#### Package name ####
PKG <- read.dcf("../DESCRIPTION", fields = "Package")[1]
library(PKG, character.only = TRUE)
## Docker containers must be lowercase
pkg <- tolower(PKG)
#### Username of DockerHub account ####
docker_org <- params$docker_org
docker_registry <- params$docker_registry 
cont <- params$cont 
docker_url <- if(grepl("ghcr.io",docker_registry)){
} else {


r PKG is now available via r docker_registry as a containerised environment with Rstudio and all necessary dependencies pre-installed.

Method 1: via Docker

First, install Docker if you have not already.

Create an image of the Docker container in command line:

docker pull `r cont`

Once the image has been created, you can launch it with:

docker run \
  -d \
  -e ROOT=true \
  -e PASSWORD="<your_password>" \
  -v ~/Desktop:/Desktop \
  -v /Volumes:/Volumes \
  -p 8900:8787 \
  `r cont`


Method 2: via Singularity

If you are using a system that does not allow Docker (as is the case for many institutional computing clusters), you can instead install Docker images via Singularity.

singularity pull docker://`r cont`

For troubleshooting, see the Singularity documentation.


Finally, launch the containerised Rstudio by entering the following URL in any web browser: http://localhost:8900/

Login using the credentials set during the Installation steps.

Session Info


neurogenomics/MultiEWCE documentation built on Feb. 18, 2025, 6:43 p.m.