
#' Read in malt quality data
#' @description
#' Loads malt quality data typically received in the University of Minnesota
#' Barley Breeding Group. This data often comes from the USDA Cereal Laboratory
#' in Madison, Wisconsin. Data from this lab is usually formatted consistently,
#' permitting use of a common function.
#' @param files A \code{character} vector of filenames or filepaths of the malt
#' quality Excel files to read in.
#' @param tidy A \code{logical} indicating whether the output should be in tidy
#' format. See \code{Details} or \code{\link[tidyr]{gather}}
#' @return A \code{list} with the following elements:
#' $data A \code{data.frame} of malting quality values for experimental entries
#' $stats A \code{data.frame} of summary statistics from each of the batches
#' $checks A \code{data.frame} of malting quality values for the laboratory checks
#' @import readr
#' @import dplyr
#' @import stringr
#' @importFrom readxl read_excel
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @export
read_maltq <- function(files, tidy = FALSE) {

  ## Error reporting
  # Make sure the files are Excel files
  if ( !all(endsWith(x = files, suffix = c(".xlsx")) | endsWith(x = files, suffix = c(".xls"))) )
    stop("The filenames in 'files' do not have the extension '.xls' or '.xlsx'.")

  # Blank output list
  maltq.compiled <- list()

  # Iterate over the files, read in the data, and reformat
  for (f in files) {

    # Read in the file
    data.f <- read_excel(path = f, col_names = FALSE) %>%
      # Remove columns that are all NA
      select(which(colMeans(is.na(.)) != 1))

    # Record the table number
    table.no <- data.f[2,1] %>%

    # Remove the first two rows
    data.f1 <- data.f %>%

    # Subset the next 3 rows (these are the variable identifiers)
    var.names <- slice(data.f1, 1:3) %>%
      # Collapse into a single string
      apply(X = ., MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(var) paste0(na.omit(var), collapse = "")) %>%
      # Remove spaces
      str_replace_all(pattern = " ", replacement = "") %>%
      str_replace_all(pattern = "\"", replacement = "") %>%

    # Replace the names in the dataset
    data.f2 <- slice(data.f1, -c(1:3))
    names(data.f2) <- make.names(var.names)

    # Find the next row with the table name
    table.row <- which(data.f2$LabNo. == table.no)
    # If that table name does not occur again, skip
    if (length(table.row) != 0) {
      # Remove that row and the next 3 rows
      to.remove <- as.numeric(sapply(X = table.row, FUN = function(row) seq(row, row + 3)))
      data.f2 <- slice(data.f2, -to.remove)

    # Find the row with "Coefficients of Variation"
    coef.row <- which(select(data.f2, LabNo.) == "Coefficients of Variation")
    # Remove all data after this row
    data.f3 <- slice(data.f2, -((coef.row + 1):nrow(data.f2)))

    # Iterate over the variable names except for LabNo. and VarietyorSelection,
    ## extract numeric values, and replace those values in the data.frame
    data.f4 <- suppressWarnings({ data.f3 %>%
      mutate_at(vars(-LabNo., -VarietyorSelection), .funs = parse_number) }) %>%
      # Remove rows with all NA
      slice(which(rowMeans(is.na(.)) != 1)) %>%
      # Add a new column with the table number
      mutate(Batch = table.no)

    # Cut out the checks
    data.check <- data.f4 %>%
      filter(str_detect(VarietyorSelection, "MALT CHECK"))

    # Cut out the stats
    data.stats <- data.f4 %>%
      filter(str_detect(LabNo., "^[^0-9]{1,}"))

    # Create a final data.frame
    data.f5 <- dplyr::setdiff(data.f4, bind_rows(data.stats, data.check))

    # Add to the list
    maltq.compiled[[table.no]] <- list(data = data.f5, checks = data.check, stats = data.stats)

  # Combine each set of data.frames
  maltq.data <- maltq.compiled %>%
    map(function(table_list) table_list$data) %>%
    bind_rows() %>%

  maltq.stats <- maltq.compiled %>%
    map(function(table_list) table_list$stats) %>%

  maltq.checks <- maltq.compiled %>%
    map(function(table_list) table_list$checks) %>%

  # The names of the data.frames
  df_names <- c("maltq.data", "maltq.stats", "maltq.checks")

  # Iterate over names and gather the df
  df_list <- list(maltq.data, maltq.stats, maltq.checks)

  names(df_list) <- df_names

  # Rearrange if requested
  if (tidy) {

    df_list <- df_list %>%
      map(gather, key = "Parameter", value = "value", -VarietyorSelection, -Batch, -LabNo.)

    # Output list

  } else { # Otherwise just output a list

    # Output list


} # Close the function
neyhartj/barleypheno documentation built on May 23, 2019, 4:29 p.m.