# Function to compute the vector of URI/MRI weights for two treatment groups.
imp.weights = function(data, treatment, outcome = NULL, intercept = TRUE, WLS.weights = NULL, method = 'MRI',
estimand = "ATE", target_val = NULL)
data = as.matrix(data) # convert the data.frame into matrix
Z = data[,treatment] # vector of treatment indicator in the whole sample
# matrix of covariates in the whole sample
if(is.null(outcome) == TRUE)
X = subset(data, select = -which(colnames(data) == treatment))
} else {
X = subset(data, select = -which(colnames(data) %in% c(treatment, outcome)))
n = nrow(data) # sample size
nt = sum(Z) # treatment group size
nc = n - nt # control group size
k = ncol(X) # number of baseline covariates
# matrix of covariates in the treatment and control group.
Xt = X[Z==1,]
Xc = X[Z==0,]
# create the design matrices in the treatment group, control group and overall sample
if(intercept == TRUE)
X_tilde = cbind(int = rep(1,n), X)
X_tilde_t = X_tilde[Z==1,]
X_tilde_c = X_tilde[Z==0,]
if(intercept == FALSE)
X_tilde = X
X_tilde_t = Xt
X_tilde_c = Xc
if(method == 'URI')
# fit a linear regression model of Y on X_tilde and Z in the whole sample
# no matter what the estimand is, the estimator is tau_hat (coefficient of Z)
G = cbind(X_tilde, Z)
# incorporating the WLS weights
if(is.null(WLS.weights) == TRUE)
D = diag((1/n), n)
} else{
D = diag(WLS.weights)
MAT = t(D) %*% G %*% solve(t(G)%*% D %*% G)
w_tilde = MAT[,ncol(MAT)]
w = (2*Z - 1)* w_tilde # final weights (sign changed for control group)
if(method == 'MRI')
w_c = rep(0,nc) # initialize vector of treatment weights
w_t = rep(0,nt) # initialize vector of control weights
if(estimand == 'ATE')
x_star = colMeans(X_tilde)
if(estimand == 'ATT')
x_star = colMeans(X_tilde[Z==1,])
if(estimand == 'ATC')
x_star = colMeans(X_tilde[Z==0,])
if(estimand == 'CATE')
if(intercept == TRUE)
x_star = c(1,target_val)
if(intercept == FALSE)
x_star = target_val
# incorporating the WLS weights
if(is.null(WLS.weights) == TRUE)
Dt = diag((1/nt), nt)
Dc = diag((1/nc), nc)
} else{
Dt = diag(WLS.weights[Z==1])
Dc = diag(WLS.weights[Z==0])
# calculation of weights
for(i in 1:nt)
w_t[i] = Dt[i,i] * (t(X_tilde_t[i,]) %*% solve(t(X_tilde_t)%*% Dt %*% X_tilde_t) %*% as.matrix(x_star))
for(i in 1:nc)
w_c[i] = Dc[i,i]* (t(X_tilde_c[i,]) %*% solve(t(X_tilde_c)%*% Dc %*% X_tilde_c) %*% as.matrix(x_star))
w = rep(0,n) # vector of weights for the full sample
w[Z==1] = w_t
w[Z==0] = w_c
if(estimand == 'ATT') # no model fitted in treatment group, i.e. we use uniform weights in the treatment group
w[Z==1] = 1/nt
if(estimand == 'ATC') # no model fitted in control group, i.e. we use uniform weights in the control group
w[Z==0] = 1/nc
# return a list of objects
# return the vector of weights
# calculate the total ESS = treatment ESS + control ESS
#ess.weights = ess.gen(weights.treat = w[Z==1], weights.control = w[Z==0])
# wave plot of the weights
### Examples
#df.sample = cbind(X,Z,y)
#w_trial_MRI = imp.weights(data = df.sample, treatment = 'Z', outcome = 'y', intercept = TRUE, WLS.weights = NULL, method = 'MRI',
# estimand = "ATE", target_val = NULL)
#w_trial_MRI2 = imp.weights(data = df.sample, treatment = 'Z', outcome = 'y', intercept = TRUE, WLS.weights = NULL, method = 'MRI',
# estimand = "CATE", target_val = colMeans(X))
#w_trial_MRI3 = imp.weights(data = df.sample, treatment = 'Z', outcome = 'y', intercept = TRUE, WLS.weights = NULL, method = 'MRI',
# estimand = "ATT", target_val = NULL)
#w_trial_MRI3 = imp.weights(data = df.sample, treatment = 'Z', outcome = 'y', intercept = TRUE, WLS.weights = NULL, method = 'MRI',
# estimand = "ATT", target_val = NULL)
# example on wls
#xx = rpois(nc,10)
#ww = rep(1/nt, n)
#ww[Z==0] = xx/sum(xx)
#w_trial_MRI4 = imp.weights(data = df.sample, treatment = 'Z', outcome = 'y', intercept = TRUE, WLS.weights = ww, method = 'MRI',
# estimand = "ATT", target_val = NULL)
#w_trial_URI.1 = imp.weights(data = df.sample, treatment = 'Z', outcome = 'y', intercept = TRUE, WLS.weights = NULL, method = 'URI',
# estimand = "ATE", target_val = NULL)
#w_trial_URI.2 = imp.weights(data = df.sample, treatment = 'Z', outcome = 'y', intercept = TRUE, WLS.weights = rep((1/n),n), method = 'URI',
# estimand = "ATT", target_val = NULL)
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