#' System Dynamics
#' @description A fct function
#' @return The return value, if any, from executing the function.
#' @export
#' @noRd
sdm <- function(times, stocks, auxs){
with(as.list(c(stocks, auxs)),{
# converters --------------------------------------------------------------
x.SystemPressureWorkYear <- seq(0, 2.5, by = .25)
y.EffectSystemPressureWorkYear <- c(0.75, 0.79, 0.84, 0.90, 1.0, 1.09, 1.17, 1.23, 1.25, 1.25, 1.25)
func.WorkYear <- approxfun(x = x.SystemPressureWorkYear,
y = y.EffectSystemPressureWorkYear,
method = "linear",
yleft = 0.75, yright = 1.25)
x.SystemPressureProductivity <- seq(0, 2.0, by = .2)
y.EffectSystemPressureProductivity <- c(0.62, 0.65, 0.84, 0.79, 0.89, 1.0, 1.14, 1.24, 1.32, 1.37, 1.4)
func.Productivity <- approxfun(x = x.SystemPressureProductivity,
y = y.EffectSystemPressureProductivity,
method = "linear",
yleft = 0.62, yright = 1.4)
# demographics sector -----------------------------------------------------
# total population
sPopulation <- sPopulation0_14 + sPopulation15_39 + sPopulation40_64 + sPopulation65_plus
# aging chain with delay constants
fRateC1C2 <- sPopulation0_14/D1
fRateC2C3 <- sPopulation15_39/D2
fRateC3C4 <- sPopulation40_64/D3
# flow which moves a material between stocks. For the population, fBirths is an inflow
fBirths <- sPopulation * ( aCrudeBirthRate / 1000 )
# flow which moves a material between stocks. For the population, fDeaths is an outflow
fDeaths <- sPopulation * ( aCrudeDeathRate / 1000 )
# total GP visitations
TotalGPVisits0_14 <- sPopulation0_14 * aAverageGPVisits0_14
TotalGPVisits15_39 <- sPopulation15_39 * aAverageGPVisits15_39
TotalGPVisits40_64 <- sPopulation40_64 * aAverageGPVisits40_64
TotalGPVisits65_plus <- sPopulation65_plus * aAverageGPVisits65plus
# population cohorts
sPopulation0_14 <- fBirths - fRateC1C2
sPopulation15_39 <- fRateC1C2 - fRateC2C3
sPopulation40_64 <- fRateC2C3 - fRateC3C4
sPopulation65_plus <- fRateC3C4 - fDeaths
RetirementRate <- sGeneralPractitioners / aAverageGPCareerDuration
GeneralPractitionerDemand <- TotalGPVisits0_14 + TotalGPVisits15_39 + TotalGPVisits40_64 + TotalGPVisits65_plus
# supply sector -----------------------------------------------------------
DesiredGPs <- sPopulation * aDesiredGPsPer1000sPopulation
AdjustmentforGPs <- (DesiredGPs - sGeneralPractitioners) / aAdjustmentTime
RecruitmentRate <- pmax(0, ExpectedRetirement + AdjustmentforGPs)
# delivery sector ---------------------------------------------------------
fPatientVisits <- GeneralPractitionerDemand
# available capacity can be calculated as the number of standard annual visits that are feasible based on available capacity
StandardAnnualCompletedVisits <- sGeneralPractitioners * aStandardGPWorkYear * aStandardGPProductivity
DesiredCompletedVisits <- sPatientsBeingTreated / aTargetCompletionTime
# this provides information to formulate the outflow of the stock
SystemPressure <- DesiredCompletedVisits / StandardAnnualCompletedVisits
# effect the work year when system pressure flag active
WorkYear <- if(SystemPressureFlag == 1)
func.WorkYear(SystemPressure) * aStandardGPWorkYear else{
# effect the productivity when system pressure flag active
Productivity <- if(SystemPressureFlag == 1)
func.Productivity(SystemPressure) * aStandardGPProductivity else{
PotentialCompletedVisits <- sGeneralPractitioners * Productivity * WorkYear
CompletedVisits <- pmin(PotentialCompletedVisits, DesiredCompletedVisits)
sPatientsBeingTreated <- fPatientVisits - CompletedVisits
sGeneralPractitioners <- RecruitmentRate - RetirementRate
Discrepancy <- RetirementRate - ExpectedRetirement
CERR <- Discrepancy / DC
ExpectedRetirement <- CERR
return (list(c(sPopulation0_14, sPopulation15_39, sPopulation40_64, sPopulation65_plus, sGeneralPractitioners, ExpectedRetirement, sPatientsBeingTreated), # initial conditions vector
fRateC1C2 = fRateC1C2,
fRateC2C3 = fRateC2C3,
fRateC3C4 = fRateC3C4,
fBirths = fBirths,
fDeaths = fDeaths,
sPopulation = sPopulation,
DesiredGPs = DesiredGPs,
RetirementRate = RetirementRate,
RecruitmentRate = RecruitmentRate,
AdjustmentforGPs = AdjustmentforGPs,
StandardAnnualCompletedVisits = StandardAnnualCompletedVisits,
GeneralPractitionerDemand = GeneralPractitionerDemand,
fPatientVisits = fPatientVisits,
SystemPressure = SystemPressure,
PotentialCompletedVisits = PotentialCompletedVisits,
DesiredCompletedVisits = DesiredCompletedVisits,
CompletedVisits = CompletedVisits,
WorkYear = WorkYear,
Productivity = Productivity,
aStandardGPProductivity = aStandardGPProductivity
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