
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
args = commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE);


#' Linprog Function
#' This linear program function accepts an input table object as a parameter. The function solves the linear program. The constraints cannot be parameterized in the function via arguments. 
#' @param inputMatrix An input table with dimension-tasks as columns and visual encodings as rows, with each corresponding cell containing a rank.
#' @keywords Dynamo, linear programming
#' @export
#' @examples
#' linprog()
linprog <- function(inputMatrix) {
  if (!requireNamespace("Rsymphony", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("RSymphony package required for this function to work. Please install and/or load it. Also, as a very important note, Rsymphony depends on the Symphony solver, which must be installed separately! The Symphony solver can be downloaded from https://projects.coin-or.org/SYMPHONY. It is also available through homebrew for Mac users: https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-science/blob/master/symphony.rb",
         call. = FALSE)
  if (!requireNamespace("plyr", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("plyr package required for this function to work. Pleae install and/or load it.",
         call. = FALSE)
  num.tasks <- dim(inputMatrix)[2]
  num.encodings <- dim(inputMatrix)[1]
  mat.0 <- inputMatrix*0
  mat.utility.0 <- inputMatrix*0
  mat <- laply(1:num.encodings, function(ii) { x <- mat.0; x[ii, ] <- 1; as.double(x) })
  dir <- rep('<=', num.encodings)
  rhs <- rep(1, num.encodings)
  # Parity is still an issue, so that needs to be fixed next.
  lambda <- 1
  parity <- c(-lambda, -(-lambda))
  # later on, we'll turn obj.utility into a vector, and tag these on to it
  # add two columns of 0s to the existing constraints, for parity
  mat <- cbind(mat, 0, 0)
  # now for those d.upper and d.lower variables
  # \forall p, \sum_i u_i x_{i,p} - d.upper \le 0
  # \forall p, \sum_i u_i x_{i,p} - d.lower \ge 0
  # so, two more rows per person
  d.constraint <- function(task, ul) { # ul = 1 for upper, 0 for lower
    x<- mat.utility.0
    x[, task ] <- 1
    x <- x * inputMatrix
    c(as.double(x), (if (ul) c(-1,0) else c(0,-1)))
  mat <- rbind(mat, maply(expand.grid(task=1:num.tasks, ul=c(1,0)), d.constraint, .expand=FALSE))
  dir <- c(dir, c(rep('<=', num.tasks), rep('>=', num.tasks)))
  rhs <- c(rhs, rep(0, num.tasks*2))
  # add custom num constraint
  mat <- rbind(mat, 1)
  mat[dim(mat)[1],dim(mat)[2]-1] <- 0
  mat[dim(mat)[1],dim(mat)[2]] <- 0
  dir <- c(dir, "<=")
  rhs <- c(rhs, userNumEncodings)
  # now this is a mixed-integer problem; some Boolean constraints, some continuous
  num.bool.consts <- num.encodings * num.tasks
  num.cont.consts <- 2
  types <- c(rep('B', num.bool.consts), rep('C', num.cont.consts))
  types <- c(types, 'C') #adding another 'C' for userNumEncoding number
  max <- TRUE # maximizing utility
  # finally, create the longer object function matrix
  inputMatrix <- c(as.numeric(inputMatrix), parity)
  soln <- Rsymphony_solve_LP(inputMatrix, mat, dir, rhs, types=types, max=max)
  # ToDo: edit matrix so that there are not more than N (given by user) encodings used in assignment.
  # Could do this by having a row of ones, and making sure the RHS is less than or equal to N.

#' Dynamo Function
#' This function accepts an input table, and a number of other parameters that define the bounds of the linear program run as part of Dynamo.
#' @param testtable An input table with dimension-tasks as columns and visual encodings as rows, with each corresponding cell containing a rank.
#' @param numEnc The number of encodings
#' @param numTask The number of tasks
#' @param userNumEncodings The number of encoding assignments required to be assigned
#' @keywords Dynamo, linear programming
#' @export
#' @examples
#' Dynamo()
Dynamo <- function(testtable, numEnc, numTask, userNumEncodings) {

