get_X_from_formula <- function(formula, data, treat, method, estimand, target = NULL,
s.weights = NULL, target.weights = NULL, focal = NULL,
treat_fixed = NULL) {
formula <- delete.response(terms(formula, data = data))
#Extract treatment variable
treat_name <- attr(treat, "treat_name")
#Process formula, removing treatment variable
formula_without_treat <- remove_treat_from_formula(formula, treat_name)
mf <- model.frame(formula_without_treat, data = data, na.action = "na.pass")
if (anyNA(mf)) {
chk::err("missing values are not allowed in the covariates")
mf <- process_mf(mf)
covs <- model.matrix(formula_without_treat, data = mf)
assign <- attr(formula_without_treat, "term.labels")[attr(covs, "assign")[-1]]
covs <- covs[,-1, drop = FALSE]
#Process target when estimand = "CATE"
if (estimand == "CATE") {
target <- process_target(target, formula_without_treat, mf, target.weights)
#Center covariates at mean based on estimand; only affects weights if there
#are interactions w/ treatment
covs <- center_covs(covs, treat, target, s.weights, focal)
if (is.null(treat_fixed)) {
t_mat <-"cbind", lapply(levels(treat)[-1], function(j) as.numeric(treat == j)))
else {
t_mat <- matrix(as.numeric(levels(treat)[-1] == treat_fixed),
nrow = nrow(covs), ncol = nlevels(treat)-1,
byrow = TRUE)
colnames(t_mat) <- paste0(treat_name, levels(treat)[-1])
if (method == "URI") {
#Reconstruct X from centered covs by multiplying covs that interact with treat
#by treat
interacts_with_treat <- attr(formula_without_treat, "interacts_with_treat")
new.f.terms <- attr(formula_without_treat, "new.f.terms")
X <-"cbind", lapply(seq_along(new.f.terms), function(i) {
if (interacts_with_treat[i]) {"cbind", lapply(which(assign == new.f.terms[i]), function(j) {
out_ <- t_mat * covs[,j]
colnames(out_) <- paste(colnames(t_mat), colnames(covs)[j], sep = ":")
else {
covs[,assign == new.f.terms[i], drop = FALSE]
#Add treatment and intercept to X
X <- cbind(1, t_mat, X)
colnames(X)[1] <- "(Intercept)"
else if (method == "MRI") {
#Reconstruct X from centered covs by multiplying all covs by treat and adding
#treat and intercept
covs_int <-"cbind", lapply(seq_len(ncol(covs)), function(i) {
out <- t_mat * covs[,i]
colnames(out) <- paste(colnames(t_mat), colnames(covs)[i], sep = ":")
X <- cbind(1, t_mat, covs, covs_int)
colnames(X)[1] <- "(Intercept)"
attr(mf, "terms") <- NULL
list(X = X, mf = mf, target = target)
center_covs <- function(covs, treat, target = NULL, s.weights = NULL, focal = NULL) {
if (!is.null(focal)) {
sweep(covs, 2L, colMeans_w(covs, s.weights, subset = treat == focal), check.margin = FALSE)
else if (!is.null(target)) {
sweep(covs, 2L, target, check.margin = FALSE)
else {
sweep(covs, 2L, colMeans_w(covs, s.weights), check.margin = FALSE)
remove_treat_from_formula <- function(formula, treat) {
tt.factors <- attr(terms(formula), "factors")
if (NCOL(tt.factors) > 0) {
tt.factors <- tt.factors[, colnames(tt.factors) != treat, drop = FALSE]
#Extract terms that interact w/ treat
new.f.terms <- colnames(tt.factors)
interacts_with_treat <- {
if (treat %in% rownames(tt.factors)) tt.factors[treat,] > 0
else rep(FALSE, NCOL(tt.factors))
#Remove treat from interactions
for (i in seq_along(new.f.terms)[interacts_with_treat]) {
new.f.terms[i] <- paste(rownames(tt.factors)[rownames(tt.factors) != treat & tt.factors[, i] != 0], collapse = ":")
#Reconstruct formula and dataset without treat
formula_without_treat <- {
if (length(new.f.terms) == 0) terms(~1)
else terms(reformulate(new.f.terms, intercept = TRUE))
attr(formula_without_treat, "new.f.terms") <- new.f.terms
