
Defines functions blocks_to_r.While blocks_to_r.For blocks_to_r.If blocks_to_r_brace blocks_to_r.Block blocks_to_r.Break blocks_to_r.Branch blocks_to_r.BlockList blocks_to_r.data.frame blocks_to_r

Documented in blocks_to_r

# FIXME: blocks_to_r() probably doesn't generate code for nested functions.

#' Generate R Code from Basic Blocks
#' This function converts basic blocks back to R code.
#' @param node The basic blocks to convert.
#' @param ... Optional arguments to and from methods.
#' @export
blocks_to_r = function(node, ...) {

#' @export
blocks_to_r.data.frame =
function(node, ...) {
  blocks_to_r.BlockList(as_blocks(node, ...), ...)

#' @export
blocks_to_r.BlockList =
function(node, ...) {
  c(exp, ) := blocks_to_r.Block(entry_block(node), blocks = node$contents, ...)
  as.call(append(as.symbol("{"), exp))

  #params = to_r_params(node$params, ...)

  #call("function", params, exp)

#' @export
blocks_to_r.Branch = function(node, blocks, ...) {
  list(as_language.Branch(node, ...), node$target$name)

#' @export
blocks_to_r.Break = function(node, blocks, ...) {
  list(as_language(node, ...), NA)

#' @export
blocks_to_r.Next = blocks_to_r.Break

#' @export
blocks_to_r.Return = blocks_to_r.Break

#' @export
blocks_to_r.Block = function(node, blocks, ...) {
  all_lines = list()
  # Append blocks until there's a depth change.
  repeat {
    len = length(node)

    lines = lapply(node[-len], as_language, ...)
    c(last, succ) := blocks_to_r(node[[len]], blocks, ...)
    all_lines = c(all_lines, lines, last)

    if (is.na(succ))

    next_block = blocks[[succ]]
    if (node$depth != next_block$depth)

    node = next_block

  list(exp = all_lines, succ = succ)

# Helper function to generate a braced expression from a Block.
blocks_to_r_brace = function(id, blocks, ...) {
  gen = blocks_to_r.Block(blocks[[id]], blocks, ...)
  lines = append(as.symbol("{"), gen[[1]])
  gen[[1]] = as.call(lines)


#' @export
blocks_to_r.If = function(node, blocks, ...) {
  # Rebuild the true branch.
  c(true, succ_t)  := blocks_to_r_brace(node$true$name, blocks, ...)
  c(false, succ_f) := blocks_to_r_brace(node$false$name, blocks, ...)

  # Return successor that's not caused by return/break/next.
  succ = setdiff(c(succ_t, succ_f), NA)
  len = length(succ)
  if (len == 0)
    succ = NA
  else if (len > 1)
    stop("if-statement has successor conflict.")

  condition = as_language(node$condition, ...)

  # Assemble into an if-statement.
  exp = call("if", condition, true, false)

  list(exp = exp, succ = succ)

#' @export
blocks_to_r.For = function(node, blocks, ...) {
  c(body, ) := blocks_to_r_brace(node$body$name, blocks, ...)
  variable = as_language.Symbol(node$variable, ...)
  iterator = as_language(node$iterator, ...)

  exp = call("for", variable, iterator, body)

  list(exp = exp, succ = node$exit$name)

#' @export
blocks_to_r.While =
function(node, blocks, ...) {
  c(body, ) := blocks_to_r_brace(node$body$name, blocks, ...)

  exp =
    if (node$is_repeat) {
      call("repeat", body)
    } else {
      condition = as_language(node$condition, ...)
      call("while", condition, body)

  list(exp = exp, succ = node$exit$name)
nick-ulle/rstatic documentation built on May 14, 2024, 8:10 p.m.