  if (numEnc <= numTask) {
    # transpose matrix
    rankedJsonMatrix = matrix(unlist(testtable), nrow=numTask, ncol=numEnc)
    colNames <- rankedJsonMatrix[1,]
    colNames <- colNames[2:length(colNames)]
    rowNames <- rankedJsonMatrix[,1]
    rowNames <- rowNames[2:length(rowNames)]
    rankedJsonMatrix = matrix(as.numeric(rankedJsonMatrix[2:numTask,2:numEnc]), nrow=numEnc-1, ncol=numTask-1)
    rownames(rankedJsonMatrix) <- colNames
    colnames(rankedJsonMatrix) <- rowNames
    #userNumEncodings <- dim(as.data.frame(testtable))[1]-1;
    lpres <- linprog(t(rankedJsonMatrix))
    tmdata <- matrix(lpres$solution[1:length(rankedJsonMatrix)], nrow=numTask-1, ncol=numEnc-1)
    colnames(tmdata) <- rownames(rankedJsonMatrix)
    rownames(tmdata) <- colnames(rankedJsonMatrix)
    tmdata <- t(tmdata)
    #write(toJSON(as.data.frame(tmdata)), jsonOutfile);
    print("ran transpose")
  } else {
    # run as is
    rankedJsonMatrix = t(matrix(unlist(testtable), nrow=numTask, ncol=numEnc))
    colNames <- rankedJsonMatrix[1,]
    colNames <- colNames[2:length(colNames)]
    rowNames <- rankedJsonMatrix[,1]
    rowNames <- rowNames[2:length(rowNames)]
    rankedJsonMatrix = matrix(as.numeric(rankedJsonMatrix[2:numEnc,2:numTask]), nrow=numEnc-1, ncol=numTask-1)
    colnames(rankedJsonMatrix) <- colNames
    rownames(rankedJsonMatrix) <- rowNames
    #userNumEncodings <- dim(as.data.frame(testtable))[1]-1;
    lpres <- linprog(rankedJsonMatrix)
    tmdata <- matrix(lpres$solution[1:length(rankedJsonMatrix)], nrow=numEnc-1, ncol=numTask-1)
    colnames(tmdata) <- colnames(rankedJsonMatrix)
    rownames(tmdata) <- rownames(rankedJsonMatrix)
    #write(toJSON(as.data.frame(tmdata)), jsonOutfile);
    print("ran as is")


#' Renders network given an iGraph Object and preference matrix
#' This function supports conversion of colors from the HSV scale to Hex scale. This function is a data.frame specific helper (wrapper) function that uses the built-in hsv function under the hood.
#' @param takes a row number (of the data frame that contains Hue, Saturation, and Value in columns 6, 7, and 8 respectively) as input.
#' @keywords graphObject, synMat
#' @export
#' @examples
#' renderGraph()
renderGraph <- function(graphObject, synMat) {
  lpres <- linprog(t(synMat))
  # if normal
  if (dim(synMat)[1] < dim(synMat)[2]) {
    assignedPairs <- which(matrix(as.logical(lpres$solution[1:(length(lpres$solution)-2)]), length(vertex_attr_names(graphObject)), length(encodingOptions)) == T, arr.ind = T)
    llp <- list()
    for (p in as.list(as.data.frame(assignedPairs)) ) {
      cat(rownames(synMat)[p[1]], colnames(synMat)[p[2]], '\n')
      if (colnames(synMat)[p[2]] == "vertex.shape") {
        llp[[colnames(synMat)[p[2]]]] = unlist(lapply(vertex_attr(graphObject, rownames(synMat)[p[1]]), function(x) avail.shapes[((x%%length(avail.shapes))+1)]))
      else {
        llp[[colnames(synMat)[p[2]]]] = vertex_attr(graphObject, rownames(synMat)[p[1]])
  else {
    # if transposed
    assignedPairs <- which(matrix(as.logical(lpres$solution[1:(length(lpres$solution)-2)]), length(encodingOptions)), length(vertex_attr_names(graphObject)) == T, arr.ind = T)
    llp <- list()
    for (p in as.list(as.data.frame(assignedPairs)) ) {
      cat(rownames(synMat)[p[1]], colnames(synMat)[p[2]], '\n')
      if (rownames(synMat)[p[1]] == "vertex.shape") {
        llp[[rownames(synMat)[p[1]]]] = unlist(lapply(vertex_attr(graphObject, colnames(synMat)[p[2]]), function(x) avail.shapes[((x%%length(avail.shapes))+1)]))
        #(function(x) avail.shapes[((x%%length(avail.shapes))+1)])(vertex_attr(g, colnames(synMat)[p[2]]))
      else {
        llp[[rownames(synMat)[p[1]]]] = vertex_attr(graphObject, colnames(synMat)[p[2]])
  llp[['x']] = graphObject
  do.call("plot", llp)

# setwd("./rDynamo")
# document()
# setwd("..")
# install("rDynamo")
ngopal/rDynamo documentation built on May 8, 2019, 11:46 a.m.