = mask, 
      reference = img1)
  xmask = mask
  mask = check_ants(mask)
  if (verbose) {
    message("Checking dimensions of images")
    same_dims(img1, img2, mask)
  # col_scale = function(x){
  #   cm = colMeans(x, na.rm = TRUE)
  #   csd = colSds(x, center = cm,
  #                na.rm = TRUE)
  #   x = t( (t(x) - cm) / csd )
  # }
  # neigh = function(img, mask, radius, method){
  #   grads = getNeighborhoodInMask(
  #     image = img, 
  #     mask = mask, 
  #     radius = radius,
  #     spatial.info = TRUE)
  #   # not_zero = grads1$offsets != 0
  #   # neighbor = rowSums(not_zero) > 0
  #   if (method == "spearman") {
  #     grads$values = colRanks(grads$values, 
  #                             ties.method = "average",
  #                             preserveShape = TRUE)
  #   }
  #   grads$values = col_scale(
  #     grads$values)
  #   return(grads)
  # }
  if (verbose) {
    message("Getting Neighborhood for Image 1")
  neigh1 = scaled_neighborhood(img = img1, 
                      mask = mask, 
                      radius = radius,
                      method = method,
                      center = TRUE,
                      scale = TRUE,                      
                      verbose = verbose)
  # neigh1 = neigh(img = img1, 
  #                mask = mask, 
  #                radius = radius,
  #                method = method)
  if (verbose) {
    message("Getting Neighborhood for Image 2")
  neigh2 = scaled_neighborhood(img = img2, 
                               mask = mask, 
                               radius = radius,
                               method = method,
                               center = TRUE,
                               scale = TRUE,                               
                               verbose = verbose)  
  # neigh2 = neigh(img = img2,
  #                mask = mask, 
  #                radius = radius,
  #                method = method)
  if (verbose) {
    message("Calculating Correlations")
  corrs = neigh1$values * neigh2$values
  nNA <- colCounts(corrs, 
                   value = NA_real_, 
                   na.rm = FALSE)
  n = nrow(corrs) - nNA  
  corrs = colSums(corrs, na.rm = TRUE)
  corrs = corrs / (n - 1)
  # divide by n - 1
  # corrs = colMeans(corrs, na.rm = TRUE)

  # #####################
  # # Must ADD 1 because they are 0-indexed!
  # #####################
  # if (verbose) {
  #   message("Reordering indices from ANTsR output")
  # } 
  # out = reorder_neighborhood(neigh1,
  #                            img.dim = dim(img1))
  # ord = out$order_ind
  # corrs = corrs[ ord ]
  if (verbose) {
    message("Creating Output Image")
  xmask = check_nifti(xmask)
  ximg = xmask
  ximg[xmask == 1] = corrs
  ximg = cal_img(ximg)
  ximg = datatyper(ximg, 
                   datatype = 
                   bitpix = 
  rm(list = c("img1", "img2", "mask", "xmask"))
  rm(list = c("neigh1", "neigh2"))
  for (i in 1:10) {
neuroconductor/extrantsr documentation built on Sept. 28, 2020, 11:31 a.m.