attr(formula_without_treat, "interacts_with_treat") <- setNames(interacts_with_treat, new.f.terms)
get_1st_stage_X_from_formula_iv <- function(formula, data, treat, iv, method, estimand, target = NULL,
s.weights = NULL, target.weights = NULL, focal = NULL) {
formula <- delete.response(terms(formula, data = data))
#Extract treatment variable
treat_name <- attr(treat, "treat_name")
#Process formula, removing treatment variable
formula_without_treat <- remove_treat_from_formula(formula, treat_name)
# if (any(attr(formula_without_treat, "interacts_with_treat"))) {
# stop("Treatment-covariate interactions are not permitted in lmw_iv().", call. = FALSE)
# }
mf <- model.frame(formula_without_treat, data = data, na.action = "na.pass")
if (anyNA(mf)) {
chk::err("missing values are not allowed in the covariates")
mf <- process_mf(mf)
covs <- model.matrix(formula_without_treat, data = mf)
assign <- attr(formula_without_treat, "term.labels")[attr(covs, "assign")[-1]]
covs <- covs[,-1, drop = FALSE]
iv_mf <- model.frame(iv, data = data, na.action = "na.pass")
if (anyNA(iv_mf)) {
chk::err("missing values are not allowed in the instrumental variable(s)")
iv_mf <- process_mf(iv_mf)
iv_mm <- model.matrix(iv, data = iv_mf)[,-1, drop = FALSE]
#Process target when estimand = "CATE"
if (estimand == "CATE") {
target <- process_target(target, formula_without_treat, mf, target.weights)
#Center covariates at mean based on estimand; only affects weights if there
#are interactions w/ treatment
covs <- center_covs(covs, treat, target, s.weights, focal)
t_mat <-"cbind", lapply(levels(treat)[-1], function(j) as.numeric(treat == j)))
colnames(t_mat) <- paste0(treat_name, levels(treat)[-1])
if (method == "URI") {
interacts_with_treat <- attr(formula_without_treat, "interacts_with_treat")
new.f.terms <- attr(formula_without_treat, "new.f.terms")
#Create new IVs by interacting with covs that interact w/ treatment
Xiv <- cbind(iv_mm,"cbind", lapply(which(interacts_with_treat), function(i) {"cbind", lapply(which(assign == new.f.terms[i]), function(j) {
out_ <- iv_mm * covs[,j]
colnames(out_) <- paste(colnames(iv_mm), colnames(covs)[j], sep = ":")
#Create 1st stage LHS matrix of endogenous vars from treat and treat-cov interactions
t_int <-"cbind", lapply(which(interacts_with_treat), function(i) {"cbind", lapply(which(assign == new.f.terms[i]), function(j) {
out_ <- t_mat * covs[,j]
colnames(out_) <- paste(colnames(t_mat), colnames(covs)[j], sep = ":")
else if (method == "MRI") {
#Reconstruct X from centered covs by multiplying all covs by treat and adding
#treat and intercept
Xiv <- cbind(iv_mm,"cbind", lapply(seq_len(ncol(covs)), function(i) {
out <- iv_mm * covs[,i]
colnames(out) <- paste(colnames(iv_mm), colnames(covs)[i], sep = ":")
#Create 1st stage LHS matrix of endogenous vars from treat and treat-cov interactions
t_int <-"cbind", lapply(seq_len(ncol(covs)), function(i) {
out <- t_mat * covs[,i]
colnames(out) <- paste(colnames(t_mat), colnames(covs)[i], sep = ":")
#Add intercept and IV to X
X <- cbind(1, covs, Xiv)
colnames(X) <- c("(Intercept)", colnames(covs), colnames(Xiv))
attr(X, "iv_names") <- colnames(Xiv)
A <- cbind(t_mat, t_int)
attr(mf, "terms") <- NULL
list(X = X, mf = mf, target = target, A = A)
get_2nd_stage_X_from_formula_iv <- function(formula, data, treat, treat_fitted, method, estimand, target = NULL,
s.weights = NULL, target.weights = NULL, focal = NULL) {
m <-
m[[1]] <- quote(get_X_from_formula)
m[["treat_fitted"]] <- NULL
out <- eval(m, parent.frame())
out$X[,colnames(treat_fitted)] <- treat_fitted
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